7-13-409. Disclosure of information and data.
All information and data obtained in the discharge of official duties by probation and parole agents is privileged information and shall not be disclosed directly or indirectly to anyone other than to the judge, the department or to others entitled to receive reports unless and until otherwise ordered by the judge, board or department.
Structure Wyoming Statutes
Chapter 13 - Sentence and Imprisonment
Article 4 - Probation and Parole Generally
Section 7-13-401 - Definitions; Creation of Board; Officers; Compensation; Hearing Panels; Meetings.
Section 7-13-402 - General Powers and Duties of Board; Eligibility for Parole; Immunity.
Section 7-13-403 - Custody of Parolee; Return Upon Violation.
Section 7-13-404 - Computing Remainder of Sentence for Parole Violator.
Section 7-13-405 - Field Services Administrator; Hiring of Agents.
Section 7-13-407 - Duties of Probation and Parole Agents.
Section 7-13-409 - Disclosure of Information and Data.
Section 7-13-410 - Notice of Probation Order; Request for Probation Supervision or Report.
Section 7-13-411 - Apprehension of Violators.
Section 7-13-418 - Selection, Training and Powers of Local Volunteer; Compensation.
Section 7-13-419 - Limitations on Powers of Volunteers.
Section 7-13-420 - Good Time Allowances.
Section 7-13-421 - Restitution as Condition of Parole.
Section 7-13-422 - Short Title.