25216.5. The commission shall do all of the following:
(a) Prescribe the form and content of applications for facilities; conduct public hearings and take other actions to secure adequate evaluation of applications; and formally act to approve or disapprove applications, including specifying conditions under which approval and continuing operation of any facility shall be permitted.
(b) Prepare an integrated plan specifying actions to be taken in the event of an impending serious shortage of energy, or a clear threat to public health, safety, or welfare.
(c) Evaluate policies governing the establishment of rates for electric power and other sources of energy as related to energy conservation, environmental protection, and other goals and policies established in this division, and transmit recommendations for changes in power-pricing policies and rate schedules to the Governor, the Legislature, to the Public Utilities Commission, and to publicly owned electric utilities.
(d) Serve as a central repository within the state government for the collection, storage, retrieval, and dissemination of data and information on all forms of energy supply, demand, conservation, public safety, research, and related subjects. The data and information shall be derived from all sources, including, but not be limited to, electric and gas utilities, oil and other energy producing companies, institutions of higher education, private industry, public and private research laboratories, private individuals, and from any other source that the commission determines is necessary to carry out its objectives under this division. The commission may charge and collect a reasonable fee for retrieving and disseminating any such information to cover the cost of such a service. Any funds received by the commission pursuant to this subdivision shall be deposited in the account and are continuously appropriated for expenditure, by the commission, for purposes of retrieving and disseminating any such information pursuant to this section.
(Amended by Stats. 1975, Ch. 612.)