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Article 1 - In General
Section 7-19-101 - Short Title. - 7-19-101. Short title. This act shall be known and may...
Section 7-19-102 - Scope and Applicability of Provisions. - 7-19-102. Scope and applicability of provisions. (a) This act governs...
Section 7-19-103 - Definitions. - 7-19-103. Definitions. (a) As used in this act: (i) "Conviction...
Section 7-19-104 - Procedures to Insure Currentness of Information; Disposition and Arrest Data. - 7-19-104. Procedures to insure currentness of information; disposition and arrest...
Section 7-19-105 - Rules and Regulations. - 7-19-105. Rules and regulations. (a) The division shall promulgate reasonable...
Section 7-19-106 - Access To, and Dissemination Of, Information. - 7-19-106. Access to, and dissemination of, information. (a) Criminal history...
Section 7-19-107 - Central Repository; Information to Be Submitted; Audits; Interstate Exchanges. - 7-19-107. Central repository; information to be submitted; audits; interstate exchanges....
Section 7-19-108 - Fees. - 7-19-108. Fees. (a) The division may charge the record subject...
Section 7-19-109 - Inspection; Deletion or Modification of Information. - 7-19-109. Inspection; deletion or modification of information. (a) An individual...
Article 2 - State or National Criminal History Record Information
Section 7-19-201 - State or National Criminal History Record Information. - 7-19-201. State or national criminal history record information. (a) The...
Article 3 - Sex Offender Registration
Section 7-19-301 - Definitions. - 7-19-301. Definitions. (a) Unless otherwise provided, for the purposes of...
Section 7-19-302 - Registration of Offenders; Procedure; Verification; Fees. - 7-19-302. Registration of offenders; procedure; verification; fees. (a) Any offender...
Section 7-19-303 - Offenders Central Registry; Dissemination of Information. - 7-19-303. Offenders central registry; dissemination of information. (a) An entity...
Section 7-19-304 - Termination of Duty to Register. - 7-19-304. Termination of duty to register. (a) The duty to...
Section 7-19-305 - Registration; Duties of Registering Entities; Notice to Persons Required to Register. - 7-19-305. Registration; duties of registering entities; notice to persons required...
Section 7-19-307 - Penalties. - 7-19-307. Penalties. (a) Failure to register, update any registration information...
Section 7-19-308 - Harboring a Sex Offender; Penalties; Exceptions. - 7-19-308. Harboring a sex offender; penalties; exceptions. (a) A person...
Section 7-19-309 - Juvenile Sex Offenders; Risk Assessment; Factors; Reporting Requirements. - 7-19-309. Juvenile sex offenders; risk assessment; factors; reporting requirements. (a)...
Section 7-19-310 - Sex Offender Registration Account; Purposes. - 7-19-310. Sex offender registration account; purposes. There is created the...
Article 4 - DNA Identification Record System
Section 7-19-401 - Definitions. - 7-19-401. Definitions. (a) For purposes of this act: (i) "CODIS"...
Section 7-19-402 - DNA Database Created; Uses of Information Restricted. - 7-19-402. DNA database created; uses of information restricted. (a) The...
Section 7-19-403 - DNA Samples Required; Collection; Testing; Reimbursement of Costs. - 7-19-403. DNA samples required; collection; testing; reimbursement of costs. (a)...
Section 7-19-404 - Access to Database; Information Authorized to Be Stored. - 7-19-404. Access to database; information authorized to be stored. (a)...
Section 7-19-405 - Expungement of Information. - 7-19-405. Expungement of information. (a) Any person whose DNA profile...
Section 7-19-406 - Enforcement. - 7-19-406. Enforcement. Duly authorized law enforcement and corrections personnel may...
Section 7-19-407 - Sexual Assault Biological Evidence Reports. - 7-19-407. Sexual assault biological evidence reports. (a) Beginning January 1,...
Article 5 - Juvenile Justice Information System
Section 7-19-501 - Definitions. Note: This Law Is Renumbered as 14-6-601 by Laws 2022, Ch. 15, § 3. Effective 7/1/2024. - 7-19-501. Definitions. Note: this law is Renumbered as 14-6-601 by...
Section 7-19-502 - Record System Created. Note: This Law Is Renumbered as 14-6-602 by Laws 2022, Ch. 15, § 3. Effective 7/1/2024. - 7-19-502. Record system created. Note: this law is Renumbered as...
Section 7-19-503 - Collection of Juvenile Justice Information. Note: This Law Is Renumbered as 14-6-603 by Laws 2022, Ch. 15, § 3. Effective 7/1/2024. - 7-19-503. Collection of juvenile justice information. Note: this law is...
Section 7-19-504 - Access to and Dissemination of Information. Note: This Law Is Renumbered at 14-6-604 by Laws 2022, Ch. 15, § 3. Effective 7/1/2024. - 7-19-504. Access to and dissemination of information. Note: this law...
Article 6 - National Crime Prevention and Privacy Compact Act
Section 7-19-601 - Short Title. - 7-19-601. Short title. This act may be cited as "The...
Section 7-19-602 - Compact Provisions Generally. - 7-19-602. Compact provisions generally. The National Crime Prevention and Privacy...
Section 7-19-603 - Compact Officer to Administer the Compact. - 7-19-603. Compact officer to administer the compact. The Wyoming attorney...