Wyoming Statutes
Article 3 - Sex Offender Registration
Section 7-19-301 - Definitions.

7-19-301. Definitions.
(a) Unless otherwise provided, for the purposes of this act:
(i) Repealed By Laws 2007, Ch. 160, § 2.
(ii) Repealed By Laws 2007, Ch. 160, § 2.
(iii) "Convicted" includes pleas of guilty, nolo contendere, verdicts of guilty upon which a judgment of conviction may be rendered and adjudications as a delinquent for offenses specified in W.S. 7-19-302(j). "Convicted" shall not include dispositions pursuant to W.S. 7-13-301;
(iv) "Criminal offense against a minor" means the offenses specified in this paragraph in which the victim is less than eighteen (18) years of age. "Criminal offense against a minor" includes an offense committed in another jurisdiction, including a federal court or courts martial, which, if committed in this state, would constitute a "criminal offense against a minor" as defined in this paragraph. "Criminal offense against a minor" includes:
(A) Kidnapping under W.S. 6-2-201;
(B) Felonious restraint under W.S. 6-2-202;
(C) False imprisonment under W.S. 6-2-203;
(D) Offenses under W.S. 6-4-101 through 6-4-103 in which a minor is the object of the sexual act or proposed sexual act;
(E) Producing obscene material under W.S. 6-4-302 if the offense involves the use of a minor in a sexual performance;
(F) Soliciting sexual conduct under W.S. 6-2-318;
(G) Sexual exploitation of a child under W.S. 6-4-303;
(H) An attempt to commit an offense described in subparagraphs (A) through (G) of this paragraph;
(J) Human trafficking under W.S. 6-2-702 or 6-2-703 or sexual servitude under W.S. 6-2-705 or 6-2-706.
(v) "Department" means the state department of corrections;
(vi) "Division" means the Wyoming division of criminal investigation created within the office of the attorney general;
(vii) "Minor" means a person who has not attained the age of eighteen (18) years at the time of the offense;
(viii) "Offender" means a person convicted of a criminal offense specified in W.S. 7-19-302(g) through (j), 6-2-702, 6-2-703, 6-2-705 or 6-2-706. "Offender" shall also include any person convicted:
(A) As an accessory before the fact as provided in W.S. 6-1-201 for a criminal offense specified in W.S. 7-19-302(g) through (j), 6-2-702, 6-2-703, 6-2-705 or 6-2-706;
(B) Of a criminal offense in Wyoming or any other jurisdiction containing the same or similar elements, or arising out of the same or similar facts or circumstances, as a criminal offense specified in W.S. 7-19-302(g) through (j), 6-2-702, 6-2-703, 6-2-705 or 6-2-706.
(ix) "Predatory" means an act directed at a stranger or a person with whom a relationship has been established or promoted for the primary purpose of victimization;
(x) "Recidivist" means an offender convicted of an offense requiring registration under this act two (2) or more times. Offenses which would have required registration under this act, but which had a sentencing date prior to January 1, 1985, shall be counted as convictions for purposes of this paragraph;
(xi) "Reside" and words of similar import mean the physical address of each residence of an offender, including:
(A) All real property owned by the offender that is used by the offender for the purpose of shelter or other activities of daily living;
(B) Any physical address where the offender habitually visits; and
(C) Temporary residences such as hotels, motels, public or private housing, camping areas, parks, public buildings, streets, roads, highways, restaurants, libraries or other places the offender may frequent and use for shelter or other activities of daily living.
(xii) Repealed By Laws 2007, Ch. 160, § 2.
(xiii) Repealed By Laws 2007, Ch. 160, § 2.
(xiv) Repealed By Laws 2007, Ch. 160, § 2.
(xv) "This act" means W.S. 7-19-301 through 7-19-310;
(xvi) "Attending school" means enrollment on a full or part-time basis at any institution;
(xvii) "Employed" means any full or part-time employment, with or without compensation or other benefit, for a period of more than fourteen (14) days, or for an aggregate period exceeding thirty (30) days in any one (1) calendar year. Institutional contractors and contract employees performing work on an educational institution campus shall be considered institution employees;
(xviii) "Educational institution" or "institution" means any type of public or private educational facility or program, including elementary, middle and high schools, parochial, church and religious schools as defined by W.S. 21-4-101(a)(iv), trade and professional schools, colleges and universities;
(xix) "Residence" means a dwelling place with an established physical address or identifiable physical location intended for human habitation;
(xx) "Report" means providing information in person, or by any other means authorized by the sheriff if the person is required to report to the sheriff;
(xxi) "Working days" shall not include Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays;
(xxii) "Vehicle" includes any of the following that is registered under Wyoming law:
(A) Aircraft as defined in W.S. 10-1-101(a)(i);
(B) Motor vehicle, commercial vehicle or trailer as defined in W.S. 31-1-101;
(C) Watercraft as defined in W.S. 41-13-101(a)(vii).
(xxiii) Words in the plural form include the singular and words in the singular form include the plural.