7-13-1603. Purposes and goals.
(a) The legislature recognizes the critical need in this state for treatment programs to break the cycle of substance abuse and the crimes committed as a result thereof. Court supervised treatment programs shall be facilitated for the purpose of providing sentencing options for the judicial system in cases stemming from substance abuse, by combining judicial supervision, probation, substance abuse assessment, substance abuse testing, monitoring, treatment, and aftercare for substance offenders.
(b) The goals of the programs funded under this act shall be:
(i) To reduce recidivism by participants;
(ii) To strive for program retention and graduation of participants;
(iii) To strive for sobriety of participants; and
(iv) To monitor the services provided to participants.
Structure Wyoming Statutes
Chapter 13 - Sentence and Imprisonment
Article 16 - Court Supervised Treatment Programs Act
Section 7-13-1601 - Short Title.
Section 7-13-1602 - Definitions.
Section 7-13-1603 - Purposes and Goals.
Section 7-13-1604 - Standards for Attorneys and Judges.
Section 7-13-1606 - Establishment of Court Supervised Treatment Programs.
Section 7-13-1608 - Incentives and Sanctions; Extended Probation.
Section 7-13-1609 - Program Team to Be Created; Duties; Program Coordinator.
Section 7-13-1610 - Confidentiality of Treatment Records.
Section 7-13-1611 - Treatment and Support Services.
Section 7-13-1612 - Substance Abuse Testing.
Section 7-13-1613 - Participant Information and Progress Statistics.
Section 7-13-1614 - Municipal Courts.
Section 7-13-1615 - Program Participation as a Condition of Parole.
Section 7-13-1616 - Surcharge to Be Assessed in Certain Criminal Cases; Paid to Account.