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Section 30773. - 30773. The provisions of this article shall apply only to...
Section 30774. - 30774. All ballots printed shall be precisely on the same...
Section 30775. - 30775. The names of all candidates printed upon the ballot...
Section 30776. - 30776. A column may be provided on the right-hand side...
Section 30777. - 30777. The order of candidates names on the ballot shall...
Section 30778. - 30778. The county elections official shall cause the ballots to...
Section 30779. - 30779. The ballots shall contain the list of names and...
Section 30780. - 30780. The ballot shall contain the following instruction: “For director...
Section 30781. - 30781. A half-inch square shall be provided at the right...
Section 30782. - 30782. Half-inch spaces shall be left below the printed names...