33244. Upon the dissolution of the named districts, their merger into the Costa Mesa County Water District, and the transfer of the water system by the City of Costa Mesa to the Costa Mesa County Water District as in this part provided, there shall be transferred to the General Fund of the Costa Mesa County Water District a sum equal to three dollars ($3) for each connected consumer by each of the districts and the City of Costa Mesa. All other funds of the district shall be transferred to special accounts for the payment of bond principal and interest of the respective assessment districts as provided in this part. Any surplus remaining after the payment of all bonded indebtedness or after setting aside sufficient funds to pay all bonded indebtedness shall remain in the special fund for the benefit of the territory of the district from which the funds were collected, and shall be used from time to time, until expended, for capital improvements within such territory.
(Added by Stats. 1959, Ch. 1377.)
Structure California Code