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Section 22225. - 22225. Each district has the power generally to perform all...
Section 22226. - 22226. A district may construct the necessary works for the...
Section 22227. - 22227. A district may acquire the right to store water...
Section 22228. - 22228. A district may contract to perform and perform any...
Section 22230. - 22230. A district may make and perform any necessary contracts...
Section 22231. - 22231. A district by contract may acquire and operate any...
Section 22232. - 22232. A district may employ an expert in agriculture and...
Section 22233. - 22233. Any district and any county may enter into a...
Section 22234. - 22234. A district may contract to operate, maintain, or improve...
Section 22235. - 22235. A district may disseminate information to the public concerning...