2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Chapter 329 - Oregon Educational Act for the 21st Century; Educational Improvement and Reform
Section 329.496 - Physical education participation; professional development; instruction without endorsement; rules.

(2)(a) Students in kindergarten through grade five, and students in grade six at a school that teaches kindergarten through grade six, shall participate in physical education for at least 150 minutes during each school week.
(b) Except as provided by paragraph (a) of this subsection, students in grades six through eight shall participate in physical education for at least 225 minutes during each school week.
(c) Notwithstanding the time requirements established by paragraphs (a) and (b) of this subsection, the State Board of Education shall adopt rules that prorate the time requirements for:
(A) School weeks with scheduled school closures, including closures for holidays, inservice days and days scheduled for parent-teacher conferences;
(B) School weeks with unscheduled school closures, including closures for inclement weather and emergencies;
(C) School weeks with out-of-school activities that occur during usual school hours, including field trips and outdoor school programs;
(D) Part-time school programs, including half-day kindergarten; and
(E) Irregular class schedules, including class schedules based on a four-day week.
(d) School districts and public charter schools are not required to comply with the time requirements established by paragraphs (a) and (b) of this subsection for school years during the biennium in which the total amounts appropriated or allocated to the State School Fund and available for distribution to school districts are less than the amounts determined to be needed for school districts through the State School Fund under the tentative budget prepared as provided by ORS 291.210. After the beginning of a biennium, a school district or a public charter school may cease to comply with the time requirements established by paragraphs (a) and (b) of this subsection if the amounts appropriated or allocated to the State School Fund and available for distribution to school districts are less than the amounts determined to be needed for distribution through the State School Fund, as calculated under ORS 291.210.
(3) School districts and public charter schools shall offer instruction in physical education that meets the academic content standards for physical education adopted by the State Board of Education under ORS 329.045. The instruction shall be a sequential, developmentally appropriate curriculum that is designed, implemented and evaluated to help students develop the knowledge, motor skills, self-management skills, attitudes and confidence needed to adopt and maintain physical activity throughout their lives.
(4)(a) School districts and public charter schools shall devote at least 50 percent of physical education class time to actual physical activity in each school week, with as much class time as possible spent in moderate physical activity.
(b)(A) For the purpose of satisfying the time requirements established by subsection (2) of this section, school districts and public charter schools may provide up to 45 minutes of activities during each school week that:
(i) Meet the academic content standards for physical education adopted by the State Board of Education under ORS 329.045;
(ii) Are provided for students by a teacher whose license allows the teacher to provide instruction in physical education to those students, even if the teacher does not have a physical education endorsement; and
(iii) Have been reviewed by a licensed teacher with a physical education endorsement.
(B) The Department of Education shall:
(i) Review and, as appropriate, approve activities that are developed by nonprofit professional organizations representing health and physical education educators if the activities meet the requirements of subparagraph (A) of this paragraph; and
(ii) Make available to school districts and public charter schools a list of activities approved as provided by this subparagraph.
(C) School districts and public charter schools may provide activities that meet the requirements of subparagraph (A) of this paragraph even if the activities are not approved as provided by subparagraph (B) of this paragraph.
(5)(a) Notwithstanding subsections (1), (2) and (4) of this section, a student with disabilities shall have suitably adapted physical education incorporated as part of the individualized education program developed for the student under ORS 343.151.
(b) Notwithstanding subsections (1), (2) and (4) of this section, a student who does not have an individualized education program but has chronic health problems, other disabling conditions or other special needs that preclude the student from participating in regular physical education instruction shall have suitably adapted physical education incorporated as part of an individualized health plan developed for the student by the school district or public charter school.
(6) School districts and public charter schools shall assess school curricula at regular intervals to measure the attainment of the minimum number of minutes that students are required to participate in physical education under this section.
(7)(a) All teachers of physical education for public school students in kindergarten through grade eight shall be adequately prepared and shall regularly participate in professional development activities to effectively deliver the physical education program.
(b)(A) Notwithstanding any licensing or endorsement requirements established by the Teacher Standards and Practices Commission, a teacher with an elementary multiple subject endorsement may instruct students in activities described in subsection (4)(b) of this section if the activities are reviewed by a licensed teacher with a physical education endorsement.
(B) A teacher described in this paragraph may provide instruction in activities described in subsection (4)(b) of this section to students who are not regularly taught by the teacher as long as the instruction in the activities to students who are not regularly taught by the teacher does not exceed 45 minutes during each school week. Nothing in this subparagraph allows a school district to employ a teacher for the sole purpose of providing instruction in activities described in subsection (4)(b) of this section.
(8) A school district that does not comply with the requirements of this section is considered to be nonstandard under ORS 327.103. [2007 c.839 §5; 2017 c.301 §1]
Note: Sections 2 and 3, chapter 301, Oregon Laws 2017, provide:
Sec. 2. Phase-in of time requirements. (1) Except as provided by subsections (2) and (3) of this section and only for school years prior to the 2022-2023 school year, a school district may not be considered nonstandard under ORS 327.103 and moneys may not be withheld or any other penalty or sanctions imposed on a school district that does not comply with the time requirements established by ORS 329.496 (2).
(2)(a) For the 2019-2020 school year, students identified in ORS 329.496 (2)(a) shall participate in physical education for at least 120 minutes during each school week.
(b) For the 2020-2021 school year and every school year thereafter, students identified in ORS 329.496 (2)(a) shall participate in physical education for at least 150 minutes during each school week.
(c) If a school district fails to comply with paragraph (a) or (b) of this subsection, the school district may be considered nonstandard under ORS 327.103.
(3)(a) For the 2021-2022 school year, students identified in ORS 329.496 (2)(b) shall participate in physical education for at least 180 minutes during each school week.
(b) For the 2022-2023 school year and every school year thereafter, students identified in ORS 329.496 (2)(b) shall participate in physical education for at least 225 minutes during each school week.
(c) If a school district fails to comply with paragraph (a) or (b) of this subsection, the school district may be considered nonstandard under ORS 327.103.
(4) For the purposes of this section, a school district may:
(a) Prorate time requirements provided by this section in compliance with rules adopted by the State Board of Education under ORS 329.496 (2)(c);
(b) Apply up to 45 minutes of activities described in ORS 329.496 (4)(b) to the time requirements provided by this section; and
(c) Cease to comply with the time requirements provided by this section if the conditions described in ORS 329.496 (2)(d) are satisfied. [2017 c.301 §2]
Sec. 3. Repeal. Section 2 of this 2017 Act is repealed on July 1, 2022. [2017 c.301 §3]

Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

Volume : 09 - Education and Culture

Chapter 329 - Oregon Educational Act for the 21st Century; Educational Improvement and Reform

Section 329.005 - Oregon Educational Act for the 21st Century; duties of department; evaluation by legislature.

Section 329.007 - Definitions for chapter.

Section 329.015 - Educational goals.

Section 329.025 - Characteristics of school system.

Section 329.045 - Revision of Common Curriculum Goals, performance indicators, diploma requirements, Essential Learning Skills and academic content standards; instruction in academic content areas.

Section 329.049 - Plan to encourage voter registration and voting; incorporation into Essential Learning Skills; rules.

Section 329.075 - Statewide implementation; rules; duties of department.

Section 329.085 - Assessment of schools and school districts required; report; standards.

Section 329.095 - School district and school self-evaluations; local district continuous improvement plans; technical assistance.

Section 329.105 - School district and school performance reports.

Section 329.115 - Oregon Report Card.

Section 329.119 - Implementation of proficiency education; advisory committee.

Section 329.125 - Policy on parental and community participation.

Section 329.145 - Definitions for ORS 329.150 and 329.155.

Section 329.150 - Services for children and families at school site.

Section 329.153 - Policy on prevention and cost-effective programs and strategies.

Section 329.155 - Standards for education programs and programs providing services for children and families; interagency coordination.

Section 329.156 - Creation; requirements; technical assistance.

Section 329.157 - Identification and coordination of existing resources.

Section 329.165 - Development of long-range plan for serving children and families.

Section 329.170 - Definitions for ORS 329.170 to 329.200.

Section 329.172 - Preschool Promise Program; grants and contracts; report.

Section 329.175 - Early Learning Division to administer Oregon prekindergarten program; grants; coordination with other programs.

Section 329.181 - Scholarship program for early childhood care and education professionals; rules.

Section 329.183 - Prekindergarten Program Trust Fund.

Section 329.185 - Expansion of Oregon prekindergarten program.

Section 329.190 - Advisory committee.

Section 329.195 - Rules for Oregon prekindergarten program; grant applications.

Section 329.200 - Report on Oregon prekindergarten program; assessment of program effectiveness.

Section 329.219 - Early Learning Division to implement policies and practices related to early childhood professional development systems.

Section 329.235 - Provision of early childhood education.

Section 329.255 - Child development specialist program.

Section 329.275 - State board guidelines; rules; qualifications for child development specialists.

Section 329.385 - Child development programs; student-parent programs.

Section 329.395 - Definitions for ORS 329.395 to 329.425.

Section 329.415 - Operating guides and grant procedures for ORS 329.395 to 329.425.

Section 329.425 - Grants under ORS 329.395 to 329.425.

Section 329.451 - High school diploma; modified diploma; extended diploma; alternative certificate; grade level advancement.

Section 329.471 - Availability of personally identifiable information in relation to results of performance-based assessment.

Section 329.479 - Student Assessment Bill of Rights; excusal from statewide summative assessment; notice.

Section 329.485 - Statewide assessment system; additional services or alternative educational options.

Section 329.486 - Guidelines for best practices of administering assessments.

Section 329.488 - Nationally normed assessment; rules.

Section 329.489 - American Sign Language.

Section 329.492 - Oregon Studies.

Section 329.493 - Curriculum relating to Native American experience in Oregon.

Section 329.494 - Instruction about the Holocaust and genocide.

Section 329.496 - Physical education participation; professional development; instruction without endorsement; rules.

Section 329.498 - Data related to physical education; facilities; technical assistance.

Section 329.499 - Report to Legislative Assembly on physical education.

Section 329.501 - Grants for physical education; rules.

Section 329.504 - Funding for programs that link physical activity and academic achievement.

Section 329.603 - Coordinated comprehensive school counseling program; rules.

Section 329.704 - Local 21st Century Schools Councils; district site committees.

Section 329.711 - Educational equity advisory committees; rules.

Section 329.752 - Determination of school type for purpose of federal loan forgiveness programs.

Section 329.756 - Materials and assistance provided to employees who qualify for public service loan forgiveness program.

Section 329.788 - Definitions for ORS 329.788 to 329.820.

Section 329.790 - Findings on teacher and administrator programs.

Section 329.795 - Beginning teacher and administrator program established; district and educator network participation; use of grants.

Section 329.800 - Application; content.

Section 329.805 - Grants-in-aid; rules.

Section 329.810 - Training for mentors and beginning teachers and administrators.

Section 329.815 - Mentors.

Section 329.820 - Evaluation of programs; donations.

Section 329.824 - Educator professional development program.

Section 329.825 - Policy on successful and innovative schools.

Section 329.830 - Establishment; application; incentive rewards; rules.

Section 329.832 - Legislative findings.

Section 329.834 - Creation; components; reading sites.

Section 329.837 - Report.

Section 329.838 - School District Collaboration Grant Program; student achievement results; rules.

Section 329.841 - Statewide education plan for students who are Black or African-American; advisory group; report; grants; rules.

Section 329.843 - Statewide education plan for students who are American Indian or Alaska Native; advisory group; report; grants; rules.

Section 329.845 - Statewide education plan for students who are Latino or Hispanic; advisory group; report; grants; rules.

Section 329.847 - Statewide education plan for students who are minority gender identity or sexual orientation; advisory group; report; grants; rules.

Section 329.850 - Duties of Education and Workforce Policy Advisor.

Section 329.885 - School-to-work transitions and work experience programs; funding; eligibility for grants.

Section 329.901 - Collection of student and teacher information; report; rules.