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ARTICLE 1 - Directors
Section 7040. - 7040. Each district shall have a board of five directors...
Section 7041. - 7041. The term of office of each director, other than...
Section 7042. - 7042. If a person elected fails to qualify, the office...
Section 7043. - 7043. All vacancies occurring in the office of director shall...
Section 7044. - 7044. An appointment to fill a vacancy in the office...
Section 7045. - 7045. Each director elected or appointed shall hold office until...
Section 7046. - 7046. If and when the territory included within the district...
Section 7047. - 7047. Each director shall receive a sum as may be...
Section 7048. - 7048. Before entering upon the duties of his office each...
ARTICLE 2 - The Board
Section 7050. - 7050. The board is the governing body of the district....
Section 7051. - 7051. The powers of the district shall, except as otherwise...
Section 7052. - 7052. Within 30 days after the formation of the district...
Section 7053. - 7053. At its organization meeting the board may transact any...
Section 7053.5. - 7053.5. A district may destroy a record pursuant to Chapter...
Section 7054. - 7054. A majority of the board shall constitute a quorum...
Section 7055. - 7055. The board may act either by ordinance, resolution, order...
Section 7056. - 7056. Separate books may be maintained for the filing of...
Section 7057. - 7057. The enacting clause of all ordinances passed by the...
Section 7058. - 7058. The board may pass all ordinances necessary for the...
Section 7059. - 7059. The board shall establish rules for its proceedings. (Added...
Section 7060. - 7060. The board may adopt a seal for the district...
Section 7061. - 7061. By resolution the board may change the name of...
ARTICLE 3 - Officers and Employees
Section 7070. - 7070. The board shall at its first meeting, or as...
Section 7071. - 7071. A director shall not be treasurer. The secretary and...
Section 7072. - 7072. The board may, at any time, appoint or employ,...
Section 7073. - 7073. The board may require the secretary, treasurer or other...
Section 7074. - 7074. The treasurer shall receive and safely keep all moneys...