7-19-101. Short title.
This act shall be known and may be cited as the "Wyoming Criminal History Record Act".
Structure Wyoming Statutes
Chapter 19 - Criminal History Records
Section 7-19-101 - Short Title.
Section 7-19-102 - Scope and Applicability of Provisions.
Section 7-19-103 - Definitions.
Section 7-19-104 - Procedures to Insure Currentness of Information; Disposition and Arrest Data.
Section 7-19-105 - Rules and Regulations.
Section 7-19-106 - Access To, and Dissemination Of, Information.
Section 7-19-107 - Central Repository; Information to Be Submitted; Audits; Interstate Exchanges.
Section 7-19-109 - Inspection; Deletion or Modification of Information.