Hawaii Revised Statutes
171. Public Lands, Management and Disposition of
171-95 Disposition to governments, governmental agencies, public utilities, and renewable energy producers.

§171-95 Disposition to governments, governmental agencies, public utilities, and renewable energy producers. (a) Notwithstanding any limitations to the contrary, the board of land and natural resources may, without public auction:
(1) Sell public lands at such price and on such other terms and conditions as the board may deem proper to governments, including the United States, city and county, counties, other governmental agencies authorized to hold lands in fee simple and public utilities;
(2) Lease to the governments, agencies, public utilities, and renewable energy producers public lands for terms up to, but not in excess of, sixty-five years at such rental and on such other terms and conditions as the board may determine;
(3) Grant licenses and easements to the governments, agencies, public utilities, and renewable energy producers on such terms and conditions as the board may determine for road, pipeline, utility, communication cable, and other rights-of-way;
(4) Exchange public lands with the governments and agencies;
(5) Execute quitclaim deeds to the governments and agencies, with or without consideration, releasing any claim to the property involved made upon disputed legal or equitable grounds, whenever the board in its discretion deems it beneficial to the State; and
(6) Waive or modify building and other requirements and conditions contained in deeds, patents, sales agreements, or leases held by the governments and agencies whenever such waiver or modification is beneficial to the State.
(b) In any disposition to public utilities under this section:
(1) The sale price or lease rental shall be no less than the value determined in accordance with section 171-17(b); provided that such sale price or lease rental may be on a nominal basis, if the board finds that such easement is required in connection with a government project;
(2) The board shall provide that in case the land ceases to be used at any future time for the use for which the disposition was made, the board shall have the right to repurchase the land at the original sale price or fair market value, whichever is lower, and to purchase improvements thereon at the depreciated value or fair market value, whichever is lower;
(3) Disposition shall not be made to any public utility if the utility has suitable lands of its own;
(4) The disposition to public utilities shall be subject to disapproval by the legislature by two-thirds vote of either the senate or the house of representatives or by majority vote of both, in any regular or special session next following the date of the disposition; and
(5) For the purposes of this section, the definition of "public utility" as defined in section 269-1 is hereby incorporated herein by reference.
(c) For the purposes of this section, "renewable energy producer" means:
(1) Any producer or developer of electrical or thermal energy produced by wind, solar energy, hydropower, geothermal resources, landfill gas, waste-to-energy, ocean thermal energy conversion, cold seawater, wave energy, biomass, including municipal solid waste, biofuels or fuels derived from organic sources, hydrogen fuels derived primarily from renewable energy, or fuel cells where the fuel is derived primarily from renewable sources that sell all of the net power produced from the demised premises to an electric utility company regulated under chapter 269 or that sells all of the thermal energy it produces to customers of district cooling systems; provided that up to twenty-five per cent of the power produced by a renewable energy producer and sold to the utility or to district cooling system customers may be derived from fossil fuels; or
(2) Any grower or producer of plant or animal materials used primarily for the production of biofuels or other fuels; provided that nothing herein is intended to prevent the waste product or byproduct of the plant or animal material grown or produced for the production of biofuel, other fuels, electrical energy, or thermal energy, from being used for other useful purposes. [L 1962, c 32, pt of §2; am L 1963, c 40, § §1, 2, 3; am L 1965, c 239, §35; Supp, §103A-90; HRS §171-95; am L 1983, c 179, §1; am L 2002, c 102, §1; am L 2007, c 205, §5; am L 2008, c 90, §2; am L 2016, c 220, §1]

Structure Hawaii Revised Statutes

Hawaii Revised Statutes

Title 12. Conservation and Resources

171. Public Lands, Management and Disposition of

171-1 Definitions.

171-2 Definition of public lands.

171-3 Department of land and natural resources.

171-4 Board of land and natural resources; terms and qualifications of members of the board; organization; expenses.

171-4.5 Aha moku advisory committee; established.

171-5 Meetings, regular, special; quorum.

171-6 Powers.

171-6.4 General administrative penalties.

171-6.5 REPEALED.

171-7 General duties of the board.

171-8 Land agents and other employees.

171-8.5 REPEALED.

171-8.6 Risk assessment working group.

171-9 Land districts.

171-10 Classes of lands.

171-11 Public purposes, lands set aside by the governor; management.

171-12 Permanent register of applicants for public lands.

171-13 Disposition of public lands.

171-14 Auction.

171-14.5 Auction pre-qualification; agricultural and pasture leases.

171-15 Drawing.

171-16 Notices.

171-17 Appraisals.

171-18 Public land trust.

171-18.5 Sugarcane lands conveyed for the development of housing projects. (a) This section applies to the amount to which the department of Hawaiian home lands is entitled pursuant to article XII, section 1 of the state constitution, from land as de...

171-19 Special land and development fund.

171-19.5 REPEALED.

171-20 Notice of breach or default.

171-21 Rights of holder of security interest.

171-22 Consent to mortgage.

171-23 Land patents and deeds, issued when.

171-24 Land conveyances, preparation, signing, record, copies.

171-25 Irrigation projects.

171-26 Rights-of-way to the sea, game management areas, and public hunting areas.

171-27 Taxes.

171-28 Government-owned Hawaiian fishponds; sale prohibition.

171-29 Report to legislature on all dispositions.

171-30 Acquisition of real property; general.

171-31 Depository for documents; filing, record.

171-31.5 Disposition of abandoned or seized property.

171-31.6 Criminal penalties.

171-32 Policy.

171-33 Planning; generally.

171-34 Planning; intensive agricultural and pasture uses.

171-35 Lease provisions; generally.

171-36 Lease restrictions; generally.

171-36.1 Reservation of rights to prehistoric and historic remains on leased public lands.

171-36.2 Public lands for historic preservation and restoration.

171-36.5 Commercial, industrial, resort, mixed-use, or government leases; extension of term.

171-37 Lease restrictions; intensive agricultural and pasture uses.

171-37.5 Withdrawal or taking of leased land; fair compensation.

171-38 Condemnation of leases.

171-39 Leases; forfeiture.

171-40 Expired leases; holdover.

171-41 Commercial, industrial, and other business uses.

171-41.5 Amendment of commercial, hotel, or industrial lease.

171-41.6 Lessees within the last ten years of their lease terms; requests for interest

171-42 Hotel and resort uses.

171-43 Lease of campsites or sites for youth athletic and/or educational activities.

171-43.1 Lease to eleemosynary organizations.

171-44 Lease for recreation-residence use.

171-45 Residence lots; sale or leases.

171-46 Residential sales or leases; planning.

171-47 Residence lots; improvement districts.

171-48 Residence lots, requirements.

171-49 Residence lots: unsold; forfeited; surrendered.

171-49.5 Resale, first offer to board; limitation on resale price.

171-49.7 Public lands suitable and available for residential development; inventory.

171-50 Exchanges.

171-50.1 Acquisition of lands for exchange under chapter 516.

171-50.2 Exchanges for conversion of leasehold lands to fee simple ownership.

171-51 Quitclaim.

171-52 Remnant.

171-53 Reclamation and disposition of submerged or reclaimed public land.

171-54 Land license.

171-55 Permits.

171-55.5 Agricultural plots.

171-56 Contract or license for concessions or concession space.

171-57 Reserved rights and easements.

171-58 Minerals and water rights.

171-58.5 Prohibitions.

171-59 Disposition by negotiation.

171-60 Development through private developer.

171-61 Cancellation, surrender.

171-62 Sales; payment, default.

171-63 Waiver of restrictions.

171-64 Covenants against discrimination.

171-64.5 Nonconventional uses; department of health; approval and authorization; Waimano ridge.

171-64.7 Legislative approval of sale or gift of lands.

171-65 Leases, leases with option to purchase, sales permitted; when.

171-66 Planning.

171-67 Restrictions; conditions.

171-68 Applicants; qualifications of.

171-69 Preference right.

171-70 Findings and declaration of necessity.

171-71 Definitions.

171-72 Subdivision, improvement and lease of public lands.

171-73 Term, rent, and other conditions of residential leases.

171-74 Qualifications of lessees.

171-75 Persons disqualified to take residential leases.

171-76 Preference right to residential lease.

171-77 Transfers of title by bequest, devise, intestate succession, or by operation of law, and upon foreclosure.

171-78 Notice; drawing.

171-79 Purchase of fee title by lessee.

171-80 Cancellation of leases.

171-81 Surrender of lease.

171-82 Approval by board.

171-83 Costs of, and realization from, residential leasing.

171-84 Leases to certain developers of housing for low and moderate income families.

171-85 Definitions.

171-86 Purpose.

171-87 Disposition to victims of natural disaster, when.

171-88 Option to purchase.

171-89 Applications.

171-90 Eligibility.

171-91 Notice of availability of leases; selection of lessees.

171-92 Existing public leases.

171-93 Authorization.

171-94 Persons dispossessed or displaced.

171-95 Disposition to governments, governmental agencies, public utilities, and renewable energy producers.

171-95.1 Authority of board to extend leases under certain circumstances.

171-95.3 Renewable energy producers; lease of public lands without public auction.

171-95.5 Lease to public charter schools.

171-96 Lease to foreign governments.

171-97 Definition.

171-98 Release of restrictions.

171-99 Continuation of rights under existing homestead leases, certificates of occupation, right of purchase leases, and cash freehold agreements.

171-100 Successor determination program.

171-111 REPEALED.

171-112 Acquisition.

171-113 to 116.5 REPEALED.

171-117 Public lands; agricultural park lands.

171-118 REPEALED.

171-121 Molokai forest lands, management program established.

171-131 Definitions.

171-132 Designation of industrial park.

171-133 Authority to plan, improve, develop, operate, and maintain industrial parks.

171-134 Industrial park development.

171-135 Joint venture or development agreement.

171-136 Disposition of public lands within industrial park.

171-137 Preference.

171-138 REPEALED.

171-139 Acquisition.

171-140 Rules.

171-141 Lease for eligible permittee in industrial park.

171-142 Lease for lessees dislocated by condemnation proceedings.

171-143 Rate policy.

171-144 Issuance of revenue bonds.

171-151 Definitions.

171-152 General powers.

171-153 Beach restoration plan.

171-154 Authority to lease coastal lands.

171-155 Development of public coastal lands.

171-156 Beach restoration special fund.

171-171 Reimbursable general obligation bonds for conservation easement and other real property interests in Turtle Bay, Oahu.

171-172 Turtle Bay conservation easement special fund.

171-173 Turtle Bay appraisal and due diligence.

171-174 Lease of Turtle Bay lands.

171-191 Definitions.

171-192 Lease restrictions.

171-193 Lessees within the last ten years of their lease terms; request for interest.