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ARTICLE 1 - Directors
Section 30500. - 30500. Each district shall have a board of five directors...
Section 30500.1. - 30500.1. (a) Notwithstanding Section 30500, the local agency formation commission,...
Section 30500.3. - 30500.3. Notwithstanding Section 30500, the Board of Directors of the...
Section 30501. - 30501. The directors first elected upon the formation of the...
Section 30502. - 30502. The term of office of each director other than...
Section 30503. - 30503. If a person elected fails to qualify, the office...
Section 30504. - 30504. All vacancies occurring in the office of director shall...
Section 30506. - 30506. Each director elected or appointed shall hold office until...
Section 30507. - 30507. Each director shall receive compensation in an amount not...
Section 30507.1. - 30507.1. Each director of the Contra Costa Water District shall...
Section 30508. - 30508. If a director’s place of residence, as defined in...
Section 30509. - 30509. Before entering upon the duties of his office each...
Section 30510. - 30510. The oath of office may be taken before the...
Section 30511. - 30511. In a county water district formed to include all...
Section 30513. - 30513. Notwithstanding Section 30500 or any other provision of this...
Section 30514. - 30514. If, on or before July 1, 1977, a district...
Section 30516. - 30516. (a) If the Orange County local agency formation commission...
ARTICLE 2 - The Board
Section 30520. - 30520. Within 30 days after the election of the first...
Section 30521. - 30521. The board shall: (a) Provide for the time and...
Section 30522. - 30522. At its organization meeting the board may transact any...
Section 30523. - 30523. The board shall act only by ordinance, resolution, or...
Section 30524. - 30524. A majority of the board shall constitute a quorum...
Section 30525. - 30525. No ordinance, resolution, or motion shall be passed or...
Section 30525.5. - 30525.5. A district may destroy a record pursuant to Chapter...
Section 30526. - 30526. Except where action is taken by the unanimous vote...
Section 30527. - 30527. The enacting clause of all ordinances passed by the...
Section 30528. - 30528. All ordinances shall be signed by the president and...
Section 30529. - 30529. All legislative sessions of the board shall be public....
Section 30530. - 30530. The board shall establish rules for its proceedings. (Added...
ARTICLE 3 - Other Officers and Employees
Section 30540. - 30540. (a) The board shall, at its first meeting or...
Section 30541. - 30541. A director shall not be the general manager, secretary,...
Section 30542. - 30542. The general manager, secretary, treasurer, and auditor shall each...
Section 30543. - 30543. The same person may serve as general manager and...
Section 30544. - 30544. The board may at any time appoint or employ...
Section 30545. - 30545. The general manager, secretary, auditor, treasurer, and other employees...
Section 30546. - 30546. Any regular employee of a district who is a...
Section 30547. - 30547. (a) A district may employ a suitable security force....