33219. The dissolution of the Fairview County Water District, the Newport Mesa County Water District, the Newport Heights Irrigation District, and the Newport Mesa Irrigation District, and their merger into the Costa Mesa County Water District, shall occur and be considered completed for all purposes on the first day of the second month following the sixty-first day after the effective date of this part, unless there has been filed with any of the districts or the City of Costa Mesa a petition signed by at least 5 percent of the registered voters of the area comprising all of the districts and the City of Costa Mesa requesting that an election be held for the purpose of approving or disapproving the dissolution, merger and creation of the new district by popular vote. If such petition is filed and found to be valid, the election shall be held as quickly as possible and pursuant to the general provisions for holding elections as provided for county water districts, beginning with Section 30700 of the Water Code. The certification of the results of the election, if held, shall determine whether the dissolution, merger and creation of the new Costa Mesa County Water District has been accomplished.
(Added by Stats. 1959, Ch. 1377.)