2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Chapter 329 - Oregon Educational Act for the 21st Century; Educational Improvement and Reform
Section 329.015 - Educational goals.

(2) The Legislative Assembly believes that the goals of kindergarten through grade 12 education are:
(a) To equip students with the academic and career skills and information necessary to pursue the future of their choice through a program of rigorous academic preparation and career readiness;
(b) To provide an environment that motivates students to pursue serious scholarship and to have experience in applying knowledge and skills and demonstrating achievement;
(c) To provide students with the skills necessary to pursue learning throughout their lives in an ever-changing world; and
(d) To prepare students for successful transitions to the next phase of their educational development. [Formerly 326.710; 1995 c.660 §3; 2007 c.858 §2]

Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

Volume : 09 - Education and Culture

Chapter 329 - Oregon Educational Act for the 21st Century; Educational Improvement and Reform

Section 329.005 - Oregon Educational Act for the 21st Century; duties of department; evaluation by legislature.

Section 329.007 - Definitions for chapter.

Section 329.015 - Educational goals.

Section 329.025 - Characteristics of school system.

Section 329.045 - Revision of Common Curriculum Goals, performance indicators, diploma requirements, Essential Learning Skills and academic content standards; instruction in academic content areas.

Section 329.049 - Plan to encourage voter registration and voting; incorporation into Essential Learning Skills; rules.

Section 329.075 - Statewide implementation; rules; duties of department.

Section 329.085 - Assessment of schools and school districts required; report; standards.

Section 329.095 - School district and school self-evaluations; local district continuous improvement plans; technical assistance.

Section 329.105 - School district and school performance reports.

Section 329.115 - Oregon Report Card.

Section 329.119 - Implementation of proficiency education; advisory committee.

Section 329.125 - Policy on parental and community participation.

Section 329.145 - Definitions for ORS 329.150 and 329.155.

Section 329.150 - Services for children and families at school site.

Section 329.153 - Policy on prevention and cost-effective programs and strategies.

Section 329.155 - Standards for education programs and programs providing services for children and families; interagency coordination.

Section 329.156 - Creation; requirements; technical assistance.

Section 329.157 - Identification and coordination of existing resources.

Section 329.165 - Development of long-range plan for serving children and families.

Section 329.170 - Definitions for ORS 329.170 to 329.200.

Section 329.172 - Preschool Promise Program; grants and contracts; report.

Section 329.175 - Early Learning Division to administer Oregon prekindergarten program; grants; coordination with other programs.

Section 329.181 - Scholarship program for early childhood care and education professionals; rules.

Section 329.183 - Prekindergarten Program Trust Fund.

Section 329.185 - Expansion of Oregon prekindergarten program.

Section 329.190 - Advisory committee.

Section 329.195 - Rules for Oregon prekindergarten program; grant applications.

Section 329.200 - Report on Oregon prekindergarten program; assessment of program effectiveness.

Section 329.219 - Early Learning Division to implement policies and practices related to early childhood professional development systems.

Section 329.235 - Provision of early childhood education.

Section 329.255 - Child development specialist program.

Section 329.275 - State board guidelines; rules; qualifications for child development specialists.

Section 329.385 - Child development programs; student-parent programs.

Section 329.395 - Definitions for ORS 329.395 to 329.425.

Section 329.415 - Operating guides and grant procedures for ORS 329.395 to 329.425.

Section 329.425 - Grants under ORS 329.395 to 329.425.

Section 329.451 - High school diploma; modified diploma; extended diploma; alternative certificate; grade level advancement.

Section 329.471 - Availability of personally identifiable information in relation to results of performance-based assessment.

Section 329.479 - Student Assessment Bill of Rights; excusal from statewide summative assessment; notice.

Section 329.485 - Statewide assessment system; additional services or alternative educational options.

Section 329.486 - Guidelines for best practices of administering assessments.

Section 329.488 - Nationally normed assessment; rules.

Section 329.489 - American Sign Language.

Section 329.492 - Oregon Studies.

Section 329.493 - Curriculum relating to Native American experience in Oregon.

Section 329.494 - Instruction about the Holocaust and genocide.

Section 329.496 - Physical education participation; professional development; instruction without endorsement; rules.

Section 329.498 - Data related to physical education; facilities; technical assistance.

Section 329.499 - Report to Legislative Assembly on physical education.

Section 329.501 - Grants for physical education; rules.

Section 329.504 - Funding for programs that link physical activity and academic achievement.

Section 329.603 - Coordinated comprehensive school counseling program; rules.

Section 329.704 - Local 21st Century Schools Councils; district site committees.

Section 329.711 - Educational equity advisory committees; rules.

Section 329.752 - Determination of school type for purpose of federal loan forgiveness programs.

Section 329.756 - Materials and assistance provided to employees who qualify for public service loan forgiveness program.

Section 329.788 - Definitions for ORS 329.788 to 329.820.

Section 329.790 - Findings on teacher and administrator programs.

Section 329.795 - Beginning teacher and administrator program established; district and educator network participation; use of grants.

Section 329.800 - Application; content.

Section 329.805 - Grants-in-aid; rules.

Section 329.810 - Training for mentors and beginning teachers and administrators.

Section 329.815 - Mentors.

Section 329.820 - Evaluation of programs; donations.

Section 329.824 - Educator professional development program.

Section 329.825 - Policy on successful and innovative schools.

Section 329.830 - Establishment; application; incentive rewards; rules.

Section 329.832 - Legislative findings.

Section 329.834 - Creation; components; reading sites.

Section 329.837 - Report.

Section 329.838 - School District Collaboration Grant Program; student achievement results; rules.

Section 329.841 - Statewide education plan for students who are Black or African-American; advisory group; report; grants; rules.

Section 329.843 - Statewide education plan for students who are American Indian or Alaska Native; advisory group; report; grants; rules.

Section 329.845 - Statewide education plan for students who are Latino or Hispanic; advisory group; report; grants; rules.

Section 329.847 - Statewide education plan for students who are minority gender identity or sexual orientation; advisory group; report; grants; rules.

Section 329.850 - Duties of Education and Workforce Policy Advisor.

Section 329.885 - School-to-work transitions and work experience programs; funding; eligibility for grants.

Section 329.901 - Collection of student and teacher information; report; rules.