7-19-107. Central repository; information to be submitted; audits; interstate exchanges.
(a) The division of criminal investigation within the office of the attorney general is designated as the central repository for criminal history record information.
(b) For the purpose of maintaining complete and accurate criminal history record information at the central repository, all city, county and state law enforcement agencies, district courts, courts of limited jurisdiction, district attorneys, the department of corrections, state juvenile correctional institutions and local probation and parole agencies shall submit the criminal history record information required under this section for which they are responsible to the division for filing at the earliest time possible following the occurrence of the reportable event. Except as provided in subsection (k) of this section, reports shall be submitted on uniform forms approved and provided by the division.
(c) All criminal justice agencies making arrests for offenses covered by this act shall furnish the division with information concerning the charges and description of all persons arrested and shall furnish their fingerprints. Each agency shall also notify the division of any decision not to refer an arrest for prosecution. An agency making arrests covered by this subsection may enter into arrangements with other agencies for the purpose of furnishing required information to the division on its behalf.
(d) All district attorneys shall notify the division of all final disposition information in cases covered by this act including charges not filed in criminal cases for which the division has a record of an arrest.
(e) Except as provided in subsection (k) of this section, all district attorneys and clerks of the district courts and courts of limited jurisdiction shall furnish the division with information concerning final dispositions in criminal cases covered by this act. The information shall include, for each charge:
(i) All judgments of not guilty, discharges and dismissals in the trial courts;
(ii) All court orders filed in the case which reverse or remand a reported conviction or vacate, modify or annul a sentence or conviction;
(iii) All judgments terminating or revoking a sentence to probation, supervision or conditional discharge and any order relating to resentencing after the termination or revocation.
(f) After the court pronounces sentence in any case covered by this act, including an order of probation, parole or suspended sentence, the sheriff shall fingerprint any convicted defendant who has not previously been fingerprinted for the same case or whose fingerprints for the same case were rejected as unreadable. The sheriff shall submit the fingerprints to the division.
(g) The director of the department of corrections, the superintendents of the Wyoming boys' school and Wyoming girls' school and the sheriff of each county shall furnish the division with all information concerning the receipt, escape, execution, death, release, pardon, parole, commutation of sentence, granting of executive clemency or discharge of any individual who has been sentenced to the agency's custody for any offense covered by this act.
(h) The division shall regularly audit its own records and practices to ensure the completeness and accuracy of criminal history record information collected, maintained, used or disseminated by it, and to evaluate its procedures and facilities relating to the privacy and security of information. The division shall periodically audit the records and practices of each criminal justice agency in this state authorized to access criminal history record information maintained by the division.
(j) The division may enter into agreements with criminal records central repositories and criminal justice agencies of other states or the federal government to establish uniform procedures and practices, including codes, formats and fee schedules to facilitate the interstate exchange of criminal record information.
(k) Upon implementation of a case management system in a circuit or district court, the supreme court shall, on behalf of the district or circuit court, furnish electronically to the division an abstract of the court record within ten (10) days after entry of a judgment of conviction or forfeiture of bail. The abstract shall include:
(i) The name and address of the person charged;
(ii) A citation to the statute of each offense charged;
(iii) The finding or disposition of each offense charged;
(iv) The amount of fine, forfeiture or penalty imposed, if any, or any changes to the amount;
(v) Other information as determined and agreed upon by the office of the attorney general and the supreme court pursuant to rules promulgated by the attorney general and the supreme court.
(m) Nothing in subsection (k) of this section shall preclude a state agency from requesting and obtaining public court records as provided by court rule.
Structure Wyoming Statutes
Chapter 19 - Criminal History Records
Section 7-19-101 - Short Title.
Section 7-19-102 - Scope and Applicability of Provisions.
Section 7-19-103 - Definitions.
Section 7-19-104 - Procedures to Insure Currentness of Information; Disposition and Arrest Data.
Section 7-19-105 - Rules and Regulations.
Section 7-19-106 - Access To, and Dissemination Of, Information.
Section 7-19-107 - Central Repository; Information to Be Submitted; Audits; Interstate Exchanges.
Section 7-19-109 - Inspection; Deletion or Modification of Information.