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Article 1 - In General
Section 7-13-101 - Sentencing of Minors to Boys' School Upon First Conviction of Felony; Term; Parole. - 7-13-101. Sentencing of minors to boys' school upon first conviction...
Section 7-13-103 - Notice of Sentence; Transportation to Institution; Maintenance of Prisoner in County Jail. - 7-13-103. Notice of sentence; transportation to institution; maintenance of prisoner...
Section 7-13-104 - Record of Prisoners. - 7-13-104. Record of prisoners. The department of corrections shall keep...
Section 7-13-105 - Certificate of Restoration of Rights; Procedure for Restoration in General; Procedure for Restoration of Voting Rights for Nonviolent Felonies; Filing Requirements. - 7-13-105. Certificate of restoration of rights; procedure for restoration in...
Section 7-13-106 - Transfer of Citizen or National of Foreign Country. - 7-13-106. Transfer of citizen or national of foreign country. The...
Section 7-13-107 - Split Sentence of Incarceration in County Jail Followed by Probation; Civil Liability of County Officers and Employees. - 7-13-107. Split sentence of incarceration in county jail followed by...
Section 7-13-108 - Sentence to Custody of Department of Corrections. - 7-13-108. Sentence to custody of department of corrections. (a) Unless...
Section 7-13-109 - Payment of Jail Costs by Inmate. - 7-13-109. Payment of jail costs by inmate. (a) In addition...
Article 2 - Indeterminate Sentence
Section 7-13-201 - Maximum and Minimum Term. - 7-13-201. Maximum and minimum term. Except where a term of...
Article 3 - Probation and Suspension of Sentence
Section 7-13-301 - Placing Person Found Guilty, but Not Convicted, on Probation. - 7-13-301. Placing person found guilty, but not convicted, on probation....
Section 7-13-302 - Placing Person Convicted on Probation; Suspension of Imposition or Execution of Sentence; Imposition of Fine; Maximum Length of Probation Term. - 7-13-302. Placing person convicted on probation; suspension of imposition or...
Section 7-13-303 - Investigation Preceding Probation or Suspension of Sentence. - 7-13-303. Investigation preceding probation or suspension of sentence. (a) When...
Section 7-13-304 - Imposition or Modification of Conditions; Performance of Work by Defendant. - 7-13-304. Imposition or modification of conditions; performance of work by...
Section 7-13-305 - Determination, Continuance or Extension; Revocation Proceedings. - 7-13-305. Determination, continuance or extension; revocation proceedings. (a) The period...
Section 7-13-306 - Payment of Fine in Installments. - 7-13-306. Payment of fine in installments. When imposing a fine...
Section 7-13-307 - Expungement of Criminal Record. - 7-13-307. Expungement of criminal record. Nothing in W.S. 7-13-301 through...
Article 4 - Probation and Parole Generally
Section 7-13-401 - Definitions; Creation of Board; Officers; Compensation; Hearing Panels; Meetings. - 7-13-401. Definitions; creation of board; officers; compensation; hearing panels; meetings....
Section 7-13-402 - General Powers and Duties of Board; Eligibility for Parole; Immunity. - 7-13-402. General powers and duties of board; eligibility for parole;...
Section 7-13-403 - Custody of Parolee; Return Upon Violation. - 7-13-403. Custody of parolee; return upon violation. (a) A parolee...
Section 7-13-404 - Computing Remainder of Sentence for Parole Violator. - 7-13-404. Computing remainder of sentence for parole violator. In computing...
Section 7-13-405 - Field Services Administrator; Hiring of Agents. - 7-13-405. Field services administrator; hiring of agents. (a) The department...
Section 7-13-406 - Offices. - 7-13-406. Offices. Offices for probation and parole agents shall be...
Section 7-13-407 - Duties of Probation and Parole Agents. - 7-13-407. Duties of probation and parole agents. (a) Under direction...
Section 7-13-408 - Probation, Parole and Conditional Release Administrative Jail or Adult Community Correction Program Sanction and Revocation Hearing Procedures. - 7-13-408. Probation, parole and conditional release administrative jail or adult...
Section 7-13-409 - Disclosure of Information and Data. - 7-13-409. Disclosure of information and data. All information and data...
Section 7-13-410 - Notice of Probation Order; Request for Probation Supervision or Report. - 7-13-410. Notice of probation order; request for probation supervision or...
Section 7-13-411 - Apprehension of Violators. - 7-13-411. Apprehension of violators. (a) A probation and parole agent...
Section 7-13-418 - Selection, Training and Powers of Local Volunteer; Compensation. - 7-13-418. Selection, training and powers of local volunteer; compensation. (a)...
Section 7-13-419 - Limitations on Powers of Volunteers. - 7-13-419. Limitations on powers of volunteers. Volunteers do not have...
Section 7-13-420 - Good Time Allowances. - 7-13-420. Good time allowances. (a) The governor, after consultation with...
Section 7-13-421 - Restitution as Condition of Parole. - 7-13-421. Restitution as condition of parole. (a) Repealed By Laws...
Section 7-13-422 - Short Title. - 7-13-422. Short title. This act may be cited as "The...
Section 7-13-423 - Compact Provisions Generally. - 7-13-423. Compact provisions generally. The interstate compact for the supervision...
Section 7-13-424 - Medical Parole; Conditions. - 7-13-424. Medical parole; conditions. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of...
Article 5 - Continuation of Employment During Probation
Section 7-13-501 - Power of Court to Allow; Confinement When Not Working. - 7-13-501. Power of court to allow; confinement when not working....
Section 7-13-503 - Work Arrangement in Another County. - 7-13-503. Work arrangement in another county. The court may by...
Section 7-13-504 - Persons Committed for Contempt of Court. - 7-13-504. Persons committed for contempt of court. A person committed...
Article 7 - Furlough Programs
Section 7-13-701 - Definitions; Establishment of Programs. - 7-13-701. Definitions; establishment of programs. (a) As used in this...
Section 7-13-702 - Escape. - 7-13-702. Escape. An inmate is deemed guilty of escape from...
Article 8 - Pardons and Reprieves
Section 7-13-801 - Application for Reprieve; Conditions; Acceptance and Filing. - 7-13-801. Application for reprieve; conditions; acceptance and filing. (a) An...
Section 7-13-802 - Confinement of Reprieved Persons. - 7-13-802. Confinement of reprieved persons. The governor may require as...
Section 7-13-803 - Manner of Applying for Pardon. - 7-13-803. Manner of applying for pardon. Application for the pardon...
Section 7-13-804 - Contents of Application for Pardon; Notice to District Attorney. - 7-13-804. Contents of application for pardon; notice to district attorney....
Section 7-13-805 - Statement of District Attorney Following Notice of Pardon Application. - 7-13-805. Statement of district attorney following notice of pardon application....
Section 7-13-806 - Certification That Applicant for Pardon in Danger of Death. - 7-13-806. Certification that applicant for pardon in danger of death....
Section 7-13-807 - Commutation of Death Sentences. - 7-13-807. Commutation of death sentences. Pursuant to article 3, section...
Article 9 - Execution of Death Sentence
Section 7-13-901 - Notice That Convict Lacks Requisite Mental Capacity. - 7-13-901. Notice that convict lacks requisite mental capacity. (a) As...
Section 7-13-902 - Examination of Convict to Determine Mental Capacity; Hearing; Finding of Court. - 7-13-902. Examination of convict to determine mental capacity; hearing; finding...
Section 7-13-903 - Suspension of Execution of Convict Lacking Requisite Mental Capacity; Periodic Reexaminations; Subsequent Proceedings. - 7-13-903. Suspension of execution of convict lacking requisite mental capacity;...
Section 7-13-904 - Method of Execution. - 7-13-904. Method of execution. (a) When sentence of death is...
Section 7-13-905 - Place and Time; Supervision. - 7-13-905. Place and time; supervision. (a) A sentence of death...
Section 7-13-906 - Issuance and Delivery of Warrant. - 7-13-906. Issuance and delivery of warrant. Whenever a person is...
Section 7-13-907 - Confinement Pending Execution; Visitors. - 7-13-907. Confinement pending execution; visitors. (a) The administrator of the...
Section 7-13-908 - Witnesses. - 7-13-908. Witnesses. (a) Only the following witnesses may be present...
Section 7-13-909 - Setting of New Execution Date Following Unexecuted Sentence. - 7-13-909. Setting of new execution date following unexecuted sentence. If...
Section 7-13-910 - Suspension Until Specified Day or Temporary Reprieve; Return of Warrant. - 7-13-910. Suspension until specified day or temporary reprieve; return of...
Section 7-13-911 - Suspension to Permit Review; Confinement; Return to County for Retrial. - 7-13-911. Suspension to permit review; confinement; return to county for...
Section 7-13-912 - Inquiry Concerning Pregnancy of Female Prisoner. - 7-13-912. Inquiry concerning pregnancy of female prisoner. (a) If there...
Section 7-13-913 - Determination of Court as to Pregnancy; Suspension of Sentence. - 7-13-913. Determination of court as to pregnancy; suspension of sentence....
Section 7-13-914 - Transportation to Penal Institution. - 7-13-914. Transportation to penal institution. A prisoner sentenced to death...
Section 7-13-915 - Disposition of Body. - 7-13-915. Disposition of body. The body of any prisoner who...
Section 7-13-916 - Identity of Person Aiding Execution; Confidentiality. - 7-13-916. Identity of person aiding execution; confidentiality. The identities of...
Article 10 - Youthful Offender Transition Program
Section 7-13-1001 - Definitions. - 7-13-1001. Definitions. (a) As used in this article: (i) "Department"...
Section 7-13-1002 - Sentence Reduction for Youthful Offenders. - 7-13-1002. Sentence reduction for youthful offenders. (a) The sentencing court...
Section 7-13-1003 - Establishment of Program; Eligibility; Rulemaking Authority. - 7-13-1003. Establishment of program; eligibility; rulemaking authority. (a) The department...
Article 11 - Intensive Supervision Program
Section 7-13-1101 - Definitions. - 7-13-1101. Definitions. (a) As used in this article: (i) "Department"...
Section 7-13-1102 - Authority to Establish Programs; Rulemaking Authority. - 7-13-1102. Authority to establish programs; rulemaking authority. (a) The department...
Section 7-13-1103 - Program Participation Not a Matter of Right. - 7-13-1103. Program participation not a matter of right. (a) Participation...
Section 7-13-1104 - Program Participation as a Condition of Parole. - 7-13-1104. Program participation as a condition of parole. (a) Except...
Section 7-13-1105 - Placement of Probationer in Program by Sentencing Court. - 7-13-1105. Placement of probationer in program by sentencing court. (a)...
Section 7-13-1107 - Administrative Rewards and Sanctions for Program Violations. - 7-13-1107. Administrative rewards and sanctions for program violations. (a) Repealed...
Article 12 - Teen Court Program
Section 7-13-1201 - Short Title. - 7-13-1201. Short title. This act shall be known and may...
Section 7-13-1202 - Definitions. - 7-13-1202. Definitions. (a) As used in this act: (i) "Minor...
Section 7-13-1203 - Authority to Establish Teen Court Program. - 7-13-1203. Authority to establish teen court program. (a) The Wyoming...
Section 7-13-1204 - Program Criteria. - 7-13-1204. Program criteria. (a) A teen court program may be...
Section 7-13-1205 - Juvenile Courts Authorized to Establish Teen Court Program. - 7-13-1205. Juvenile courts authorized to establish teen court program. (a)...
Article 13 - Addicted Offender Accountability
Section 7-13-1301 - Definitions. - 7-13-1301. Definitions. (a) As used in W.S. 7-13-1301 through 7-13-1304:...
Section 7-13-1302 - Substance Abuse Assessment Required. - 7-13-1302. Substance abuse assessment required. All persons convicted of a...
Section 7-13-1303 - Suspended Sentence for Qualified Offenders. - 7-13-1303. Suspended sentence for qualified offenders. (a) Except as provided...
Section 7-13-1304 - Rebuttable Presumption in Violent Crime or Delivery of Controlled Substance Cases. - 7-13-1304. Rebuttable presumption in violent crime or delivery of controlled...
Article 14 - Expungement of Criminal Records
Section 7-13-1401 - Petition for Expungement; Records of Arrest, Dismissal of Charges, Disposition; Eligibility; No Filing Fee. - 7-13-1401. Petition for expungement; records of arrest, dismissal of charges,...
Article 15 - Expungement of Records of Convictions
Section 7-13-1501 - Petition for Expungement of Records of Conviction of Certain Misdemeanors; Filing Fee; Notice; Objections; Hearing; Definitions; Exceptions. - 7-13-1501. Petition for expungement of records of conviction of certain...
Section 7-13-1502 - Petition for Expungement of Records of Conviction of Certain Felonies; Filing Fee; Notice; Objections; Hearing; Definitions; Restoration of Rights. - 7-13-1502. Petition for expungement of records of conviction of certain...
Article 16 - Court Supervised Treatment Programs Act
Section 7-13-1601 - Short Title. - 7-13-1601. Short title. This act shall be known and may...
Section 7-13-1602 - Definitions. - 7-13-1602. Definitions. (a) As used in this act: (i) "Account"...
Section 7-13-1603 - Purposes and Goals. - 7-13-1603. Purposes and goals. (a) The legislature recognizes the critical...
Section 7-13-1604 - Standards for Attorneys and Judges. - 7-13-1604. Standards for attorneys and judges. (a) Attorneys, participating judges...
Section 7-13-1605 - Establishment of Court Supervised Program Account; Rules and Regulations; Panel Created; Program Funding. - 7-13-1605. Establishment of court supervised program account; rules and regulations;...
Section 7-13-1606 - Establishment of Court Supervised Treatment Programs. - 7-13-1606. Establishment of court supervised treatment programs. (a) Any court...
Section 7-13-1607 - Participation in Court Supervised Treatment Program; Conditions; Extended Probation. - 7-13-1607. Participation in court supervised treatment program; conditions; extended probation....
Section 7-13-1608 - Incentives and Sanctions; Extended Probation. - 7-13-1608. Incentives and sanctions; extended probation. (a) The participating judge...
Section 7-13-1609 - Program Team to Be Created; Duties; Program Coordinator. - 7-13-1609. Program team to be created; duties; program coordinator. (a)...
Section 7-13-1610 - Confidentiality of Treatment Records. - 7-13-1610. Confidentiality of treatment records. Program staff shall be provided...
Section 7-13-1611 - Treatment and Support Services. - 7-13-1611. Treatment and support services. (a) Each program shall strive...
Section 7-13-1612 - Substance Abuse Testing. - 7-13-1612. Substance abuse testing. (a) The program team shall require...
Section 7-13-1613 - Participant Information and Progress Statistics. - 7-13-1613. Participant information and progress statistics. (a) Participants may be...
Section 7-13-1614 - Municipal Courts. - 7-13-1614. Municipal courts. A municipal judge may place a criminal...
Section 7-13-1615 - Program Participation as a Condition of Parole. - 7-13-1615. Program participation as a condition of parole. (a) The...
Section 7-13-1616 - Surcharge to Be Assessed in Certain Criminal Cases; Paid to Account. - 7-13-1616. Surcharge to be assessed in certain criminal cases; paid...
Article 17 - 24/7 Sobriety Program
Section 7-13-1701 - Short Title. - 7-13-1701. Short title. This article shall be known and may...
Section 7-13-1702 - Definitions. - 7-13-1702. Definitions. (a) As used in this article: (i) "Account"...
Section 7-13-1703 - 24/7 Sobriety Program Created. - 7-13-1703. 24/7 sobriety program created. (a) There is created a...
Section 7-13-1704 - Inclusion in Program. - 7-13-1704. Inclusion in program. (a) Each county, through its sheriff,...
Section 7-13-1705 - Rulemaking Authority. - 7-13-1705. Rulemaking authority. (a) The attorney general shall adopt rules...
Section 7-13-1706 - Distribution of Testing Fees. - 7-13-1706. Distribution of testing fees. The sheriff shall collect and...
Section 7-13-1707 - 24/7 Sobriety Program Account. - 7-13-1707. 24/7 sobriety program account. (a) There is created a...
Section 7-13-1708 - Authority of Court to Order Participation in Program. - 7-13-1708. Authority of court to order participation in program. (a)...
Section 7-13-1709 - Apprehension of Violators. - 7-13-1709. Apprehension of violators. (a) Upon the failure of a...
Section 7-13-1710 - 24/7 Sobriety Program Director; Appointment. - 7-13-1710. 24/7 sobriety program director; appointment. The attorney general may...
Article 18 - Probation and Parole Incentives and Sanctions
Section 7-13-1801 - Incentives and Sanctions System; Duties of the Department of Corrections; Definitions. - 7-13-1801. Incentives and sanctions system; duties of the department of...
Section 7-13-1802 - Authorized Sanctions. - 7-13-1802. Authorized sanctions. (a) The sanctions authorized under W.S. 7-13-1801(a)...
Section 7-13-1803 - Procedure for Imposing Sanctions; Housing Violators; Civil Actions Against Officials. - 7-13-1803. Procedure for imposing sanctions; housing violators; civil actions against...