Wyoming Statutes
Article 4 - DNA Identification Record System
Section 7-19-402 - DNA Database Created; Uses of Information Restricted.

7-19-402. DNA database created; uses of information restricted.
(a) The division shall establish a state DNA database for convicted felons, crime scene specimens and close biological relatives of missing persons in accordance with the provisions of this act. The state DNA database shall be used to assist federal, state and local criminal justice agencies in the putative identification, detection or exclusion of individuals who are subjects of a prosecution of a crime involving biological evidence from the crime scene. The database may also be used:
(i) To support development of a population statistics database, when personal identifying information is removed;
(ii) To support identification research and protocol development of forensic DNA analysis methods;
(iii) For quality control purposes; and
(iv) To assist in the recovery or identification of human remains from mass disasters or for other humanitarian purposes, including identification of living missing persons.
(b) DNA samples collected and stored for the state DNA database shall not be used or disseminated for purposes other than those specified in this act.
(c) The state DNA database, including test procedures, laboratory equipment, supplies and computer software shall be compatible with that utilized by the FBI. Local criminal justice agencies that establish or operate a DNA identification record system shall ensure that such system is compatible with the state DNA database and that the local system is equipped to receive and answer inquiries from the state DNA database and transmit DNA records to the state DNA database. Procedures and rules for the collection, analysis, storage, expungement and use of DNA identification data shall be uniform throughout the state DNA database.