Code of Alabama
Article 1 - General Provisions.
Section 2-13-10 - Use of Standard Test Required.

It shall be unlawful for any person, either for himself or another, to falsely manipulate or underread or overread or take inaccurate samples or make any false determinations by Babcock test or any other contrivance used to determine the quantity of fat in milk or cream or the value of milk or cream delivered to a creamery, cheese factory, condensory, ice cream plant, milk plant or milk depot or when sold or purchased. The test shall be clear oil, free from sediment, solids or other foreign substance, and must be read at a temperature of 125 degrees to 140 degrees Fahrenheit. Test cream shall be weighed. The scales must be sensitive and accurate. The tester and owner or owners are jointly responsible for their accuracy. All licensed receiving stations, conducted for the purchase of butterfat either in the form of cream or milk shall retain in a cool, clean, sanitary place and in tightly stopped bottles or tightly covered jars the exact, properly labeled samples of cream or milk from which the butterfat test has been conducted, until 4:00 P.M. of the day following the application of the test where daily testing is practiced, and until 4:00 P.M. of the second day following the application of the test where composite testing of individual deliveries is practiced.

Structure Code of Alabama

Code of Alabama

Title 2 - Agriculture.

Chapter 13 - Milk and Dairy Products.

Article 1 - General Provisions.

Section 2-13-1 - Definitions.

Section 2-13-2 - Purpose of Article; Power of Board.

Section 2-13-4 - Adding or Blending Fat or Oil With Milk or Cream.

Section 2-13-5 - Sanitation of Premises and Utensils.

Section 2-13-6 - Utensils to Be Cleaned by Purchaser.

Section 2-13-7 - Milk From Diseased Cows; Unsanitary Premises or Utensils.

Section 2-13-8 - Businesses for Which Permit From Commissioner Required; Duration; Application; Filing Fee.

Section 2-13-9 - License for Operation of Testing Apparatus.

Section 2-13-10 - Use of Standard Test Required.

Section 2-13-11 - Ice Cream Defined and Standardized.

Section 2-13-12 - Adulterated Ice Cream.

Section 2-13-13 - Misbranded Ice Cream.

Section 2-13-14 - Requirements Relative to Milk and Cream Tests.

Section 2-13-15 - Annual Reports of Creameries, Milk Plants, Etc.

Section 2-13-16 - Imitation Butter and Imitation Cheese Defined.

Section 2-13-17 - Substitutes for Butter and Cheese - Required Stamping or Marking on Containers.

Section 2-13-18 - Substitutes for Butter and Cheese - Statement Required to Accompany Sale; Transportation Through State.

Section 2-13-19 - Substitutes for Butter and Cheese - Possession of Substitutes; Use of Certain Words or Representations in Sale or Advertisement.

Section 2-13-20 - Substitutes for Butter and Cheese - Sale of Substitutes Tending to Deceive Public.

Section 2-13-21 - Renovated Butter.

Section 2-13-22 - Applicability of Laws Relative to Inspection, Suspension From Sale, Seizure, Etc.