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Section 22401. - 22401. A board of five directors is the governing body...
Section 22402. - 22402. Each district shall hold a general district election, governed...
Section 22403. - 22403. Within 30 days after notice of election or appointment...
Section 22404. - 22404. The terms of office of the directors elected at...
Section 22406. - 22406. The board shall fill any vacancies occurring in the...
Section 22407. - 22407. (a) Each member of the board of directors shall...
Section 22408. - 22408. The board shall hold its first meeting in the...
Section 22409. - 22409. At its first meeting the board shall provide for...
Section 22410. - 22410. A majority of the board constitutes a quorum for...
Section 22411. - 22411. A district may destroy a record pursuant to Chapter...