Code of Virginia
Chapter 8 - Requirements Applicable to Underground Coal Mines; Electricity, Safety, Etc
§ 45.2-810. Circuit breakers and switches

A. Automatic circuit breaking devices or fuses of the correct type and capacity shall be installed so as to protect each piece of electrical equipment and each power circuit against excessive overload; however, this requirement shall not apply to any locomotive that is operated regularly on a grade that exceeds five percent. Wire or other conducting material shall not be used as a substitute for a properly designed fuse, and every circuit breaking device shall be maintained in safe operating condition.
B. An automatic circuit breaker of the correct type and capacity shall be installed on each resistance-grounded circuit used underground. Such circuit breaker shall be located at the power source and equipped with devices to provide protection against under-voltage, grounded phase, short circuit, and overcurrent.
C. Operating controls such as switches, starters, and switch buttons shall be installed so that they are readily accessible and can be operated without danger of contact with moving or electrified parts.
D. A disconnecting switch shall be installed underground in each main power circuit within approximately 500 feet of the bottom of each shaft or borehole and at any other place at which a main power circuit enters the mine.
E. Each piece of electrical equipment and each circuit shall be provided with switches or other controls of safe design, construction, and installation.
F. Insulating mats or other electrically nonconductive material shall be kept in place at each power-control switch and at any piece of stationary machinery at which a shock hazard exists.
G. Each circuit breaker, disconnecting device, and switch shall be marked for identification.
Code 1950, § 45-82.3; 1954, c. 191; 1966, c. 594, § 45.1-80; 1994, c. 28, § 45.1-161.189; 1999, c. 256; 2021, Sp. Sess. I, c. 387.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 45.2 - Mines, Minerals, and Energy

Chapter 8 - Requirements Applicable to Underground Coal Mines; Electricity, Safety, Etc

§ 45.2-800. Face and other equipment

§ 45.2-801. Shop and other equipment

§ 45.2-802. Hydraulic hoses

§ 45.2-803. Surface electrical installations

§ 45.2-804. Surface transformers

§ 45.2-805. Underground transformers

§ 45.2-806. Stations and substations

§ 45.2-807. Power circuits

§ 45.2-808. Trolley wires and feeder wires

§ 45.2-809. Grounding

§ 45.2-810. Circuit breakers and switches

§ 45.2-811. Communication systems

§ 45.2-812. Electrical equipment

§ 45.2-813. Trailing cables

§ 45.2-814. Inspection of electrical equipment and wiring; checking and testing methane monitors

§ 45.2-815. Repairs to circuits and electric equipment

§ 45.2-816. Underground illumination

§ 45.2-817. Inspection of electric illumination equipment

§ 45.2-818. Firefighting equipment; fire prevention

§ 45.2-819. Duties in case of fire

§ 45.2-820. Emergency response plans; list of next of kin

§ 45.2-821. Reporting fires; response

§ 45.2-822. Fire prevention in transportation of mining equipment

§ 45.2-823. Storage and use of flammable fluids and materials

§ 45.2-824. Diesel-powered equipment

§ 45.2-825. Arcs, sparks, and flames

§ 45.2-826. Pre-shift examinations

§ 45.2-827. on-shift examinations

§ 45.2-828. Weekly examinations

§ 45.2-829. Examinations of fans

§ 45.2-830. Record of examinations

§ 45.2-831. Notice of hazardous conditions

§ 45.2-832. Notice of monitor tampering prohibition

§ 45.2-833. Main fans

§ 45.2-834. Fan stoppage plan

§ 45.2-835. Auxiliary fans

§ 45.2-836. Quantity of air

§ 45.2-837. Bleeder systems

§ 45.2-838. Coursing of air

§ 45.2-839. Actions for excessive methane

§ 45.2-840. Crosscuts

§ 45.2-841. Permanent stoppings

§ 45.2-842. Ventilation controls

§ 45.2-843. Line brattice

§ 45.2-844. Ventilation with air from certain areas

§ 45.2-845. Worked-out areas

§ 45.2-846. Air quality

§ 45.2-847. Examination of mine for explosive gas and other hazardous conditions

§ 45.2-848. Tampering with methane monitoring devices prohibited; penalty

§ 45.2-849. Allowing persons to work in mine where methane monitoring equipment disconnected; penalty

§ 45.2-850. Intentionally bypassing a safety device; prohibition

§ 45.2-851. Control of coal dust

§ 45.2-852. Rock dusting

§ 45.2-853. Checking system; tracking system

§ 45.2-854. Protective clothing

§ 45.2-855. Noise levels and ear protection

§ 45.2-856. Smoking materials prohibited; penalty

§ 45.2-857. Allowing persons to work in a mine with smoker's articles; penalty

§ 45.2-858. Posting of notice

§ 45.2-859. Smoking in surface and other areas

§ 45.2-860. Portable illumination

§ 45.2-861. First aid equipment

§ 45.2-862. Attention to injured persons

§ 45.2-863. Certified emergency medical services providers