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CHAPTER 1 - General Provisions and Definitions
Section 21001. - 21001. This part may be cited as the “State Aeronautics...
Section 21002. - 21002. The purpose of this part is to further and...
Section 21003. - 21003. Unless the context otherwise requires, the definitions and general...
Section 21004. - 21004. The acquisition of any land or interest therein pursuant...
Section 21005. - 21005. This part shall not be construed as limiting any...
Section 21006. - 21006. This chapter or any other law shall not be...
Section 21006.5. - 21006.5. “Department” means the Department of Transportation. (Amended by Stats....
Section 21007. - 21007. Whenever the term “California Aeronautics Commission,” “Division of Aeronautics,”...
Section 21008. - 21008. “Director” means the Director of Transportation. Any reference in...
Section 21008.3. - 21008.3. “Division” means the Division of Aeronautics in the department....
Section 21008.5. - 21008.5. “Commission” means the California Transportation Commission. (Amended by Stats....
Section 21009. - 21009. “Person” means any individual, firm, partnership, corporation, limited liability...
Section 21010. - 21010. “Political subdivision” means any county, city, city and county,...
Section 21011. - 21011. “Aeronautics” means: (a) The science and art of flight,...
Section 21012. - 21012. “Aircraft” means any manned contrivance used or designed for...
Section 21013. - 21013. “Airport” means any area of land or water which...
Section 21014. - 21014. “Air navigation facility” means any facility, other than facilities...
Section 21015. - 21015. “Operation of aircraft” or “operate aircraft” means the use,...
Section 21016. - 21016. “Airman” means any individual who engages, as the person...
Section 21017. - 21017. “Airport hazard” means any structure, object of natural growth,...
Section 21018. - 21018. “Airway” means a route in the navigable air space...
Section 21019. - 21019. A person who violates this part, other than Section...
Section 21020. - 21020. “Land” includes tide and submerged lands or other lands...
CHAPTER 2 - Department of Transportation and State Aeronautics Board
ARTICLE 1 - Department of Transportation
Section 21204. - 21204. The department may adopt, administer, and enforce rules and...
Section 21206. - 21206. The department shall prepare a statement of all estimated...
Section 21207. - 21207. Whenever a political subdivision owning and operating an airport...
ARTICLE 1.5 - State Aeronautics Board
Section 21215. - 21215. (a) The State Aeronautics Board is hereby abolished, and...
Section 21216. - 21216. Any person or entity injured or aggrieved by any...
ARTICLE 2 - Powers and Duties
Section 21240. - 21240. This state recognizes the authority of the federal government...
Section 21241. - 21241. The department shall encourage, foster, and assist in the...
Section 21242. - 21242. The department may: (a) Draft and recommend necessary legislation...
Section 21243. - 21243. The department may make and amend general or special...
Section 21244. - 21244. For the purpose of protecting and insuring the general...
Section 21245. - 21245. The department shall keep on file with the Secretary...
Section 21246. - 21246. The department shall provide for the publication and general...
Section 21247. - 21247. The department may enter into any contracts necessary to...
Section 21248. - 21248. The department may exercise any of its powers under...
Section 21249. - 21249. The department may confer or hold joint hearings with...
Section 21250. - 21250. The department may avail itself of the cooperation, services,...
Section 21251. - 21251. In administering this part the department may use the...
Section 21252. - 21252. (a) (1) The department, its members, the director, officers...
Section 21253. - 21253. In the name of the state, the department may...
Section 21254. - 21254. The department may report to the appropriate federal agencies...
Section 21255. - 21255. The department may receive reports of penalties and other...
Section 21256. - 21256. The department may accept, receive, receipt for, disburse, and...
Section 21257. - 21257. The department may own and operate aircraft for use...
Section 21258. - 21258. The department shall represent the state and local agencies...
CHAPTER 3 - Regulation of Aeronautics
Section 21401. - 21401. Sovereignty in the space above the land and waters...
Section 21402. - 21402. The ownership of the space above the land and...
Section 21403. - 21403. (a) Flight in aircraft over the land and waters...
Section 21404. - 21404. Liability of the owner or pilot of an aircraft...
Section 21404.1. - 21404.1. (a) The liability of an owner, bailee of an...
Section 21405. - 21405. The liability of the owner of one aircraft to...
Section 21407. - 21407. It is unlawful for any person to operate an...
Section 21407.1. - 21407.1. (a) It is unlawful for any person, who is...
Section 21407.2. - 21407.2. (a) (1) (A) Any person who operates an aircraft...
Section 21407.6. - 21407.6. (a) Any person convicted under Section 21407.1 shall be...
Section 21408. - 21408. For any violation of Section 21407 or 21407.1, in...
Section 21409. - 21409. It is unlawful for any person to engage in...
Section 21410. - 21410. Every airman shall keep any certificate, permit, rating, or...
Section 21411. - 21411. It is unlawful for any person to operate, or...
Section 21412. - 21412. Any certificate, permit, or license required by the United...
Section 21413. - 21413. The department shall report to the appropriate federal agency...
Section 21415. - 21415. No person shall be in, or perform any act...
Section 21416. - 21416. On all commercial aircraft which transport passengers for compensation...
CHAPTER 4 - Airports and Air Navigation Facilities
ARTICLE 1 - Assistance to Political Subdivisions
Section 21601. - 21601. The department may make available its engineering and other...
Section 21602. - 21602. (a) Subject to the terms and within the limits...
Section 21603. - 21603. Upon the request of any political subdivision or political...
Section 21605. - 21605. No proprietor of any permitted airport which is open...
ARTICLE 2 - State Airports and Air Navigation Facilities
Section 21631. - 21631. From appropriations or other money made available for the...
Section 21632. - 21632. (a) The department may also acquire existing airports and...
Section 21633. - 21633. For the purposes of this article, the department, by...
Section 21636. - 21636. The department may dispose of any property, airport, air...
Section 21637. - 21637. In operating an airport or air navigation facility owned...
Section 21638. - 21638. The department shall call for bids for the operation...
Section 21639. - 21639. The department shall grant no exclusive right for the...
Section 21640. - 21640. To enforce the payment of any charges for repairs,...
Section 21646. - 21646. It shall be a misdemeanor for any person to...
ARTICLE 2.5 - Non-Public-Use Airports
Section 21650. - 21650. “Airport” for the purposes of this article means an...
Section 21650.1. - 21650.1. An airport shall be marked as required by rule...
Section 21650.2. - 21650.2. Nothing shall prevent an airport from applying for and...
ARTICLE 2.6 - Hazard Elimination; Flight Disturbance
Section 21652. - 21652. (a) Any person authorized to exercise the power of...
Section 21653. - 21653. Any person authorized to exercise the power of eminent...
ARTICLE 2.7 - Regulation of Obstructions
Section 21655. - 21655. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, if the proposed...
Section 21656. - 21656. No person shall erect or add to the height...
Section 21657. - 21657. The department may refuse issuance of a permit under...
Section 21658. - 21658. No public utility shall construct any pole, pole line,...
Section 21659. - 21659. (a) No person shall construct or alter any structure...
ARTICLE 3 - Regulation of Airports
Section 21661. - 21661. This article does not apply to any temporary seaplane...
Section 21661.5. - 21661.5. (a) No political subdivision, any of its officers or...
Section 21661.6. - 21661.6. (a) Prior to the acquisition of land or any...
Section 21662. - 21662. The department shall have the authority to issue airport...
Section 21662.1. - 21662.1. (a) At or as near as practical to the...
Section 21662.4. - 21662.4. (a) Emergency aircraft flights for medical purposes by law...
Section 21662.5. - 21662.5. Notwithstanding Section 21006 or Section 21661 or any other...
Section 21663. - 21663. It is unlawful for any political subdivision, any of...
Section 21664. - 21664. Any political subdivision or person planning to construct, establish,...
Section 21664.5. - 21664.5. (a) An amended airport permit shall be required for...
Section 21666. - 21666. The department shall issue a permit if it is...
Section 21668. - 21668. The department may revoke any airport permit if it...
Section 21668.2. - 21668.2. In lieu of revoking an airport permit pursuant to...
Section 21669. - 21669. The department shall adopt noise standards governing the operation...
Section 21669.1. - 21669.1. (a) Land use conversion involving existing residential communities shall...
Section 21669.2. - 21669.2. In its deliberations, the department shall be governed by...
Section 21669.3. - 21669.3. Any regulations designed to establish a noise monitoring program...
Section 21669.4. - 21669.4. (a) The violation of the noise standards by any...
Section 21669.5. - 21669.5. (a) For purposes of this section, the following terms...
Section 21669.6. - 21669.6. Hearings under this article required by the provisions of...
ARTICLE 3.5 - Airport Land Use Commission
Section 21670. - 21670. (a) The Legislature hereby finds and declares that: (1)...
Section 21670.1. - 21670.1. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this article, if...
Section 21670.2. - 21670.2. (a) Sections 21670 and 21670.1 do not apply to...
Section 21670.3. - 21670.3. (a) Sections 21670 and 21670.1 do not apply to...
Section 21670.4. - 21670.4. (a) As used in this section, “intercounty airport” means...
Section 21670.6. - 21670.6. Any action brought in the superior court relating to...
Section 21671. - 21671. In any county where there is an airport operated...
Section 21671.5. - 21671.5. (a) Except for the terms of office of the...
Section 21672. - 21672. Each commission shall adopt rules and regulations with respect...
Section 21673. - 21673. In any county not having a commission or a...
Section 21674. - 21674. The commission has the following powers and duties, subject...
Section 21674.5. - 21674.5. (a) The Department of Transportation shall develop and implement...
Section 21674.7. - 21674.7. (a) An airport land use commission that formulates, adopts,...
Section 21675. - 21675. (a) Each commission shall formulate an airport land use...
Section 21675.1. - 21675.1. (a) By June 30, 1991, each commission shall adopt...
Section 21675.2. - 21675.2. (a) If a commission fails to act to approve...
Section 21676. - 21676. (a) Each local agency whose general plan includes areas...
Section 21676.5. - 21676.5. (a) If the commission finds that a local agency...
Section 21677. - 21677. Notwithstanding the two-thirds vote required by Section 21676, any...
Section 21678. - 21678. With respect to a publicly owned airport that a...
Section 21679. - 21679. (a) In any county in which there is no...
Section 21679.5. - 21679.5. (a) Until June 30, 1991, no action pursuant to...
ARTICLE 4 - Aeronautics Fund
Section 21680. - 21680. (a) The Aeronautics Fund is hereby continued in existence...
Section 21681. - 21681. As used in this article, the following terms have...
Section 21682. - 21682. (a) The department shall establish individual revolving fund subaccounts...
Section 21682.5. - 21682.5. The department shall pay, from the Aeronautics Account to...
Section 21683. - 21683. Any public entity may apply to the department each...
Section 21683.1. - 21683.1. (a) At the discretion of the commission, any balance...
Section 21683.2. - 21683.2. Any balance remaining in the Aeronautics Account, after the...
Section 21684. - 21684. (a) No payment shall be made to a public...
Section 21684.1. - 21684.1. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 21683, any balance remaining...
Section 21684.5. - 21684.5. Notwithstanding the provisions of this article inasmuch as they...
Section 21684.6. - 21684.6. Notwithstanding the provisions of this article, inasmuch as they...
Section 21685. - 21685. Any public entity may pay any part of the...
Section 21686. - 21686. It shall be the duty of any public entity...
Section 21687. - 21687. (a) (1) If an airport, for which payments have...
Section 21688. - 21688. (a) No payments shall be made from the Aeronautics...
ARTICLE 4.5 - Airport Facilities and Concessions
Section 21690.5. - 21690.5. The Legislature finds and declares as follows: (a) The...
Section 21690.6. - 21690.6. The provisions of this article shall apply to any...
Section 21690.7. - 21690.7. The governing bodies of publicly owned or operated airports...
Section 21690.8. - 21690.8. The Legislature recognizes that to further the policies and...
Section 21690.9. - 21690.9. Before entering any exclusive or limited agreement in connection...
Section 21690.10. - 21690.10. Nothing in this article shall excuse any local agency...
ARTICLE 5 - Los Angeles International Airport Relocation and Development
Section 21690.20. - 21690.20. The Legislature hereby finds that Los Angeles International Airport...
Section 21690.21. - 21690.21. Unless the context otherwise requires, the following definitions shall...
Section 21690.22. - 21690.22. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the department is...
Section 21690.23. - 21690.23. The department is authorized to expend any available funds,...
Section 21690.24. - 21690.24. Upon establishment of a program for additional payments to...
Section 21690.25. - 21690.25. Upon establishment by the department of a program for...
Section 21690.26. - 21690.26. The members of the board shall serve at the...
Section 21690.27. - 21690.27. The Board of Airport Commissioners of the City of...
Section 21690.28. - 21690.28. The provisions of this article are available only to...
Section 21690.29. - 21690.29. If any provision of this article or the application...
CHAPTER 5 - Proceedings
Section 21692. - 21692. The department, any member, the director, or any officer...
Section 21693. - 21693. In order to facilitate the making of investigations by...
Section 21694. - 21694. Every order of the department requiring performance of certain...
CHAPTER 6 - Airport Planning
Section 21701. - 21701. The division, in consultation with transportation planning agencies as...
Section 21702. - 21702. The California Aviation System Plan shall include, but not...
Section 21703. - 21703. The division shall submit the California Aviation System Plan...
Section 21704. - 21704. The division, in consultation with the transportation planning agencies,...
Section 21705. - 21705. The commission shall review, hold public hearings on, and,...
Section 21706. - 21706. The division shall require that every project submitted for...
Section 21707. - 21707. Any funds necessary to carry out Sections 21701, 21702,...
CHAPTER 7 - Skydiving or Sport Parachuting Operations
Section 21708. - 21708. This chapter shall be known and may be cited...
Section 21709. - 21709. (a) To the extent allowed by federal law, the...
Section 22001. - 22001. This part may be cited as the “California Airport...
Section 22002. - 22002. The purpose of this part is to facilitate the...
Section 22003. - 22003. Unless the context otherwise requires, the definitions and general...
Section 22004. - 22004. Airport districts may be created, maintained, and managed as...
Section 22005. - 22005. A district may lie within or include the territories...
Section 22006. - 22006. The boundaries of a district may be altered and...
Section 22007. - 22007. Except as otherwise provided in this part, the law...
Section 22008. - 22008. “District” means airport district, formed and proposed to be...
Section 22009. - 22009. “Principal county” means the county in which all of...
Section 22010. - 22010. “Affected county” means any county in which the territory...
Section 22011. - 22011. “Board” means the board of directors of the district....
Section 22012. - 22012. “Director” means member of the board. (Added by Stats....
Section 22013. - 22013. “Secretary” means secretary of the board. (Added by Stats....
Section 22014. - 22014. “Bond election” means an election provided for in Article...
Section 22015. - 22015. “Formation election” means an election provided for in Article...
Section 22016. - 22016. “Bond tax” means the tax levied pursuant to Chapter...
Section 22017. - 22017. “District tax” means the tax levied pursuant to Chapter...
CHAPTER 2 - Formation
ARTICLE 1 - Resolution
Section 22151. - 22151. The board of supervisors of each county desiring to...
Section 22152. - 22152. Each resolution shall contain: (a) A statement of intention...
Section 22153. - 22153. Each resolution shall be published pursuant to Section 6061...
ARTICLE 2 - Investigation and Termination by Majority Protest
Section 22176. - 22176. Except as otherwise provided in this article, the District...
Section 22177. - 22177. Section 22178 of this code supersedes Section 58680 of...
Section 22178. - 22178. The requirements of the District Investigation Law for the...
ARTICLE 3 - Hearing
Section 22201. - 22201. Written protests or objections to the formation of the...
Section 22202. - 22202. The board of supervisors of each affected county shall...
Section 22203. - 22203. Each board of supervisors may overrule any protests or...
Section 22204. - 22204. The board of supervisors of each affected county may...
ARTICLE 4 - Election
Section 22226. - 22226. If after the hearing the board of supervisors of...
Section 22227. - 22227. The resolution shall be published pursuant to Section 6066...
Section 22228. - 22228. The proposition submitted at the election shall be “Shall...
Section 22229. - 22229. Except as otherwise provided in this article, the election...
Section 22229.1. - 22229.1. Within five days after the district formation election has...
Section 22229.2. - 22229.2. The board of supervisors or any member or members...
Section 22229.3. - 22229.3. If more than one argument for or more than...
Section 22229.4. - 22229.4. The officials in charge of conducting the election shall...
Section 22230. - 22230. At the first election the board of supervisors of...
Section 22231. - 22231. The canvass of the returns of the election shall...
Section 22232. - 22232. If the canvass is made by an officer other...
ARTICLE 5 - Establishment of District
Section 22256. - 22256. By a resolution entered on its minutes, the board...
Section 22257. - 22257. The resolution shall contain the name of the district...
Section 22258. - 22258. A certified copy of the resolution shall be recorded...
Section 22259. - 22259. Upon the filing with the Secretary of State, the...
CHAPTER 3 - Internal Organization
ARTICLE 1 - Board of Directors
Section 22401. - 22401. A board of five directors is the governing body...
Section 22402. - 22402. Each district shall hold a general district election, governed...
Section 22403. - 22403. Within 30 days after notice of election or appointment...
Section 22404. - 22404. The terms of office of the directors elected at...
Section 22406. - 22406. The board shall fill any vacancies occurring in the...
Section 22407. - 22407. (a) Each member of the board of directors shall...
Section 22408. - 22408. The board shall hold its first meeting in the...
Section 22409. - 22409. At its first meeting the board shall provide for...
Section 22410. - 22410. A majority of the board constitutes a quorum for...
Section 22411. - 22411. A district may destroy a record pursuant to Chapter...
ARTICLE 2 - Officers and Employees
Section 22436. - 22436. At its first meeting the board shall choose one...
Section 22437. - 22437. At its first meeting or as soon thereafter as...
Section 22438. - 22438. The secretary shall countersign all contracts on behalf of...
Section 22439. - 22439. The general manager has the following powers and functions:...
Section 22440. - 22440. The general manager shall report to the board in...
Section 22441. - 22441. The auditor shall install and maintain a system of...
Section 22442. - 22442. The board shall designate depositories for the custody of...
Section 22443. - 22443. The general manager, secretary, auditor, and all other employees...
CHAPTER 4 - Powers and Duties
Section 22551. - 22551. Except as otherwise provided in this part, the powers...
Section 22552. - 22552. A district has perpetual succession. (Added by Stats. 1953,...
Section 22553. - 22553. A district may do all of the following: (a)...
Section 22553.5. - 22553.5. (a) The board of directors may, from time to...
Section 22554. - 22554. A district may also: (a) Employ legal counsel, in...
Section 22555. - 22555. The board shall make all rules governing the use...
Section 22556. - 22556. The board may charge and collect fees, tolls, and...
Section 22557. - 22557. (a) The district may issue temporary negotiable notes bearing...
Section 22557.5. - 22557.5. (a) Notwithstanding Section 22557, the Big Bear Airport District...
Section 22558. - 22558. In addition to all other powers authorized by this...
Section 22559. - 22559. The board may by resolution change the name of...
CHAPTER 4.5 - Claims
Section 22601. - 22601. All claims for money or damages against the district...
CHAPTER 5 - Bonds
ARTICLE 1 - General
Section 22701. - 22701. As used in this chapter, “board of supervisors” means...
Section 22702. - 22702. District bonds may be issued and sold pursuant to...
Section 22703. - 22703. If the board deems it advisable it may call...
Section 22704. - 22704. The board shall call and conduct the bond election...
Section 22705. - 22705. The order calling the bond election shall be signed...
Section 22706. - 22706. In the order calling the bond election, the board...
Section 22707. - 22707. When bonds issued pursuant to this part have been...
Section 22708. - 22708. If any officer whose signature, countersignature, or attestation appears...
ARTICLE 2 - Bond Election
Section 22731. - 22731. A notice of the bond election, signed by a...
Section 22732. - 22732. The notice shall contain: (a) The time and place...
Section 22733. - 22733. For the purpose of the bond election, the board...
Section 22734. - 22734. The board shall appoint one inspector, one judge, and...
Section 22735. - 22735. If the board fails to appoint the election officers,...
Section 22736. - 22736. The board may fix the compensation of the election...
Section 22737. - 22737. The polls shall be open on election day from...
Section 22738. - 22738. Every resident of the district, who is a qualified...
Section 22739. - 22739. The secretary shall obtain uniform ballots for the bond...
Section 22740. - 22740. The ballot shall contain the following: (a) “Official ballot...
Section 22741. - 22741. The board shall provide a booth or private room...
Section 22742. - 22742. No electioneering shall be carried on within 100 feet...
Section 22743. - 22743. Each voter shall put a cross (×) upon his...
Section 22744. - 22744. After marking his ballot the voter shall hand it...
Section 22745. - 22745. Any person offering to vote may be challenged by...
Section 22746. - 22746. The secretary shall provide the election officers with official...
Section 22747. - 22747. The heading of the poll list shall read “Official...
Section 22748. - 22748. The heading of the tally list shall read “An...
Section 22749. - 22749. The election officers shall publicly canvass the votes immediately...
Section 22750. - 22750. The election officers shall transmit the returns of the...
ARTICLE 3 - Bond Issuance
Section 22776. - 22776. If two-thirds of the votes cast at the election...
Section 22777. - 22777. The board of supervisors shall issue the district bonds...
Section 22778. - 22778. By an order entered in its minutes, the board...
Section 22779. - 22779. The total amount of bonds issued shall not exceed...
Section 22780. - 22780. The term of the bonds shall not exceed 40...
Section 22781. - 22781. The bonds shall be payable in lawful money of...
Section 22782. - 22782. The board of supervisors may make the principal and...
Section 22783. - 22783. The bonds shall be sold at the times and...
Section 22784. - 22784. Before selling all or any part of the bonds,...
Section 22785. - 22785. If satisfactory bids are received the bonds offered for...
Section 22786. - 22786. The proceeds of the sale of the bonds shall...
ARTICLE 4 - Cancellation of Unsold Bonds
Section 22811. - 22811. If any bonds remain unsold for six months after...
Section 22812. - 22812. Upon receiving a petition signed by a majority of...
Section 22813. - 22813. The board of supervisors shall publish a notice stating...
Section 22814. - 22814. At the time and place designated in the notice,...
ARTICLE 5 - Revenue Bonds
Section 22850. - 22850. In addition to any other powers of the district...
Section 22851. - 22851. Revenue bonds under this article shall be authorized, issued...
CHAPTER 6 - Taxation
Section 22901. - 22901. As used in this chapter, “board of supervisors” means...
Section 22902. - 22902. If the revenues of the district are inadequate to...
Section 22903. - 22903. The board shall transmit the estimates to the board...
Section 22904. - 22904. Annually, after receiving the estimates, the board of supervisors...
Section 22905. - 22905. The bond tax shall be sufficient to pay the...
Section 22906. - 22906. The proceeds of the bond tax shall be paid...
Section 22907. - 22907. The rate of the district tax levied in any...
Section 22908. - 22908. The bond and district taxes shall be levied on...
Section 22909. - 22909. A district may impose a special tax pursuant to...
Section 24230. - 24230. This part may be cited as the Uniform Aircraft...
Section 24231. - 24231. This part shall be so interpreted and construed as...
Section 24232. - 24232. Unless the context otherwise requires, the definitions and general...
Section 24233. - 24233. “Department” means the Department of Aeronautics in the Business...
Section 24234. - 24234. “Aircraft” means any contrivance now known, or hereafter invented,...
Section 24235. - 24235. “Judgment” means any judgment which has become final by...
Section 24236. - 24236. “Operator” means any person who is exercising actual physical...
Section 24237. - 24237. “Owner” means any of the following persons who may...
Section 24238. - 24238. “Passenger” means any person in, on or boarding an...
Section 24239. - 24239. “Person” means any individual, firm, copartnership, association or corporation,...
Section 24240. - 24240. “Notification” means notice in writing served upon a person...
Section 24241. - 24241. “State” means any state, the District of Columbia, any...
Section 24242. - 24242. “Claimants” means any person having a claim for damages...
Section 24243. - 24243. This part does not apply to: (a) Any aircraft...
Section 24244. - 24244. This part shall not apply with respect to any...
Section 24245. - 24245. Nothing in this part shall be construed as precluding...
Section 24246. - 24246. A discharge in bankruptcy shall not relieve any person...
Section 24247. - 24247. Nothing in this part shall be construed as authorizing...
CHAPTER 2 - Administration
Section 24250. - 24250. The department shall administer and enforce the provisions of...
Section 24251. - 24251. The department shall provide for hearings upon request of...
Section 24252. - 24252. Any person aggrieved by any rule, regulation, order or...
Section 24253. - 24253. The records of and proceedings before the department shall...
Section 24254. - 24254. (a) The operation of an aircraft on the land...
CHAPTER 3 - Security Following Accident
ARTICLE 1 - Accident Report
Section 24300. - 24300. The operator of any aircraft involved in an accident...
Section 24301. - 24301. The report, the form of which shall be prescribed...
Section 24302. - 24302. The operator and the owner shall furnish such additional...
ARTICLE 2 - Security
Section 24325. - 24325. As promptly as practicable but not later than 30...
Section 24326. - 24326. As promptly as practicable but not later than 30...
Section 24327. - 24327. The requirements as to security do not apply: (a)...
ARTICLE 3 - Financial Responsibility
Section 24350. - 24350. A policy or bond is not effective under Article...
Section 24351. - 24351. The policy or bond need not cover: (a) Any...
Section 24352. - 24352. Any person may at any time apply to the...
Section 24353. - 24353. The department may in its discretion issue a certificate...
Section 24354. - 24354. Upon not less than 10 days notification of a...
Section 24355. - 24355. The security required under this part shall be cash...
Section 24356. - 24356. Upon 10 days notification of the parties concerned, the...
Section 24357. - 24357. Security deposited in compliance with the requirements of this...
Section 24358. - 24358. Such security shall be available for the following purposes:...
Section 24359. - 24359. Every judgment shall for the purposes of this part...
Section 24360. - 24360. Whenever any evidence of proof of ability to respond...
Section 24361. - 24361. No insurance policy meeting the requirements of Section 24350...
Section 24362. - 24362. Every person permitting another person to operate an aircraft...
CHAPTER 4 - Penalties
Section 24400. - 24400. Any owner or operator who knowingly refuses or fails...
Section 24401. - 24401. Any owner or operator who knowingly makes a false...
Section 24402. - 24402. Any owner or operator who refuses or fails to...
Section 24403. - 24403. Every person permitting another person to operate an aircraft...
CHAPTER 5 - Declaration of Intent
Section 24410. - 24410. It is the purpose of this part to establish...
Section 24450. - 24450. Any person who causes damage to any aircraft that...
Section 24451. - 24451. Any person failing to comply with the requirements of...