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CHAPTER 1 - Title and General Provisions
Section 25000. - 25000. This division shall be known and may be cited...
Section 25000.1. - 25000.1. (a) The Legislature further finds and declares that, in...
Section 25000.5. - 25000.5. (a) The Legislature finds and declares that overdependence on...
Section 25001. - 25001. The Legislature hereby finds and declares that electrical energy...
Section 25002. - 25002. The Legislature further finds and declares that the present...
Section 25003. - 25003. The Legislature further finds and declares that in planning...
Section 25004. - 25004. The Legislature further finds and declares that there is...
Section 25004.2. - 25004.2. The Legislature further finds that cogeneration technology is a...
Section 25004.3. - 25004.3. The Legislature further finds and declares all of the...
Section 25005. - 25005. The Legislature further finds and declares that prevention of...
Section 25005.5. - 25005.5. The Legislature further finds and declares that information should...
Section 25006. - 25006. It is the policy of the state and the...
Section 25007. - 25007. It is further the policy of the state and...
Section 25008. - 25008. It is further the policy of the state and...
Section 25009. - 25009. The Legislature finds and declares that Chapter 854 of...
CHAPTER 2 - Definitions
Section 25100. - 25100. Unless the context otherwise requires, the definitions in this...
Section 25101. - 25101. “Applicant” means any person who submits an application for...
Section 25102. - 25102. “Application” means any request for certification of any site...
Section 25103. - 25103. “Coastal zone” means the “coastal zone” as defined in...
Section 25103.3. - 25103.3. “Suisun Marsh” means the Suisun Marsh, as defined in...
Section 25103.7. - 25103.7. “Jurisdiction of the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development...
Section 25104. - 25104. “Commission” means the State Energy Resources Conservation and Development...
Section 25105. - 25105. “Construction” means onsite work to install permanent equipment or...
Section 25106. - 25106. “Adviser” means the administrative adviser employed by the commission...
Section 25107. - 25107. “Electric transmission line” means any electric powerline carrying electric...
Section 25108. - 25108. “Electric utility” means any person engaged in, or authorized...
Section 25109. - 25109. “Energy” means work or heat that is, or may...
Section 25110. - 25110. “Facility” means any electric transmission line or thermal powerplant,...
Section 25111. - 25111. “Account” means the Energy Resources Programs Account. (Amended by...
Section 25112. - 25112. “Member” or “member of the commission” means a member...
Section 25113. - 25113. “Notice” means the notice of intent, as further defined...
Section 25114. - 25114. “Interested party” means any person whom the commission finds...
Section 25115. - 25115. “Equivalent certification program” means a program, as further defined...
Section 25116. - 25116. “Person” means any person, firm, association, organization, partnership, business...
Section 25117. - 25117. “Plan” means the Emergency Load Curtailment and Energy Distribution...
Section 25118. - 25118. “Service area” means any contiguous geographic area serviced by...
Section 25119. - 25119. “Site” means any location on which a facility is...
Section 25120. - 25120. “Thermal powerplant” means any stationary or floating electrical generating...
Section 25121. - 25121. “Fuel” means petroleum, crude oil, petroleum product, coal, natural...
Section 25122. - 25122. “Gas utility” means any person engaged in, or authorized...
Section 25123. - 25123. “Modification of an existing facility” means any alteration, replacement,...
Section 25124. - 25124. “Major oil producer” means any person who produces oil...
Section 25125. - 25125. “Major natural gas producer” means any person who produces...
Section 25126. - 25126. “Major marketer” means any person who sells natural gas...
Section 25127. - 25127. “Refiner” means any person who owns, operates, or controls...
Section 25128. - 25128. “Refinery” means any industrial plant, regardless of capacity, processing...
Section 25129. - 25129. “Foreign” means any area exclusive of the 50 states...
Section 25130. - 25130. “Nonresidential” building means any building which is heated or...
Section 25131. - 25131. “Residential building” means any hotel, motel, apartment house, lodginghouse,...
Section 25132. - 25132. “Load management” means any utility program or activity that...
Section 25133. - 25133. “Geothermal element” means an element of a county general...
Section 25134. - 25134. “Cogeneration” means the sequential use of energy for the...
Section 25135. - 25135. “Conversion” means the processes by which residue is converted...
Section 25136. - 25136. “Residue” means any organic matter left as residue, such...
Section 25140. - 25140. “Solar thermal powerplant” means a thermal powerplant in which...
Section 25141. - 25141. “Unbranded,” as applied to fuel, means gasoline and diesel...
Section 25142. - 25142. “Destination facility” means any structure, group of structures, equipment,...
CHAPTER 3 - State Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission
Section 25200. - 25200. There is in the Resources Agency the State Energy...
Section 25201. - 25201. One member of the commission shall have a background...
Section 25202. - 25202. The Secretary of the Resources Agency and the President...
Section 25203. - 25203. Each member of the commission shall represent the state...
Section 25204. - 25204. The Governor shall appoint the members of the commission...
Section 25205. - 25205. (a) No person shall be a member of the...
Section 25206. - 25206. The terms of office of the members of the...
Section 25207. - 25207. The members of the commission shall receive the salary...
Section 25208. - 25208. (a) By March 1, 2022, and by each March...
Section 25209. - 25209. Each member of the commission shall have one vote....
Section 25210. - 25210. The commission may hold any hearings and conduct any...
Section 25211. - 25211. The commission may appoint a committee of not less...
Section 25212. - 25212. Every two years the Governor shall designate a chair...
Section 25213. - 25213. (a) The commission shall adopt rules and regulations, as...
Section 25214. - 25214. The commission shall maintain its headquarters in the County...
Section 25215. - 25215. Any member of the commission may be removed from...
Section 25216. - 25216. In addition to other duties specified in this division,...
Section 25216.3. - 25216.3. (a) The commission shall compile relevant local, regional, state,...
Section 25216.5. - 25216.5. The commission shall do all of the following: (a)...
Section 25216.7. - 25216.7. (a) On or before December 31, 2023, the commission,...
Section 25216.8. - 25216.8. (a) On or before January 31, 2023, the commission,...
Section 25217. - 25217. The commission shall do all of the following: (a)...
Section 25217.1. - 25217.1. The commission shall nominate and the Governor shall appoint...
Section 25217.5. - 25217.5. The chair of the commission shall direct the adviser,...
Section 25218. - 25218. In addition to other powers specified in this division,...
Section 25218.5. - 25218.5. The provisions specifying any power or duty of the...
Section 25219. - 25219. As to any matter involving the federal government, its...
Section 25220. - 25220. The commission may participate as a party, to the...
Section 25221. - 25221. Upon request of the commission, the Attorney General shall...
Section 25222. - 25222. The adviser shall insure that full and adequate participation...
Section 25223. - 25223. The commission shall make available any information filed or...
Section 25224. - 25224. The commission and other state agencies shall, to the...
Section 25225. - 25225. (a) Prior to expending any funds for any research,...
Section 25226. - 25226. (a) The Energy Technologies Research, Development, and Demonstration Account...
Section 25227. - 25227. By July 1, 2011, the commission, in consultation with...
Section 25228. - 25228. (a) The commission, in consultation with the Public Utilities...
Section 25229. - 25229. (a) The commission, working with the State Air Resources...
Section 25230. - 25230. (a) For purposes of this section, the following terms...
Section 25231. - 25231. (a) The commission, in consultation with the State Air...
Section 25231.5. - 25231.5. (a) (1) The commission, in consultation with the Public...
Section 25232. - 25232. (a) For purposes of this section, the following terms...
Section 25233. - 25233. (a) Notwithstanding Section 10231.5 of the Government Code, on...
Section 25233.2. - 25233.2. (a) By September 30, 2023, the commission shall present...
Section 25233.5. - 25233.5. To help building owners to decarbonize buildings and add...
Section 25235. - 25235. (a) For purposes of this section, “financing or investment...
CHAPTER 4 - Integrated Energy Policy Reporting
Section 25300. - 25300. (a) The Legislature finds and declares that clean and...
Section 25301. - 25301. (a) At least every two years, the commission shall...
Section 25302. - 25302. (a) Beginning November 1, 2003, and every two years...
Section 25302.2. - 25302.2. As part of the 2019 edition of the integrated...
Section 25302.5. - 25302.5. (a) As part of each integrated energy policy report...
Section 25302.7. - 25302.7. By June 1, 2023, the commission, in consultation with...
Section 25303. - 25303. (a) As part of the report prepared pursuant to...
Section 25303.5. - 25303.5. (a) This section shall be known, and may be...
Section 25304. - 25304. As a part of the report prepared pursuant to...
Section 25305. - 25305. The commission shall rely upon forecasting and assessments performed...
Section 25305.1. - 25305.1. The commission shall report to the Legislature, to be...
Section 25305.2. - 25305.2. The commission shall include a summary of the information...
Section 25305.5. - 25305.5. (a) The commission shall timely incorporate firm zero-carbon resources...
Section 25306. - 25306. The commission shall conduct workshops, hearings, and other forums...
Section 25307. - 25307. (a) For purposes of this section, “decarbonizing” means reducing...
Section 25310. - 25310. (a) For purposes of this section, the following terms...
Section 25311. - 25311. (a) The Natural Resources Agency, in collaboration with the...
Section 25320. - 25320. (a) The commission shall manage a data collection system...
Section 25321. - 25321. In order to ensure timely and accurate compliance with...
Section 25322. - 25322. (a) The data collection system managed pursuant to Section...
Section 25323. - 25323. Nothing in this division shall authorize the commission in...
Section 25324. - 25324. The commission, in consultation with the Public Utilities Commission,...
Section 25326. - 25326. (a) The commission shall hold public hearings to identify...
Section 25327. - 25327. (a) The Legislature finds and declares all of the...
Section 25328. - 25328. (a) In order to achieve the state’s goal of...
CHAPTER 4.3 - Designation of Transmission Corridors
Section 25330. - 25330. For purposes of this chapter, the following terms have...
Section 25331. - 25331. (a) The commission may designate a transmission corridor zone...
Section 25332. - 25332. The designation of a transmission corridor zone is subject...
Section 25333. - 25333. (a) In developing a strategic plan pursuant to Section...
Section 25334. - 25334. (a) Upon receipt of an application or upon its...
Section 25335. - 25335. (a) Within 45 days of receipt of the application...
Section 25336. - 25336. (a) Within 155 days of the final informational hearing,...
Section 25337. - 25337. After the conclusion of hearings conducted pursuant to Section...
Section 25338. - 25338. As soon as practicable after the commission designates a...
Section 25339. - 25339. After the commission designates a transmission corridor zone, it...
Section 25340. - 25340. After receiving notice from the commission regarding the designation...
Section 25341. - 25341. (a) Within a designated transmission corridor zone, within 10...
CHAPTER 4.5 - Petroleum Supply and Pricing
Section 25350. - 25350. (a) The Legislature finds and declares that the petroleum...
Section 25352. - 25352. This chapter shall be known and may be cited...
Section 25354. - 25354. (a) Each refiner and major marketer shall submit information...
Section 25355. - 25355. (a) For purposes of this section, “gross gasoline refining...
Section 25356. - 25356. (a) The commission, utilizing its own staff and other...
Section 25357. - 25357. The commission shall obtain and analyze monthly production reports...
Section 25358. - 25358. (a) Within 70 days after the end of each...
Section 25362. - 25362. (a) The commission shall notify those persons who have...
Section 25364. - 25364. (a) A person required to present information to the...
Section 25366. - 25366. Any confidential information pertinent to the responsibilities of the...
CHAPTER 5 - Energy Resources Conservation
Section 25400. - 25400. The commission shall conduct an ongoing assessment of the...
Section 25401. - 25401. The commission shall continuously carry out studies, research projects,...
Section 25401.2. - 25401.2. (a) As part of the report required by Section...
Section 25401.5. - 25401.5. For the purpose of reducing electrical and natural gas...
Section 25401.6. - 25401.6. (a) In its administration of Section 25744, the commission...
Section 25401.7. - 25401.7. At the time a single-family residential dwelling is sold,...
Section 25401.9. - 25401.9. (a) Pursuant to subdivision (c) of Section 25402, to...
Section 25402. - 25402. The commission shall, after one or more public hearings,...
Section 25402.1. - 25402.1. In order to implement the requirements of subdivisions (a)...
Section 25402.2. - 25402.2. Any standard adopted by the commission pursuant to Sections...
Section 25402.3. - 25402.3. For purposes of subdivision (e) of Section 25402.1, the...
Section 25402.4. - 25402.4. The standards for nonresidential buildings prescribed by the commission...
Section 25402.5. - 25402.5. (a) As used in this section, “lighting device” includes,...
Section 25402.5.4. - 25402.5.4. (a) On or before December 31, 2008, the commission...
Section 25402.6. - 25402.6. The commission shall investigate options and develop a plan...
Section 25402.7. - 25402.7. (a) In consultation with the commission, electric and gas...
Section 25402.8. - 25402.8. When assessing new building standards for residential and nonresidential...
Section 25402.9. - 25402.9. (a) On or before July 1, 1996, the commission...
Section 25402.10. - 25402.10. (a) For the purposes of this section, the following...
Section 25402.11. - 25402.11. (a) (1) The commission may adopt regulations establishing an...
Section 25402.12. - 25402.12. (a) On or before January 1, 2019, the commission,...
Section 25403. - 25403. (a) By January 1, 2021, the commission, in consultation...
Section 25403.2. - 25403.2. (a) Using the moneys appropriated pursuant to Items 3360-105-0001...
Section 25403.5. - 25403.5. (a) The commission shall, by July 1, 1978, adopt...
Section 25403.8. - 25403.8. (a) The commission shall develop and implement a program...
Section 25404. - 25404. The commission shall cooperate with the Office of Planning...
Section 25405. - 25405. A city, county, or city and county may by...
Section 25405.5. - 25405.5. (a) As used in this section, the following terms...
Section 25405.6. - 25405.6. Not later than July 1, 2007, the commission shall...
CHAPTER 5.1 - Solar and Photovoltaic Systems
Section 25406. - 25406. A local government may develop and administer a program...
CHAPTER 5.2 - Energy Conservation Assistance
Section 25410. - 25410. This chapter shall be known and may be cited...
Section 25410.5. - 25410.5. The Legislature finds and declares all of the following:...
Section 25410.6. - 25410.6. (a) The commission shall administer the State Energy Conservation...
Section 25411. - 25411. As used in this chapter: (a) “Allocation” means a...
Section 25412. - 25412. Any eligible institution may submit an application to the...
Section 25412.5. - 25412.5. The commission shall take steps to solicit loan applications...
Section 25413. - 25413. (a) Applications for eligible energy projects or measures may...
Section 25414. - 25414. Annually at the conclusion of each fiscal year, but...
Section 25415. - 25415. (a) Each eligible institution to which an allocation has...
Section 25416. - 25416. (a) The State Energy Conservation Assistance Account is hereby...
Section 25417. - 25417. (a) An allocation made pursuant to this chapter shall...
Section 25417.5. - 25417.5. (a) In furtherance of the purposes of the commission...
Section 25418. - 25418. The Department of Finance, at its discretion, may audit...
Section 25419. - 25419. In addition to the powers specifically granted to the...
Section 25420. - 25420. The commission may expend from the State Energy Conservation...
Section 25421. - 25421. (a) Except as provided in subdivision (b), this chapter...
Section 25422. - 25422. (a) Federal funds available to the commission pursuant to...
CHAPTER 5.3 - Energy Conservation Act of 2001
ARTICLE 1 - General Provisions
Section 25425. - 25425. This chapter shall be known, and may be cited,...
Section 25426. - 25426. As used in this article, the following terms have...
ARTICLE 2 - Loans and Grants for Construction and Retrofit Projects
Section 25433. - 25433. It is the intent of the Legislature to establish...
Section 25433.5. - 25433.5. (a) In consultation with the Public Utilities Commission, the...
Section 25434. - 25434. The commission may contract with one or more business...
Section 25434.5. - 25434.5. As used in this article, the following terms have...
ARTICLE 3 - Small Business Energy Efficient Refrigeration Loan Program
Section 25435. - 25435. The commission shall administer the Small Business Energy Efficient...
Section 25436. - 25436. (a) Within 45 days of the effective date of...
CHAPTER 5.5 - Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants
Section 25450. - 25450. (a) The Legislature finds and declares all of the...
Section 25450.1. - 25450.1. The commission shall administer the funds allocated to and...
Section 25450.2. - 25450.2. (a) Not less than 60 percent of the funds...
Section 25450.3. - 25450.3. The commission shall not exceed the amount specified in...
Section 25450.4. - 25450.4. The commission may award contracts, grants, and loans pursuant...
Section 25450.5. - 25450.5. (a) The commission may adopt guidelines governing the award,...
CHAPTER 5.6 - Federal Funding of Energy-Related Projects and State Energy Programs
Section 25460. - 25460. (a) The Legislature finds and declares that the 111th...
Section 25461. - 25461. (a) Except as provided in Chapter 5.5 (commencing with...
Section 25462. - 25462. (a) The commission may adopt guidelines governing the award,...
Section 25463. - 25463. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this division, federal...
Section 25464. - 25464. (a) For purposes of this section, the following definitions...
CHAPTER 5.7 - Energy Efficient State Property Revolving Fund and Energy Efficiency Retrofit State Revolving Fund
Section 25470. - 25470. As used in this chapter: (a) “Act” means the...
Section 25471. - 25471. (a) There is hereby created in the State Treasury...
Section 25471.5. - 25471.5. There is hereby established in the State Treasury the...
Section 25472. - 25472. (a) The department, in consultation with the commission, shall...
Section 25473. - 25473. (a) On or before January 1, 2010, and annually...
Section 25474. - 25474. (a) Any repayment of loans made pursuant to this...
Section 25474.5. - 25474.5. (a) Notwithstanding Section 39718 of the Health and Safety...
CHAPTER 5.8 - Energy Conservation in Transportation
Section 25480. - 25480. As used in this chapter, “department” means the Department...
Section 25481. - 25481. The Legislature hereby finds and declares that: (a) Due...
Section 25482. - 25482. All state agencies shall provide assistance to their employees...
Section 25483. - 25483. In order to perform its new function of promoting...
Section 25484. - 25484. The ridesharing programs established by the department may include,...
Section 25485. - 25485. The department shall develop programs and undertake any necessary...
Section 25486. - 25486. The department is encouraged to establish as soon as...
CHAPTER 5.9 - Energy Systems
ARTICLE 1 - Definitions
Section 25487. - 25487. Unless the context otherwise requires, the definitions in this...
Section 25488. - 25488. “Title 24 Standards” refers to the nonresidential building standards...
Section 25488.5. - 25488.5. “Building standard” means a building standard as defined in...
Section 25489. - 25489. “Lifecycle cost” means an estimate of the total cost...
Section 25491. - 25491. “Governmental agency” means any public agency, including any agency...
Section 25492. - 25492. “Structure” means any building which has more than 10,000...
Section 25493. - 25493. On or after January 1, 1979, no governmental agency...
Section 25493.5. - 25493.5. On and after January 1, 1980, no governmental agency...
Section 25494. - 25494. Not later than July 31, 1978, the commission shall...
Section 25495. - 25495. No later than July 31, 1978, the commission shall...
Section 25496. - 25496. No later than July 1, 1978, the commission shall...
Section 25498. - 25498. In addition to any other requirements applicable to such...
CHAPTER 6 - Power Facility and Site Certification
Section 25500. - 25500. In accordance with the provisions of this division, the...
Section 25500.1. - 25500.1. (a) The owner of a proposed solar thermal powerplant,...
Section 25500.5. - 25500.5. The commission shall certify sufficient sites and related facilities...
Section 25501. - 25501. This chapter does not apply to any site or...
Section 25501.7. - 25501.7. Any person proposing to construct a facility or a...
Section 25502. - 25502. Each person proposing to construct a thermal powerplant or...
Section 25502.3. - 25502.3. Except as provided in Section 25501.7, any person proposing...
Section 25503. - 25503. Each notice of intention to file an application shall...
Section 25504. - 25504. The notice of intention shall include a statement by...
Section 25504.5. - 25504.5. An applicant may, in the notice, propose a site...
Section 25505. - 25505. Upon receipt of a notice, the commission shall cause...
Section 25506. - 25506. The commission shall request the appropriate local, regional, state,...
Section 25506.5. - 25506.5. The commission shall request the Public Utilities Commission, for...
Section 25507. - 25507. (a) If any alternative site and related facility proposed...
Section 25508. - 25508. The commission shall cooperate with, and render advice to,...
Section 25509. - 25509. Within 45 days of the filing of the notice,...
Section 25509.5. - 25509.5. No sooner than 15 days after the conclusion of...
Section 25510. - 25510. After the conclusion of such hearings, and no later...
Section 25511. - 25511. The commission shall review the factors related to safety...
Section 25512. - 25512. The summary and hearing order shall be based upon...
Section 25512.5. - 25512.5. Within 15 days of the publication of the summary...
Section 25513. - 25513. No earlier than 30 days after distribution of the...
Section 25513.3. - 25513.3. Notwithstanding Sections 11425.30 and 11430.10 of the Government Code,...
Section 25514. - 25514. After conclusion of the hearings held pursuant to Section...
Section 25514.3. - 25514.3. In specifying any modifications, conditions, or criteria pursuant to...
Section 25514.5. - 25514.5. In considering the acceptability of a site proposed to...
Section 25515. - 25515. No later than 30 days after the final report...
Section 25516. - 25516. The approval of the notice by the commission shall...
Section 25516.1. - 25516.1. If a site and related facility found to be...
Section 25516.5. - 25516.5. On a notice which proposes an expanded ultimate electric...
Section 25516.6. - 25516.6. (a) Except as otherwise expressly provided in this division,...
Section 25517. - 25517. Except as provided in Section 25501, no construction of...
Section 25518. - 25518. The Public Utilities Commission shall issue no certificate of...
Section 25518.5. - 25518.5. Nothing in this division shall preclude the concurrent initiation...
Section 25519. - 25519. (a) In order to obtain certification for a site...
Section 25519.5. - 25519.5. (a) If the site and related facilities specified in...
Section 25520. - 25520. The application shall contain all of the following information...
Section 25520.5. - 25520.5. (a) In reviewing an application for an additional facility...
Section 25521. - 25521. No earlier than 90 nor later than 240 days...
Section 25522. - 25522. (a) Except as provided in subdivision (c) of Section...
Section 25523. - 25523. The commission shall prepare a written decision after the...
Section 25524. - 25524. (a) “Qualified applicant” for purposes of this section means...
Section 25524.1. - 25524.1. (a) Except for the existing Diablo Canyon Units 1...
Section 25524.2. - 25524.2. Except for the existing Diablo Canyon Units 1 and...
Section 25524.5. - 25524.5. The commission shall not certify any facility which adds...
Section 25525. - 25525. The commission may not certify a facility contained in...
Section 25526. - 25526. (a) The commission shall not approve as a site...
Section 25527. - 25527. The following areas of the state shall not be...
Section 25528. - 25528. (a) The commission shall require, as a condition of...
Section 25529. - 25529. When a facility is proposed to be located in...
Section 25530. - 25530. The commission may order a reconsideration of all or...
Section 25531. - 25531. (a) The decisions of the commission on any application...
Section 25532. - 25532. The commission shall establish a monitoring system to assure...
Section 25534. - 25534. (a) The commission may, after one or more hearings,...
Section 25534.1. - 25534.1. (a) The executive director of the commission may issue...
Section 25534.2. - 25534.2. (a) Within 30 days after service of an order...
Section 25535. - 25535. Such reasonable and direct costs as the applicant incurs...
Section 25537. - 25537. Upon approval of an application, the commission shall forward...
Section 25538. - 25538. Upon receiving the commission’s request for review under subdivision...
Section 25539. - 25539. In reviewing notices and applications for certification of modifications...
Section 25540. - 25540. If a person proposes to construct a geothermal powerplant...
Section 25540.1. - 25540.1. The commission shall determine, within 30 days after the...
Section 25540.2. - 25540.2. Notwithstanding any other provision of law: (a) If an...
Section 25540.3. - 25540.3. (a) An applicant for a geothermal powerplant may propose...
Section 25540.4. - 25540.4. Notwithstanding any other provision of law: (a) The decision...
Section 25540.5. - 25540.5. The commission may, at the petition of a county...
Section 25540.6. - 25540.6. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no notice...
Section 25541. - 25541. The commission may exempt from this chapter thermal powerplants...
Section 25541.1. - 25541.1. It is the intent of the Legislature to encourage...
Section 25541.5. - 25541.5. (a) On or before January 1, 2001, the Secretary...
Section 25542. - 25542. In the case of any site and related facility...
Section 25543. - 25543. (a) It is the intent of the Legislature to...
CHAPTER 6.2 - Certification of Nonfossil-Fueled Powerplants, Energy Storage Facilities, and Related Facilities
Section 25545. - 25545. For purposes of this chapter, the following definitions apply:...
Section 25545.1. - 25545.1. (a) A person proposing an eligible facility may file...
Section 25545.2. - 25545.2. An application for a site and related facility submitted...
Section 25545.3. - 25545.3. For purposes of sections 25545.3.3 and 25545.3.5, the following...
Section 25545.3.3. - 25545.3.3. An application for a covered project submitted under this...
Section 25545.3.5. - 25545.3.5. An application for a covered project submitted under this...
Section 25545.4. - 25545.4. (a) Within 30 days of the submission of the...
Section 25545.5. - 25545.5. (a) Within 90 days of the effective date of...
Section 25545.6. - 25545.6. Notwithstanding any other law, an application submitted pursuant to...
Section 25545.7. - 25545.7. (a) The commission is the lead agency for purposes...
Section 25454.7.2. - 25454.7.2. [25545.7.2.] The commission shall conduct public outreach to solicit...
Section 25545.7.4. - 25545.7.4. (a) Within five days after the application is deemed...
Section 25545.7.6. - 25545.7.6. (a) No sooner than 30 days and no later...
Section 25545.8. - 25545.8. (a) For the consideration of an application and the...
Section 25545.9. - 25545.9. The commission shall not certify a site and related...
Section 25545.10. - 25545.10. (a) The commission shall not certify a site and...
Section 25545.11. - 25545.11. Sections 25532 to 25534.2, inclusive, apply to a certification...
Section 25545.12. - 25545.12. (a) Regulations adopted to implement this chapter, or any...
Section 25545.13. - 25545.13. (a) A site and related facility certified under this...
CHAPTER 6.3 - Diablo Canyon Powerplant
Section 25548. - 25548. The Legislature finds and declares all of the following:...
Section 25548.1. - 25548.1. For purposes of this chapter, the following definitions apply:...
Section 25548.2. - 25548.2. For purposes of any application or request by the...
Section 25548.3. - 25548.3. (a) It is the intent of the Legislature to...
Section 25548.4. - 25548.4. (a) Within 180 days after the date of the...
Section 25548.5. - 25548.5. (a) The department may do any of the following...
Section 25548.6. - 25548.6. (a) The Diablo Canyon Extension Fund is hereby established...
Section 25548.7. - 25548.7. Continued operation of the Diablo Canyon powerplant as provided...
CHAPTER 6.5 - Natural Gas Rating and Tracking
Section 25550. - 25550. For purposes of this chapter, the following definitions apply:...
ARTICLE 2 - Natural Gas Tracking System
Section 25555. - 25555. (a) Not later than September 15, 2017, the commission...
CHAPTER 7 - Research and Development
Section 25600. - 25600. As used in this chapter: (a) “Passive thermal system”...
Section 25601. - 25601. The commission shall develop and coordinate a program of...
Section 25602. - 25602. The commission shall carry out technical assessment studies on...
Section 25603. - 25603. For research purposes, the commission shall, in cooperation with...
Section 25603.5. - 25603.5. (a) Pursuant to the duties of the commission described...
Section 25605. - 25605. On or before November 1, 1978, the commission shall...
Section 25605.5. - 25605.5. Standards adopted by the commission pursuant to Section 25605,...
Section 25608. - 25608. The commission shall confer with officials of federal agencies,...
Section 25609. - 25609. The commission may, in adopting regulations pursuant to this...
Section 25609.5. - 25609.5. The effective dates of building standards adopted by the...
Section 25610. - 25610. For purposes of carrying out the provisions of this...
Section 25616. - 25616. (a) It is the intent of the Legislature to...
Section 25617. - 25617. (a) It is the intent of the Legislature to...
Section 25618. - 25618. (a) The commission shall facilitate development and commercialization of...
Section 25619. - 25619. (a) For purposes of this section, “qualified counties” means...
CHAPTER 7.1 - Public Interest Energy Research, Demonstration,and Development Program
Section 25620. - 25620. The Legislature hereby finds and declares all of the...
Section 25620.1. - 25620.1. (a) The commission shall develop, implement, and administer the...
Section 25620.2. - 25620.2. (a) To ensure the efficient implementation and administration of...
Section 25620.3. - 25620.3. (a) The commission may, consistent with the requirements of...
Section 25620.4. - 25620.4. (a) To the extent that intellectual property is developed...
Section 25620.5. - 25620.5. (a) The commission may solicit applications for awards, using...
Section 25620.6. - 25620.6. The commission, in consultation with the Department of General...
Section 25620.7. - 25620.7. (a) The commission may contract for, or through interagency...
Section 25620.8. - 25620.8. (a) The commission shall prepare and submit to the...
Section 25620.9. - 25620.9. For a project related to the deployment of a...
Section 25620.11. - 25620.11. (a) The commission shall regularly convene an advisory board...
Section 25620.15. - 25620.15. (a) In order to ensure that prudent investments in...
CHAPTER 7.2 - Climate Innovation Program
Section 25625. - 25625. This chapter shall be known, and may be cited,...
Section 25625.1. - 25625.1. For purposes of this chapter, the following definitions apply:...
Section 25625.2. - 25625.2. (a) The commission shall establish and administer the Climate...
Section 25625.3. - 25625.3. The commission may propose contingent financial incentives under the...
Section 25625.4. - 25625.4. Recipients of a financial incentive awarded pursuant to this...
Section 25625.5. - 25625.5. To support the activities of this chapter, the commission...
CHAPTER 7.3 - Small Business Energy Technology Loan Program
Section 25630. - 25630. (a) The commission shall establish a small business energy...
CHAPTER 7.4 - Long-Duration Energy Storage Program
Section 25640. - 25640. For purposes of this chapter, the following definitions apply:...
Section 25641. - 25641. The commission shall establish and implement the Long-Duration Energy...
Section 25642. - 25642. (a) The commission may establish project and storage facility...
Section 25643. - 25643. In implementing the Long-Duration Energy Storage Program, the commission...
Section 25644. - 25644. Notwithstanding any other law, a commission agreement entered into...
Section 25645. - 25645. In providing financial incentives pursuant to this chapter, the...
CHAPTER 7.5 - Agricultural Industry Energy Program
Section 25650. - 25650. (a) All funds from loan repayments and interest that...
CHAPTER 7.6 - Clean Energy Programs
Section 25660. - 25660. For purposes of this chapter, the following definitions apply:...
Section 25660.2. - 25660.2. On or before March 1 , 2024, and annually...
Section 25660.4. - 25660.4. This chapter only applies to the following programs or...
Section 25661. - 25661. In implementing the clean energy programs, the commission may...
Section 25661.5. - 25661.5. Of the moneys appropriated for the clean energy programs,...
ARTICLE 2 - Industrial Grid Support and Decarbonization Program
Section 25662. - 25662. The commission shall establish and administer the Industrial Grid...
Section 25662.2. - 25662.2. (a) The commission may establish project and industrial facility...
Section 25662.4. - 25662.4. (a) In providing financial incentives pursuant to this article,...
Section 25662.6. - 25662.6. An eligible project that receives a financial incentive pursuant...
ARTICLE 3 - Food Production Investment Program
Section 25663. - 25663. The commission shall establish and administer the Food Production...
Section 25663.2. - 25663.2. (a) The commission may establish project and facility eligibility...
Section 25663.4. - 25663.4. (a) In providing financial incentives pursuant to this article,...
Section 25663.6. - 25663.6. An eligible project that receives a financial incentive pursuant...
ARTICLE 4 - Hydrogen Program
Section 25664. - 25664. For purposes of this article, hydrogen projects that produce,...
Section 25664.1. - 25664.1. (a) The commission shall establish and administer the Hydrogen...
ARTICLE 5 - Equitable Building Decarbonization Program
Section 25665. - 25665. For purposes of this article, the following definitions apply:...
Section 25665.1. - 25665.1. (a) (1) The commission shall establish the Equitable Building...
Section 25665.3. - 25665.3. The commission shall establish the direct install program consistent...
Section 25665.5. - 25665.5. The commission shall establish and administer a statewide incentive...
Section 25665.6. - 25665.6. The commission may adopt guidelines or other standards at...
ARTICLE 6 - Program to Support Offshore Wind Infrastructure Improvements
Section 25666. - 25666. (a) The commission shall establish and administer a program...
CHAPTER 7.7 - Clean Fuels Act
Section 25678. - 25678. The commission shall establish a grant program which provides...
Section 25679. - 25679. Applicants for a grant under this chapter shall submit...
CHAPTER 7.8 - Carbon Removal Innovation Program
ARTICLE 1 - General Provisions and Definitions
Section 25685. - 25685. This chapter shall be known, and may be cited,...
Section 25686. - 25686. For purposes of this chapter, the following definitions apply:...
ARTICLE 2 - Program Establishment and Implementation
Section 25688. - 25688. (a) The commission shall establish and administer the Carbon...
Section 25689. - 25689. In implementing the program, the commission may do all...
CHAPTER 7.9 - Energy Technology and Energy Conservation
Section 25695. - 25695. In enacting this chapter, the Legislature hereby finds and...
Section 25696. - 25696. The commission may assist California-based energy technology and energy...
Section 25696.5. - 25696.5. (a) Every California-based energy technology and energy conservation firm...
Section 25697. - 25697. The commission shall consult with the California State World...
CHAPTER 8 - Energy Shortage Contingency Planning
Section 25700. - 25700. The commission shall, in accordance with the provisions of...
Section 25701. - 25701. (a) Within six months after the effective date of...
Section 25702. - 25702. The commission shall, after one or more public hearings,...
Section 25703. - 25703. Within four months after the date of certification of...
Section 25704. - 25704. The commission shall carry out studies to determine if...
Section 25704.5. - 25704.5. (a) The Legislature finds and declares all of the...
Section 25705. - 25705. If the commission determines that all reasonable conservation, allocation,...
CHAPTER 8.1 - Electric Program Investment Charge Fund
Section 25710. - 25710. For the purposes of this chapter, the following terms...
Section 25711. - 25711. For the purposes of implementing this chapter, the Electric...
Section 25711.5. - 25711.5. In administering moneys in the fund for research, development,...
Section 25711.6. - 25711.6. (a) The commission shall give preference for funding pursuant...
Section 25711.7. - 25711.7. (a) The Public Utilities Commission shall not require the...
Section 25711.8. - 25711.8. For a project related to the deployment of a...
Section 25711.9. - 25711.9. (a) The commission shall consider, in the investment planning...
Section 25712. - 25712. This chapter does not authorize the levy of a...
CHAPTER 8.2 - Strategic Fuel Reserve
Section 25720. - 25720. (a) By January 31, 2002, the commission shall examine...
Section 25721. - 25721. The commission shall report its findings and recommendations to...
CHAPTER 8.3 - State Vehicle Fleet
Section 25722. - 25722. (a) On or before January 31, 2003, the commission,...
Section 25722.5. - 25722.5. (a) Each state office, agency, and department shall review...
Section 25722.6. - 25722.6. (a) (1) On or before January 1, 2023, the...
Section 25722.7. - 25722.7. (a) In order to further achieve the policy objectives...
Section 25722.8. - 25722.8. (a) On or before July 1, 2009, the Secretary...
Section 25722.9. - 25722.9. (a) For purposes of this section, “alternatively fueled vehicles”...
Section 25722.11. - 25722.11. (a) Beginning December 31, 2025, at least 15 percent...
Section 25723. - 25723. On or before January 31, 2003, the commission, in...
Section 25724. - 25724. (a) Beginning no later than the 2024–25 fiscal year,...
Section 25724.4. - 25724.4. (a) The installation of electric vehicle supply equipment or...
CHAPTER 8.4 - Local Vehicle Fleet
Section 25725. - 25725. When awarding a vehicle procurement contract, every city, county,...
Section 25726. - 25726. (a) When awarding a vehicle procurement contract, every city,...
CHAPTER 8.6 - Renewable Energy Resources Program
Section 25740. - 25740. It is the intent of the Legislature in establishing...
Section 25740.5. - 25740.5. Notwithstanding any other law, moneys collected for renewable energy...
Section 25741. - 25741. As used in this chapter, the following terms have...
Section 25744.5. - 25744.5. The commission shall allocate and use funding available for...
Section 25746. - 25746. If the commission provides funding for a regional accounting...
Section 25747. - 25747. (a) The commission shall adopt guidelines governing the funding...
Section 25751. - 25751. (a) The Renewable Resource Trust Fund is hereby created...
CHAPTER 8.7 - Replacement Tire Efficiency Program