California Code
ARTICLE 2 - Hearing
Section 31393.

31393. (a) Any time following the establishment of an improvement district pursuant to this article, the board, by a four-fifths majority vote, may exempt part or all of the territory within the improvement district from liability for payment of principal, interest, and any other amounts which become due on account of any outstanding or then authorized but thereafter issued bonds of the county water district other than bonds issued for the improvement district. The board may adopt a resolution pursuant to this section only if it first makes all of the following findings:

(1) Bonds for the improvement district have received the voter approval required by this chapter and part or all of the improvement district bonds have been issued to provide benefit to the improvement district.

(2) The territory for which exemption is proposed was annexed to the district after the bonds of the county water district were authorized and prior to formation of the improvement district.

(3) The territory proposed for exemption from the county water district bonds receives or will receive greater benefit from the improvement district bonds than it receives or will receive from county water district bonds from which the territory is proposed for exemption.

(b) When the county water district adopts a resolution pursuant to this section, it shall file it, together with a sufficient description of the territory to be exempted from the bonded indebtedness, in accordance with Section 54902 of the Government Code. The county assessor and the State Board of Equalization shall give the resolution the same effect as a term and condition adopted pursuant to subdivision (c) of Section 56470 of the Government Code; provided, however, the effective date of the resolution for tax purposes shall be determined by the filing date in accordance with Sections 54902 and 54902.1 of the Government Code.

(c) The provisions of this section apply only to the Yorba Linda County Water District.

(Added by Stats. 1982, Ch. 693, Sec. 1. Effective September 2, 1982.)