Code of Virginia
Chapter 8 - Requirements Applicable to Underground Coal Mines; Electricity, Safety, Etc
§ 45.2-844. Ventilation with air from certain areas

Active face workings shall not be ventilated with air that has passed through a worked-out area or has been used to ventilate a pillar line. This section shall not apply to air that is being used to ventilate an active pillar line or a room that is necessary to establish and maintain such pillar line.
Code 1950, § 45-60.5; 1954, c. 191; 1966, c. 594, § 45.1-62; 1993, c. 442; 1994, c. 28, § 45.1-161.227; 1996, c. 774; 1999, c. 256; 2021, Sp. Sess. I, c. 387.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 45.2 - Mines, Minerals, and Energy

Chapter 8 - Requirements Applicable to Underground Coal Mines; Electricity, Safety, Etc

§ 45.2-800. Face and other equipment

§ 45.2-801. Shop and other equipment

§ 45.2-802. Hydraulic hoses

§ 45.2-803. Surface electrical installations

§ 45.2-804. Surface transformers

§ 45.2-805. Underground transformers

§ 45.2-806. Stations and substations

§ 45.2-807. Power circuits

§ 45.2-808. Trolley wires and feeder wires

§ 45.2-809. Grounding

§ 45.2-810. Circuit breakers and switches

§ 45.2-811. Communication systems

§ 45.2-812. Electrical equipment

§ 45.2-813. Trailing cables

§ 45.2-814. Inspection of electrical equipment and wiring; checking and testing methane monitors

§ 45.2-815. Repairs to circuits and electric equipment

§ 45.2-816. Underground illumination

§ 45.2-817. Inspection of electric illumination equipment

§ 45.2-818. Firefighting equipment; fire prevention

§ 45.2-819. Duties in case of fire

§ 45.2-820. Emergency response plans; list of next of kin

§ 45.2-821. Reporting fires; response

§ 45.2-822. Fire prevention in transportation of mining equipment

§ 45.2-823. Storage and use of flammable fluids and materials

§ 45.2-824. Diesel-powered equipment

§ 45.2-825. Arcs, sparks, and flames

§ 45.2-826. Pre-shift examinations

§ 45.2-827. on-shift examinations

§ 45.2-828. Weekly examinations

§ 45.2-829. Examinations of fans

§ 45.2-830. Record of examinations

§ 45.2-831. Notice of hazardous conditions

§ 45.2-832. Notice of monitor tampering prohibition

§ 45.2-833. Main fans

§ 45.2-834. Fan stoppage plan

§ 45.2-835. Auxiliary fans

§ 45.2-836. Quantity of air

§ 45.2-837. Bleeder systems

§ 45.2-838. Coursing of air

§ 45.2-839. Actions for excessive methane

§ 45.2-840. Crosscuts

§ 45.2-841. Permanent stoppings

§ 45.2-842. Ventilation controls

§ 45.2-843. Line brattice

§ 45.2-844. Ventilation with air from certain areas

§ 45.2-845. Worked-out areas

§ 45.2-846. Air quality

§ 45.2-847. Examination of mine for explosive gas and other hazardous conditions

§ 45.2-848. Tampering with methane monitoring devices prohibited; penalty

§ 45.2-849. Allowing persons to work in mine where methane monitoring equipment disconnected; penalty

§ 45.2-850. Intentionally bypassing a safety device; prohibition

§ 45.2-851. Control of coal dust

§ 45.2-852. Rock dusting

§ 45.2-853. Checking system; tracking system

§ 45.2-854. Protective clothing

§ 45.2-855. Noise levels and ear protection

§ 45.2-856. Smoking materials prohibited; penalty

§ 45.2-857. Allowing persons to work in a mine with smoker's articles; penalty

§ 45.2-858. Posting of notice

§ 45.2-859. Smoking in surface and other areas

§ 45.2-860. Portable illumination

§ 45.2-861. First aid equipment

§ 45.2-862. Attention to injured persons

§ 45.2-863. Certified emergency medical services providers