7-19-303. Offenders central registry; dissemination of information.
(a) An entity registering an offender shall forward the information and fingerprints obtained pursuant to W.S. 7-19-302 to the division within three (3) working days. The division shall maintain a central registry of offenders required to register under W.S. 7-19-302 and shall adopt rules necessary to carry out the purposes of W.S. 7-19-302. The division shall immediately enter information received pursuant to this act into the central registry and shall immediately transmit the conviction data, palmprints and fingerprints to the federal bureau of investigation and national sex offender registry.
(b) The information collected under this act shall be confidential, except for that information collected in accordance with paragraph (c)(iii) of this section which information shall be a matter of public record.
(i) Repealed By Laws 2007, Ch. 160, § 2.
(ii) Repealed By Laws 2007, Ch. 160, § 2.
(c) The division shall provide notification of registration under this act, including all registration information, to the district attorney of the county where the registered offender is residing at the time of registration or to which the offender moves. In addition, the following shall apply:
(i) Repealed By Laws 2007, Ch. 160, § 2.
(ii) If the offender was convicted of an offense specified in W.S. 7-19-302(h) or (j), notification shall be provided by mail, personally or by any other means reasonably calculated to ensure delivery of the notice to residential neighbors within at least seven hundred fifty (750) feet of the offender's residence, organizations in the community, including schools, religious and youth organizations by the sheriff or his designee. In addition, notification regarding an offender employed by or attending school at any educational institution shall be provided upon request by the educational institution to a member of the institution's campus community as defined by subsection (h) of this section;
(iii) Notification of registration under this act shall be provided to the public through a public registry, as well as to the persons and entities required by paragraph (ii) of this subsection. The division shall make the public registry available to the public, with the exception of internet identifiers, telephone numbers and adjudications as delinquent unless disclosure is authorized pursuant to W.S. 7-19-309, through electronic internet technology and shall include:
(A) The offender's name, including any aliases;
(B) Physical address;
(C) Date and place of birth;
(D) Date and place of conviction;
(E) Crime for which convicted;
(F) Photograph;
(G) Physical characteristics including race, sex, height, weight, eye and hair color;
(H) History of all criminal convictions subjecting an offender to the registration requirements of this act;
(J) The license plate or registration number and a description of any vehicle owned or operated by the offender; and
(K) The physical address of any employer that employs the offender; and
(M) The physical address of each educational institution in this state at which the person is attending school.
(iv) The division shall adopt rules necessary to provide for the maintenance and dissemination of the information contained in the central registry of offenders.
(d) Repealed By Laws 2007, Ch. 160, § 2.
(e) Repealed By Laws 2007, Ch. 160, § 2.
(f) The identity of the victim of an offense that requires registration under this act shall not be released to the public unless the victim has authorized the release of the information, provided:
(i) Nothing in this subsection shall bar the disclosure of information concerning the characteristics of the victim and the nature and circumstances of the offense so long as the victim is not identified;
(ii) Nothing in this subsection shall bar the disclosure of victim identity information contained as part of the criminal history record information disclosed to persons authorized to receive such information under W.S. 7-19-106; and
(iii) This subsection does not apply to victim identity information contained in public records which exist independently of this act.
(g) Any person who, by virtue of employment or official position has possession of, or access to, registration information furnished pursuant to this act or victim identifying information, and willfully discloses it in any manner to any person or agency not entitled to receive the information is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for not more than six (6) months, a fine of not more than seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), or both.
(h) An educational institution in this state shall instruct members of its campus community, by direct advisement, publication or other means, that a member can obtain information regarding offenders employed by or attending school at the institution by contacting the campus police department or other law enforcement agency with jurisdiction over the institution. For the purposes of this subsection, "member of the campus community" means a person employed by or attending school at the educational institution at which the offender is employed or attending school, or a person's parent or guardian if the person is a minor.
(j) The attorney general shall maintain a public record of the number of registered offenders in each county.
(k) The legislature directs the division to facilitate access to the information on the public registry available through electronic internet technology without the need to consider or assess the specific risk of reoffense with respect to any individual prior to his inclusion within the registry, and the division shall place a disclaimer on the division's internet website indicating that:
(i) No determination has been made that any individual included in the registry is currently dangerous;
(ii) Individuals included within the registry are included solely by virtue of their conviction record and state law; and
(iii) The main purpose of providing the information on the internet is to make the information more easily available and accessible, not to warn about any specific individual.
Structure Wyoming Statutes
Chapter 19 - Criminal History Records
Article 3 - Sex Offender Registration
Section 7-19-301 - Definitions.
Section 7-19-302 - Registration of Offenders; Procedure; Verification; Fees.
Section 7-19-303 - Offenders Central Registry; Dissemination of Information.
Section 7-19-304 - Termination of Duty to Register.
Section 7-19-308 - Harboring a Sex Offender; Penalties; Exceptions.
Section 7-19-309 - Juvenile Sex Offenders; Risk Assessment; Factors; Reporting Requirements.
Section 7-19-310 - Sex Offender Registration Account; Purposes.