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Section 31667. - 31667. A fee of ten dollars ($10) shall be paid...
Section 31668. - 31668. The board shall set a time and place for...
Section 31669. - 31669. The notice for a special rate of taxation hearing...
Section 31670. - 31670. The board shall meet at the time and place...
Section 31671. - 31671. After the conclusion of the hearing, if the board...
Section 31672. - 31672. The ordinance or resolution shall: (a) Describe the land...
Section 31673. - 31673. A certified copy of the ordinance or resolution determining...
Section 31674. - 31674. After a copy of the ordinance or resolution is...
Section 31675. - 31675. The determination of the board granting or denying a...
ARTICLE 3 - Taxation Within the Kings County Water District
Section 31680. - 31680. Within the Kings County Water District, the board may...
CHAPTER 2 - Main Tax Procedure
Section 31700. - 31700. In this chapter “district” means a county water district...
Section 31701. - 31701. If a district has no revenue or if the...
Section 31701.5. - 31701.5. The amount of any charges for water and other...
Section 31701.6. - 31701.6. A district shall notify the holder of title to...
Section 31701.7. - 31701.7. In case any charges for water or other services,...
Section 31702. - 31702. After the board of directors has furnished the estimates...
Section 31702.1. - 31702.1. The board may, by resolution, elect to fix its...
Section 31702.2. - 31702.2. Following the board’s election, the county auditor shall, before...
Section 31702.3. - 31702.3. On or before September 1 of each year, the...
Section 31702.4. - 31702.4. The county auditor shall compute and enter in the...
Section 31703. - 31703. Subject to any other limitations in this division contained...
Section 31703.1. - 31703.1. Upon request of the Mariana Ranchos County Water District,...
Section 31703.2. - 31703.2. Annually, the Sierra Lakes County Water District, Placer County,...
Section 31703.3. - 31703.3. Annually, the Circle Oaks County Water District, Napa County,...
Section 31703.4. - 31703.4. Upon request of the Apple Valley Heights County Water...
Section 31703.5. - 31703.5. Annually, the Desert View County Water District, San Bernardino...
Section 31703.6. - 31703.6. Annually, the Pinedale County Water District, Fresno County, may...
Section 31703.7. - 31703.7. Upon request of the Cucamonga County Water District, the...
Section 31703.8. - 31703.8. Annually, the El Dorado Hills County Water District, El...
Section 31703.9. - 31703.9. Annually, the Juniper Riviera County Water District, San Bernardino...
Section 31704. - 31704. Taxes levied by the Coachella Valley County Water District...
Section 31706. - 31706. All district taxes shall be collected at the same...
Section 31707. - 31707. Subject to the provisions of Section 31707.1, taxes for...
Section 31707.1. - 31707.1. No bonded debt and no lien therefor is created...
Section 31707.5. - 31707.5. (a) Taxes for the payment of all charges, claims,...
Section 31708. - 31708. Notwithstanding any other provision of this part to the...
Section 31709. - 31709. District taxes whether for the payment of a bonded...
CHAPTER 3 - Alternative Tax Procedure
ARTICLE 5 - Collections Generally
Section 31805. - 31805. All district taxes levied on real property and improvements...
ARTICLE 6 - Collection by the Assessor
Section 31822. - 31822. If the assessee owns taxable real property in fee...
CHAPTER 1 - Exclusion
Section 32200. - 32200. Any tract of land included within any district and...
CHAPTER 2 - Inclusion
Section 32400. - 32400. Land not a part of the district whether or...
CHAPTER 3 - Inclusion in Improvement Districts
Section 32550. - 32550. Territory within a district may be annexed to an...
Section 32551. - 32551. The procedure for such annexation shall be the same...
Section 32552. - 32552. If all the owners of land within the territory...
Section 32553. - 32553. After the adoption of a resolution ordering such annexation,...
Section 32554. - 32554. Territory annexed to an improvement district shall be subject...
PART 8.2 - Coachella Valley Water District
Section 32600. - 32600. Unless the context otherwise requires, the definitions set forth...
Section 32601. - 32601. (a) The Legislature hereby finds and declares that the...
Section 32602. - 32602. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, but subject to...
Section 32603. - 32603. (a) The use of nonpotable water, including recycled water,...
CHAPTER 1 - General Provisions
Section 33100. - 33100. This part shall be known and may be cited...
Section 33101. - 33101. The State and the people thereof have a primary...
Section 33102. - 33102. Investigation having shown that conditions in the Coachella Valley...
Section 33103. - 33103. The Coachella Valley County Water District was prior to...
Section 33104. - 33104. This chapter is enacted in part under the authority...
Section 33105. - 33105. This part shall be given a liberal construction for...
Section 33106. - 33106. Nothing in this part shall impair or adversely affect...
CHAPTER 2 - The Merger
Section 33115. - 33115. The Coachella Valley Storm Water District of Riverside County...
Section 33116. - 33116. The surviving district comprises all land in the county...
Section 33117. - 33117. The name of the surviving district is Coachella Valley...
Section 33118. - 33118. The surviving district is a public agency of the...
Section 33119. - 33119. Upon the merger of the two districts the storm...
Section 33120. - 33120. Upon the merger the directors and officers of the...
Section 33121. - 33121. Upon the merger the surviving district succeeded to all...
CHAPTER 3 - Operation of Surviving District
Section 33135. - 33135. Except as in this part expressly provided the surviving...
Section 33136. - 33136. In addition to the powers in this part conferred,...
Section 33137. - 33137. In addition to the powers in this part conferred...
Section 33138. - 33138. In the case of conflict between the Storm Water...
Section 33139. - 33139. Notwithstanding anything contained in this part, the surviving district...
Section 33140. - 33140. All actions and proceedings pending by or against the...
Section 33141. - 33141. After the merger no action or proceeding shall be...
Section 33142. - 33142. All actions and proceedings commenced after the merger either...
Section 33143. - 33143. All outstanding bonded and other indebtedness of the storm...
Section 33144. - 33144. The board of directors and officers of the surviving...
Section 33145. - 33145. All money required for repair, operation, and maintenance of...
Section 33146. - 33146. Land may be added to the surviving district or...
CHAPTER 4 - Storm Water Unit
Section 33160. - 33160. The surviving district contains an improvement district, designated “Storm...
Section 33161. - 33161. The storm water unit shall solely be and remain...
Section 33162. - 33162. Land may be added to or excluded from the...
Section 33200. - 33200. This part shall be known and may be cited...
Section 33201. - 33201. The State and the people thereof have a primary...
Section 33202. - 33202. The City of Costa Mesa was incorporated on June...
Section 33203. - 33203. This part is enacted partially under the authority expressly...
Section 33204. - 33204. This part shall be given a liberal construction for...
Section 33205. - 33205. Nothing in this part shall impair or adversely affect...
Section 33206. - 33206. For the purpose of accomplishing the dissolution, merger, and...
Section 33207. - 33207. The name of the Costa Mesa County Water District...
CHAPTER 2 - Merger
Section 33215. - 33215. The Costa Mesa County Water District is hereby created,...
Section 33216. - 33216. The name of the new district which succeeds the...
Section 33217. - 33217. The new district is a public agency of the...
Section 33218. - 33218. The Newport Heights Irrigation District, Fairview County Water District,...
Section 33219. - 33219. The dissolution of the Fairview County Water District, the...
Section 33220. - 33220. The boards of directors of the Newport Heights Irrigation...
Section 33221. - 33221. As the Newport Mesa Irrigation District has been inactive...
Section 33222. - 33222. On the first day of the second month following...
Section 33223. - 33223. The boards of directors of the Newport Heights Irrigation...
Section 33224. - 33224. Any assessments levied by or on behalf of the...
CHAPTER 3 - Operation of New District
Section 33240. - 33240. Except as in this part expressly provided, the new...
Section 33241. - 33241. Any and all actions and proceedings pending by or...
Section 33242. - 33242. After the effective date of the dissolution and merger...
Section 33243. - 33243. All outstanding bonded and other indebtednesses of the dissolved...
Section 33244. - 33244. Upon the dissolution of the named districts, their merger...
Section 33245. - 33245. The boards of directors of the Newport Heights Irrigation...
Section 33246. - 33246. The board of directors of the Costa Mesa County...
Section 33247. - 33247. The Board of Directors of the Costa Mesa County...
Section 33248. - 33248. The districts and the city shall, pursuant to this...
Section 33249. - 33249. The Board of Directors of the Costa Mesa County...
Section 33900. - 33900. The following acts are hereby repealed: YearCh. Pg. 1913:...
Section 33901. - 33901. The repeals effected by this part shall not be...