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CHAPTER 1 - Short Title
Section 30000. - 30000. This division shall be known and may be cited...
CHAPTER 2 - Definitions
Section 30010. - 30010. Unless the context otherwise requires, the provisions of this...
Section 30011. - 30011. The definition of a word applies to any of...
Section 30012. - 30012. “Include” except when used in relation to the inclusion...
Section 30013. - 30013. “District” means a county water district formed under the...
Section 30014. - 30014. “Board” means the board of directors of a district....
Section 30015. - 30015. “Land” except in Chapter 2 of Part 8 means...
Section 30016. - 30016. “President” means the president of the board. (Added by...
Section 30017. - 30017. “Secretary” means the secretary of the board. (Added by...
Section 30018. - 30018. “Assessee” means the person to whom property is assessed....
Section 30019. - 30019. “General district election” means the election required to be...
Section 30020. - 30020. “Special water district election” means any district election other...
Section 30021. - 30021. “Elector,” “voter,” and “precinct board” have respectively the same...
Section 30022. - 30022. “Holder of title” includes a holder of evidence of...
Section 30023. - 30023. “Property” embraces all real and personal property. (Added by...
Section 30024. - 30024. “Works” includes water works, conduits, reservoirs, storage sites, water...
Section 30025. - 30025. “Conduit” includes canals, channels, pipes, ditches, and flumes. (Added...
Section 30026. - 30026. “Operate” includes use, maintain, and repair. (Added by Stats....
Section 30027. - 30027. “Street” includes road, alley, avenue, highway, and public way....
CHAPTER 3 - General Provisions
Section 30060. - 30060. Nothing in this division shall be so construed as...
Section 30062. - 30062. All land which is now privately owned and situate...
Section 30063. - 30063. Whenever by this division a notice is required to...
Section 30064. - 30064. Wherever in this division a reference is made to...
Section 30065. - 30065. The inclusion in, or annexation or addition to, a...
Section 30066. - 30066. An action to determine the validity of an assessment,...
Section 30068. - 30068. Districts governed by this division are subject to the...
CHAPTER 1 - Petition for Formation
Section 30200. - 30200. The people of a county or two or more...
Section 30201. - 30201. The petition for formation shall describe the proposed boundaries...
Section 30202. - 30202. The petition shall be signed by voters equal in...
Section 30203. - 30203. But, if one or more municipal corporations or part...
Section 30204. - 30204. The petition may consist of any number of separate...
Section 30205. - 30205. The petition for the formation of a county water...
CHAPTER 2 - Notice of Hearing on Formation
Section 30230. - 30230. The county elections official of the county containing the...
Section 30231. - 30231. The notice of the hearing on the formation petition...
Section 30232. - 30232. No defect in the contents of the petition, the...
CHAPTER 3 - Hearing on Formation
Section 30260. - 30260. The formation petition shall be presented and considered at...
Section 30261. - 30261. At the time stated in the notice of the...
Section 30262. - 30262. The board of supervisors may adjourn the hearing from...
Section 30263. - 30263. Upon the hearing of the petition the board of...
Section 30264. - 30264. On the final hearing the board of supervisors shall...
Section 30264.1. - 30264.1. If the board of supervisors at its final hearing...
Section 30265. - 30265. A finding of the board of supervisors in favor...
CHAPTER 4 - Election on Formation
Section 30290. - 30290. If it determines that an election should be held,...
Section 30291. - 30291. The election shall be held on the next established...
Section 30292. - 30292. The notice of the formation election shall contain: (a)...
Section 30293. - 30293. The county clerk shall publish the notice once a...
Section 30293.1. - 30293.1. Within five days after the district formation election has...
Section 30293.2. - 30293.2. The board of supervisors or any member or members...
Section 30293.3. - 30293.3. If more than one argument for or more than...
Section 30293.4. - 30293.4. The officials in charge of conducting the election shall...
Section 30294. - 30294. At the formation election: (a) The measure “Shall the...
Section 30295. - 30295. The election thereupon shall be conducted, the vote canvassed,...
Section 30296. - 30296. The vote shall be canvassed by the board of...
Section 30297. - 30297. In case less than a majority of the votes...
CHAPTER 5 - Establishment of District
Section 30320. - 30320. If a majority of the votes cast at the...
Section 30321. - 30321. The county clerk shall immediately cause to be recorded...
Section 30321.5. - 30321.5. The county clerk shall immediately cause to be filed...
Section 30322. - 30322. The district shall have been duly incorporated upon the...
Section 30323. - 30323. From and after the date of the filing with...
Section 30324. - 30324. No informality in any proceeding, including informality in the...
Section 30325. - 30325. Any proceeding wherein the validity of the incorporation of...
CHAPTER 1 - Officers and Employees Generally
ARTICLE 1 - Directors
Section 30500. - 30500. Each district shall have a board of five directors...
Section 30500.1. - 30500.1. (a) Notwithstanding Section 30500, the local agency formation commission,...
Section 30500.3. - 30500.3. Notwithstanding Section 30500, the Board of Directors of the...
Section 30501. - 30501. The directors first elected upon the formation of the...
Section 30502. - 30502. The term of office of each director other than...
Section 30503. - 30503. If a person elected fails to qualify, the office...
Section 30504. - 30504. All vacancies occurring in the office of director shall...
Section 30506. - 30506. Each director elected or appointed shall hold office until...
Section 30507. - 30507. Each director shall receive compensation in an amount not...
Section 30507.1. - 30507.1. Each director of the Contra Costa Water District shall...
Section 30508. - 30508. If a director’s place of residence, as defined in...
Section 30509. - 30509. Before entering upon the duties of his office each...
Section 30510. - 30510. The oath of office may be taken before the...
Section 30511. - 30511. In a county water district formed to include all...
Section 30513. - 30513. Notwithstanding Section 30500 or any other provision of this...
Section 30514. - 30514. If, on or before July 1, 1977, a district...
Section 30516. - 30516. (a) If the Orange County local agency formation commission...
ARTICLE 2 - The Board
Section 30520. - 30520. Within 30 days after the election of the first...
Section 30521. - 30521. The board shall: (a) Provide for the time and...
Section 30522. - 30522. At its organization meeting the board may transact any...
Section 30523. - 30523. The board shall act only by ordinance, resolution, or...
Section 30524. - 30524. A majority of the board shall constitute a quorum...
Section 30525. - 30525. No ordinance, resolution, or motion shall be passed or...
Section 30525.5. - 30525.5. A district may destroy a record pursuant to Chapter...
Section 30526. - 30526. Except where action is taken by the unanimous vote...
Section 30527. - 30527. The enacting clause of all ordinances passed by the...
Section 30528. - 30528. All ordinances shall be signed by the president and...
Section 30529. - 30529. All legislative sessions of the board shall be public....
Section 30530. - 30530. The board shall establish rules for its proceedings. (Added...
ARTICLE 3 - Other Officers and Employees
Section 30540. - 30540. (a) The board shall, at its first meeting or...
Section 30541. - 30541. A director shall not be the general manager, secretary,...
Section 30542. - 30542. The general manager, secretary, treasurer, and auditor shall each...
Section 30543. - 30543. The same person may serve as general manager and...
Section 30544. - 30544. The board may at any time appoint or employ...
Section 30545. - 30545. The general manager, secretary, auditor, treasurer, and other employees...
Section 30546. - 30546. Any regular employee of a district who is a...
Section 30547. - 30547. (a) A district may employ a suitable security force....
CHAPTER 2 - Board and Officer Activities
Section 30575. - 30575. The board is the governing body of the district....
Section 30576. - 30576. The powers of districts enumerated in this division shall,...
Section 30577. - 30577. Each member of the board, or the secretary, may...
Section 30578. - 30578. The president shall: (a) Sign all contracts on behalf...
Section 30579. - 30579. The secretary shall: (a) Countersign all contracts on behalf...
Section 30579.5. - 30579.5. Notwithstanding the provisions of subdivision (a) of Section 30578...
Section 30580. - 30580. The general manager shall: (a) Have full charge and...
Section 30581. - 30581. The general manager shall also: (a) Perform other duties...
Section 30582. - 30582. If the board appoints an auditor or treasurer pursuant...
Section 30586. - 30586. The board of a district in existence on the...
CHAPTER 1 - Elections Generally
Section 30700. - 30700. The provisions of the Elections Code relating to the...
Section 30700.5. - 30700.5. Notwithstanding Section 30021 or any other provision of the...
Section 30700.6. - 30700.6. (a) Notwithstanding Section 30021 or any other provision of...
CHAPTER 2 - Election of Directors
ARTICLE 1 - Creation of Divisions
Section 30730. - 30730. The board may, if it deems it to be...
Section 30731. - 30731. If the question is submitted to the voters at...
Section 30733. - 30733. If the question submitted to the voters of the...
Section 30734. - 30734. If the question submitted to the voters of the...
Section 30735. - 30735. Directors elected by division shall be voters of the...
ARTICLE 3 - Preparation for Election
Section 30773. - 30773. The provisions of this article shall apply only to...
Section 30774. - 30774. All ballots printed shall be precisely on the same...
Section 30775. - 30775. The names of all candidates printed upon the ballot...
Section 30776. - 30776. A column may be provided on the right-hand side...
Section 30777. - 30777. The order of candidates names on the ballot shall...
Section 30778. - 30778. The county elections official shall cause the ballots to...
Section 30779. - 30779. The ballots shall contain the list of names and...
Section 30780. - 30780. The ballot shall contain the following instruction: “For director...
Section 30781. - 30781. A half-inch square shall be provided at the right...
Section 30782. - 30782. Half-inch spaces shall be left below the printed names...
CHAPTER 3 - Initiative; Referendum; Recall
Section 30830. - 30830. Ordinances may be passed by voters in accordance with...
Section 30831. - 30831. Ordinances may be subject to referendum in accordance with...
CHAPTER 1 - Powers and Purposes Generally
ARTICLE 1 - Powers Generally
Section 31000. - 31000. County water districts shall be managed under the provisions...
Section 31001. - 31001. Each district has the power generally to perform all...
Section 31002. - 31002. A district has perpetual succession. (Added by Stats. 1949,...
Section 31003. - 31003. A district may adopt a seal and alter it...
Section 31004. - 31004. A district may make contracts and employ labor to...
Section 31005. - 31005. A district may have construction or other work performed...
Section 31006. - 31006. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any district formed...
Section 31007. - 31007. The rates and charges to be collected by the...
Section 31007.5. - 31007.5. No district furnishing water for residential use to a...
Section 31008. - 31008. A district may provide for the pension of officers...
Section 31009. - 31009. In any district authorized to provide fire protection services,...
Section 31010. - 31010. Notwithstanding the provisions of Chapter 5.5 (commencing with Section...
Section 31011. - 31011. A district may disseminate information to the public concerning...
Section 31012. - 31012. If, on or after the effective date of this...
Section 31013. - 31013. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Mammoth County...
Section 31013.5. - 31013.5. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Mammoth...
Section 31014. - 31014. Subject to the consent of the governing body of...
Section 31014.5. - 31014.5. The term “irrigation district” as used in Chapter 1046...
Section 31015. - 31015. The Sierra Lakes County Water District shall not exercise...
Section 31016. - 31016. (a) In order to enforce the provisions of any...
ARTICLE 2 - Water
Section 31020. - 31020. A district may do any act necessary to furnish...
Section 31021. - 31021. A district may store water for the benefit of...
Section 31022. - 31022. A district may operate water rights, works, property, rights,...
Section 31023. - 31023. A district may sell water or the use thereof...
Section 31024. - 31024. A district may establish rules and regulations for the...
Section 31025. - 31025. The district shall fix and through the general manager...
Section 31026. - 31026. A district shall have the power to restrict the...
Section 31027. - 31027. (a) A district may prescribe and define by ordinance...
Section 31028. - 31028. A district shall have power to make findings upon...
Section 31029. - 31029. After the publication or posting of any ordinance as...
Section 31029.1. - 31029.1. (a) An ordinance to require water conservation and to...
Section 31030. - 31030. (a) The Revenue Bond Law of 1941 (Chapter 6...
Section 31031. - 31031. A district may, pursuant to the notice, protest, and...
Section 31031.6. - 31031.6. Notwithstanding Sections 31031 and 31032.1 in the Coachella Valley...
Section 31031.7. - 31031.7. Notwithstanding Sections 31031 and 31032.1, the water standby or...
Section 31031.8. - 31031.8. Notwithstanding any other provision of this division, the Tuolumne...
Section 31032. - 31032. In case any water standby charge remains unpaid on...
Section 31032.1. - 31032.1. A district may, pursuant to the notice, protest, and...
Section 31032.2. - 31032.2. The secretary shall cause notice of the filing of...
Section 31032.3. - 31032.3. At the time stated in the notice, the board...
Section 31032.4. - 31032.4. On or before the 10th day of August of...
Section 31032.5. - 31032.5. The amount of the assessments shall constitute a lien...
Section 31032.6. - 31032.6. The county tax collector or district collector shall include...
Section 31032.7. - 31032.7. In the event a district does not elect to...
Section 31032.8. - 31032.8. A district may provide for a basic penalty of...
Section 31032.9. - 31032.9. Any district may make the election specified in Section...
Section 31032.10. - 31032.10. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this division, the...
Section 31032.12. - 31032.12. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this division, the...
Section 31033. - 31033. A district may drain and reclaim lands within the...
Section 31034. - 31034. If a public utility subject to the control and...
Section 31035. - 31035. A district may undertake a water conservation program to...
Section 31035.1. - 31035.1. A district which includes territory in Monterey County and...
ARTICLE 3 - Property Generally
Section 31040. - 31040. A district may take any property necessary to carry...
Section 31041. - 31041. A district may hold, use, enjoy, lease, or dispose...
Section 31042. - 31042. A district may construct, purchase, lease, or otherwise acquire...
Section 31045. - 31045. A district may, on terms and conditions agreed upon...
Section 31046. - 31046. A district may sell or lease the mineral or...
Section 31047. - 31047. A district may control, distribute, store, spread, sink, treat,...
Section 31048. - 31048. A district may cooperate, act in conjunction and contract...
Section 31049. - 31049. A district may make and perform any agreement with...
Section 31049.1. - 31049.1. (a) The South Coast Water District may contract for...
Section 31051. - 31051. A district may acquire by any means stock of...
Section 31052. - 31052. The North Marin County Water District may purchase devices...
Section 31053. - 31053. No publicly owned utility shall commence to provide any...
Section 31054. - 31054. No publicly owned utility shall commence to provide any...
ARTICLE 4 - Construction on Rights of Way
Section 31060. - 31060. A district may construct any works along, under, or...
Section 31061. - 31061. Every company whose right of way is intersected or...
Section 31062. - 31062. The right is hereby granted to locate, construct, and...
ARTICLE 5 - Controversies
Section 31080. - 31080. A district may sue and be sued, except as...
Section 31081. - 31081. A district may commence, maintain, intervene in, compromise, and...
Section 31082. - 31082. A district may commence, maintain, intervene in, defend, and...
Section 31084. - 31084. All claims for money or damages against the district...
Section 31088. - 31088. The district may employ counsel to defend any action...
ARTICLE 6 - Sewer Facilities
Section 31100. - 31100. A district may acquire, construct, and operate facilities for...
Section 31101. - 31101. The district may prescribe, revise and collect rates or...
Section 31101.5. - 31101.5. A district may supply sewage and waste services to...
Section 31102. - 31102. The district may provide that such rates or other...
Section 31103. - 31103. Upon providing a sewer system in any area of...
Section 31104. - 31104. A district may, pursuant to the notice, protest, and...
Section 31104.5. - 31104.5. In lieu of the standby or availability charge authorized...
Section 31104.6. - 31104.6. Notwithstanding Sections 31031 and 31032.1, in the Coachella Valley...
Section 31104.7. - 31104.7. Notwithstanding any other provision of this division, the Tuolumne...
Section 31104.8. - 31104.8. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this division, the...
Section 31105. - 31105. (a) A district may adopt ordinances relating to the...
Section 31106. - 31106. From and after the posting or publication of any...
ARTICLE 6.5 - Sewer and Garbage Facilities in the Calaveras County Water District
Section 31110. - 31110. Notwithstanding any other provisions contained in this division, the...
Section 31111. - 31111. For the purposes of this article, the Board of...
Section 31112. - 31112. The Board of Directors of the Calaveras County Water...
Section 31113. - 31113. Pursuant to a resolution adopted by a fourth-fifths vote...
ARTICLE 7 - Fire Protection
Section 31120. - 31120. (a) A district may exercise any of the powers,...
ARTICLE 8 - Recreational Facilities
Section 31130. - 31130. A district may use any water or land under...
Section 31131. - 31131. A district may prescribe reasonable rules and regulations to...
Section 31132. - 31132. The exercise of the power of eminent domain to...
Section 31133. - 31133. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Malaga County...
ARTICLE 9 - Sanitation Service
Section 31135. - 31135. A district may acquire, construct, and operate facilities for,...
Section 31136. - 31136. The district may prescribe, revise, and collect rates or...
Section 31137. - 31137. The district may provide that such rates or charges...
Section 31138. - 31138. The district may determine that sanitary service may not...
Section 31139. - 31139. The district shall determine the types of wastes to...
Section 31140. - 31140. Any contract with other parties for the supplying of...
Section 31141. - 31141. (a) A district may adopt ordinances relating to the...
Section 31142. - 31142. After the posting or publication of any ordinance as...
ARTICLE 9.3 - Alameda County Water District
Section 31142.20. - 31142.20. This article shall be known and may be cited...
Section 31142.22. - 31142.22. This article only applies to all property within the...
Section 31142.24. - 31142.24. Unless the context requires otherwise, the definitions set forth...
Section 31142.26. - 31142.26. The district may take the following actions within the...
Section 31142.28. - 31142.28. Any person applying for any land development permit or...
Section 31142.30. - 31142.30. Any abandoned or unused well, exploratory hole, or other...
Section 31142.32. - 31142.32. If the district determines that a public nuisance exists,...
Section 31142.34. - 31142.34. If, after the hearing, the general manager determines that...
Section 31142.36. - 31142.36. If the public nuisance is not abated within the...
Section 31142.38. - 31142.38. (a) All costs incurred by the district in abating...
ARTICLE 9.4 - Sierra Lakes County Water District
Section 31142.50. - 31142.50. (a) In addition to the other powers provided by...
ARTICLE 9.5 - San Lorenzo Valley Water District
Section 31143. - 31143. In addition to the other powers provided by law,...
Section 31143.1. - 31143.1. The district shall immediately do all such acts as...
Section 31143.2. - 31143.2. (a) Violation of any of the provisions of a...
Section 31143.3. - 31143.3. (a) The owner of any real property upon which...
Section 31143.4. - 31143.4. In order to avoid duplication, either the district or...
Section 31143.5. - 31143.5. Any violation of a regulation of the district adopted...
ARTICLE 9.6 - Lompico County Water District
Section 31144. - 31144. In addition to the other powers provided by law,...
Section 31144.1. - 31144.1. The district shall immediately do all such acts as...
Section 31144.2. - 31144.2. (a) Violation of any of the provisions of a...
Section 31144.3. - 31144.3. (a) The owner of any real property upon which...
Section 31144.4. - 31144.4. In order to avoid duplication, either the district or...
Section 31144.5. - 31144.5. (a) Whenever, in the opinion of the board of...
Section 31144.6. - 31144.6. Any violation of a regulation of the district adopted...
ARTICLE 9.7 - Malaga County Water District
Section 31144.7. - 31144.7. In addition to the other powers provided by law,...
Section 31144.71. - 31144.71. (a) For the common benefit of the district and...
Section 31144.72. - 31144.72. In addition to the other powers provided by law,...
Section 31144.73. - 31144.73. The district shall biennially prepare a written report on...
Section 31144.74. - 31144.74. As used in connection with the groundwater charge authorized...
Section 31144.75. - 31144.75. On the second Tuesday in February of each even-numbered...
Section 31144.76. - 31144.76. (a) Prior to the end of the water year...
Section 31144.77. - 31144.77. (a) After the establishment of a zone in which...
Section 31144.78. - 31144.78. Upon good cause shown, an amended statement of water...
Section 31144.79. - 31144.79. (a) If the district has probable cause to believe...
ARTICLE 10 - Stinson Beach County Water District
Section 31145. - 31145. In addition to the other powers provided by law,...
Section 31146. - 31146. The district shall immediately do all such acts as...
Section 31147. - 31147. (a) Violation of any of the provisions of a...
Section 31148. - 31148. (a) The owner of any real property upon which...
Section 31149. - 31149. Any violation of a regulation of the district adopted...
ARTICLE 11 - Power Generation
Section 31149.1. - 31149.1. A district may, by using any water or water...
Section 31149.2. - 31149.2. The hydroelectric power plant or plants and transmission lines...
Section 31149.3. - 31149.3. (a) The North Marin County Water District may construct,...
Section 31149.4. - 31149.4. Notwithstanding Section 31149.1 or any other provision of law,...
Section 31149.5. - 31149.5. (a) The Marina County Water District may finance, construct,...
Section 31149.7. - 31149.7. (a) A district may provide, generate, and deliver electric...
CHAPTER 2 - Cooperation
ARTICLE 1 - Cooperation Under Irrigation District Federal Cooperation Law
Section 31150. - 31150. Districts may cooperate and contract with the United States,...
Section 31151. - 31151. The cooperation and contract may be for any or...
Section 31152. - 31152. Districts may carry out and perform the terms of...
Section 31153. - 31153. To carry out the preceding sections of this article...
Section 31154. - 31154. If any provision of the Irrigation District Federal Cooperation...
Section 31155. - 31155. In any contract made between a county water district...
Section 31156. - 31156. The contract shall not include any land which is...
Section 31157. - 31157. The proceedings for voting at an election upon a...
Section 31158. - 31158. Notwithstanding any provision of the Irrigation District Federal Cooperation...
Section 31159. - 31159. Every county water district which executes a contract with...
Section 31160. - 31160. Public land of the United States within any such...
Section 31161. - 31161. Whenever the Government of the United States has in...
Section 31162. - 31162. The operation of all facilities and appliances permitted by...
ARTICLE 2 - Water Service to Indian Land
Section 31175. - 31175. A district may contract with the United States, upon...
ARTICLE 3 - Inclusion in Municipal Utility District
Section 31180. - 31180. A county water district may be annexed to or...
Section 31181. - 31181. The annexation or inclusion shall not destroy the identity...
Section 31182. - 31182. The annexation may be effected pursuant to the provisions...
CHAPTER 1 - General Financial Provisions
ARTICLE 1 - In General
Section 31300. - 31300. A district may borrow money, incur indebtedness, and issue...
Section 31301. - 31301. The district may issue warrants to pay its formation...
Section 31302. - 31302. The auditor shall draw warrants to pay demands made...
Section 31303. - 31303. Any money belonging to a district may be deposited...
Section 31304. - 31304. The district, or the district on behalf of an...
Section 31304.5. - 31304.5. A district may contract with any state agency to...
Section 31305. - 31305. The board may designate the county treasurer the depositary...
Section 31306. - 31306. If designated as depositary the county treasurer shall: (a)...
Section 31307. - 31307. When the county treasurer has been designated the depositary...
Section 31308. - 31308. The county auditor shall draw warrants to pay demands...
Section 31309. - 31309. The county treasurer shall report in writing on the...
Section 31310. - 31310. The board of supervisors of the county shall determine...
ARTICLE 2 - Settlements and Statements
Section 31320. - 31320. On Monday in each week the collector shall do...
Section 31321. - 31321. The collector shall be credited in his settlement with...
Section 31322. - 31322. Within seven days after he settles with the secretary,...
ARTICLE 3 - Investments
Section 31335. - 31335. As used in this article “surplus money” means any...
Section 31336. - 31336. A district may invest such surplus money, as its...
Section 31337. - 31337. The investment may be made by purchase of the...
Section 31338. - 31338. Any bonds or registered warrants purchased pursuant to this...
Section 31339. - 31339. Sales of bonds or registered warrants purchased pursuant to...
CHAPTER 2 - Bonds
ARTICLE 1 - Notice
Section 31370. - 31370. Whenever the board deems it necessary for the district...
Section 31371. - 31371. Notice of the hearing shall be given by the...
Section 31372. - 31372. The copy of the resolution published or posted shall...
ARTICLE 2 - Hearing
Section 31385. - 31385. At the time and place fixed for the hearing...
Section 31386. - 31386. At the hearing any person interested, including persons owning...
Section 31387. - 31387. At the conclusion of the hearing, the board shall...
Section 31388. - 31388. If the board determines that the whole of the...
Section 31389. - 31389. After the formation of an improvement district within a...
Section 31390. - 31390. The determination of the board that the whole of...
Section 31391. - 31391. After the board has made its determination pursuant to...
Section 31392. - 31392. In determining the amount of debt to be incurred,...
Section 31393. - 31393. (a) Any time following the establishment of an improvement...
ARTICLE 3 - Election
Section 31405. - 31405. The board shall fix a date when an election...
Section 31406. - 31406. The board shall provide for holding the election on...
Section 31407. - 31407. The board shall give notice of the election to...
Section 31408. - 31408. Every voter residing within the voting precincts, but no...
Section 31408.5. - 31408.5. In the Pleasant Valley County Water District, every owner...
Section 31409. - 31409. The notice shall be published for two weeks in...
Section 31410. - 31410. If there is no newspaper printed and published in...
Section 31411. - 31411. The returns of the election shall be made to...
Section 31412. - 31412. The results of the election shall be ascertained and...
Section 31413. - 31413. As soon as the result is declared, the secretary...
Section 31414. - 31414. No informalities in the conduct of the election shall...
Section 31415. - 31415. All the expenses of holding the election shall be...
Section 31416. - 31416. Whenever the electors of a district which has no...
ARTICLE 4 - Issuance
Section 31425. - 31425. If from the bond election returns it appears that...
Section 31426. - 31426. The district may dispose of the bonds so issued...
Section 31427. - 31427. Any bonds issued by any district organized under the...
Section 31428. - 31428. All premiums and accrued interest received on the sale...
Section 31429. - 31429. When the board determines by resolution that the expenditure...
ARTICLE 5 - Refunding
Section 31440. - 31440. The board may, by resolution, do the following: (a)...
Section 31441. - 31441. The measure may be voted on at any district...
Section 31442. - 31442. The procedure upon the election shall be in accordance,...
Section 31443. - 31443. The refunding bonds shall not bear a higher rate...
Section 31444. - 31444. Refunding bonds may, if the holders of bonds of...
Section 31445. - 31445. The face value of refunding bonds exchanged for original...
Section 31446. - 31446. The board may raise money by water rates or...
ARTICLE 6 - Callable Bonds
Section 31460. - 31460. Any bonds issued by the district may be subject...
Section 31461. - 31461. When bonds are made callable, a statement to that...
ARTICLE 7 - Revenue Bonds
Section 31480. - 31480. Subject to the provisions of this article, a district...
Section 31481. - 31481. Revenue bonds under this article shall be authorized, issued...
Section 31482. - 31482. The Contra Costa Water District may provide for bonds...
CHAPTER 3 - Adoption of Improvement Acts
ARTICLE 1 - Authorization of Improvements
Section 31500. - 31500. Whenever, in the opinion of the board, the public...
Section 31501. - 31501. The work or improvement shall be done and the...
Section 31502. - 31502. The Municipal Improvement Act of 1913 is also applicable...
Section 31503. - 31503. The Improvement Bond Act of 1915 is also so...
Section 31504. - 31504. Such acts or any of them may be used...
Section 31506. - 31506. A district may enter into an agreement with any...
ARTICLE 2 - Definition of Improvement Act Terms
Section 31520. - 31520. As used in the laws referred to in this...
Section 31521. - 31521. “City” refers to county water district. (Added by Stats....
Section 31522. - 31522. “City council” or “legislative body” refers to the board...
Section 31523. - 31523. “Mayor” refers to the president of the board of...
Section 31524. - 31524. “Clerk” refers to the secretary of the board of...
Section 31525. - 31525. “Council chambers” refers to the place designated by the...
Section 31526. - 31526. “Treasurer” refers to the auditor of the county water...
Section 31527. - 31527. “Superintendent of streets” or “street superintendent” and “city engineer”...
Section 31528. - 31528. “Right of way” refers to any parcel of land...
Section 31529. - 31529. All words relating to municipal officers and matters refer...
ARTICLE 3 - Engineer of Work
Section 31545. - 31545. The board may appoint officers other than the engineer,...
Section 31546. - 31546. The board may appoint an engineer of work, in...
Section 31547. - 31547. The board may provide that the work shall be...
Section 31548. - 31548. The contract shall be entered into by the engineer,...
CHAPTER 4 - Improvement Districts
Section 31575. - 31575. Improvement districts may be formed in districts in the...
Section 31576. - 31576. The board of directors of a district shall have...
Section 31577. - 31577. Assessments in an improvement district in a district shall...
Section 31578. - 31578. If an improvement district is formed in the Kings...
Section 31579. - 31579. All powers and duties of the district may be...
CHAPTER 5 - Alternative Procedure for Formation of Improvement Districts
Section 31585. - 31585. The provisions of this chapter are in addition to...
Section 31586. - 31586. Division 4 (commencing at Section 2800) of the Streets...
ARTICLE 2 - Formation and Projects
Section 31595. - 31595. Improvement districts may be formed to undertake projects to...
Section 31596. - 31596. The formation of an improvement district shall be instituted...
Section 31597. - 31597. The secretary shall give notice of the time and...
Section 31598. - 31598. The notice shall contain a copy of the resolution...
Section 31599. - 31599. At the time and place fixed for the hearing,...
Section 31600. - 31600. If prior to the conclusion of the hearing written...
Section 31601. - 31601. In all matters referred to in this article, the...
Section 31602. - 31602. (a) Each signature on a protest shall be acknowledged...
Section 31603. - 31603. The board may inquire and take evidence for the...
Section 31604. - 31604. At the conclusion of the hearing if proceedings relating...
Section 31605. - 31605. No improvement district shall be formed pursuant to this...
Section 31606. - 31606. The resolution declaring an improvement district to be formed...
Section 31607. - 31607. The boundaries of an improvement district determined and established...
Section 31608. - 31608. The resolution declaring the improvement district to be formed...
Section 31609. - 31609. If a petition protesting against the adoption of the...
Section 31610. - 31610. After the formation of an improvement district pursuant to...
Section 31611. - 31611. After the formation of an improvement district, additional lands...
ARTICLE 3 - Taxes
Section 31615. - 31615. Subject to such limitations as may be contained in...
Section 31616. - 31616. The procedure for estimating, levying, and collecting taxes in...
Section 31617. - 31617. All taxes collected pursuant to this article shall be...
Section 31618. - 31618. For the purpose of any tax levied under this...
CHAPTER 6 - Kings County Water District Improvement District
Section 31625. - 31625. One or more improvement districts may be formed in...
CHAPTER 7 - Coachella Valley Water District Water Replenishment Assessments
Section 31630. - 31630. The Coachella Valley Water District shall have the power...
Section 31630.5. - 31630.5. As used in this chapter: (a) “Annual” or “year”...
Section 31631. - 31631. By May 1 of each year the board shall...
Section 31631.5. - 31631.5. If the board determines that funds should be raised...
Section 31632. - 31632. The hearing shall be held before the board and...
Section 31632.5. - 31632.5. Before July 1 of each year, the board may...
Section 31633. - 31633. The amount of any replenishment assessment levied within an...
Section 31633.5. - 31633.5. Minimal pumpers may be excluded from the engineering survey...
Section 31634. - 31634. The district, after the levying of any replenishment assessment,...
Section 31634.5. - 31634.5. Except as provided in Section 31636, each producer, on...
Section 31635. - 31635. Any replenishment assessment levied pursuant to this chapter shall...
Section 31636. - 31636. If the district has an agreement with any producer...
Section 31636.5. - 31636.5. If any producer subject to a replenishment assessment, after...
Section 31637. - 31637. Should any producer, subject to a replenishment assessment, knowingly...
Section 31637.5. - 31637.5. If the district has probable cause to believe that...
Section 31638. - 31638. The district may, in any court having jurisdiction, bring...
Section 31638.5. - 31638.5. It shall be unlawful to produce water from within...
Section 31639. - 31639. This chapter, applicable only to the Coachella Valley Water...
CHAPTER 1 - General Provisions
Section 31650. - 31650. A district may cause taxes to be levied for...
Section 31651. - 31651. If the maturity of the indebtedness created by an...
Section 31652. - 31652. A district may cause taxes to be levied to...
Section 31653. - 31653. A district may impose a special tax pursuant to...
ARTICLE 2 - Special Rate
Section 31665. - 31665. Whenever the board by ordinance finds that because of...
Section 31666. - 31666. The petition shall request that the board determine what...