7-13-1609. Program team to be created; duties; program coordinator.
(a) Each applicant seeking to establish a program shall create a program team, consisting of the following members, all of whom shall be appointed by the governing body of the applicant, subject to the individual consent of each appointee:
(i) A participating judge;
(ii) A prosecuting attorney;
(iii) An attorney who practices criminal defense or serves as a guardian ad litem;
(iv) A representative of the treatment providers;
(v) The probation officer or other person who supervises participants;
(vi) The program coordinator; and
(vii) Other persons determined necessary and helpful by the participating judge.
(b) The program team shall, when practicable, conduct a staffing prior to each program session to discuss and provide updated information regarding participants scheduled to appear during the session. After determining the progress or lack thereof for each participant, the program team shall agree on the appropriate incentives or sanctions to be applied. If the program team cannot unanimously agree on the appropriate action to be taken, the participating judge shall make a decision based upon the information presented during the staffing.
(c) Each program shall have a program coordinator who shall be responsible for the general administration of the program.
Structure Wyoming Statutes
Chapter 13 - Sentence and Imprisonment
Article 16 - Court Supervised Treatment Programs Act
Section 7-13-1601 - Short Title.
Section 7-13-1602 - Definitions.
Section 7-13-1603 - Purposes and Goals.
Section 7-13-1604 - Standards for Attorneys and Judges.
Section 7-13-1606 - Establishment of Court Supervised Treatment Programs.
Section 7-13-1608 - Incentives and Sanctions; Extended Probation.
Section 7-13-1609 - Program Team to Be Created; Duties; Program Coordinator.
Section 7-13-1610 - Confidentiality of Treatment Records.
Section 7-13-1611 - Treatment and Support Services.
Section 7-13-1612 - Substance Abuse Testing.
Section 7-13-1613 - Participant Information and Progress Statistics.
Section 7-13-1614 - Municipal Courts.
Section 7-13-1615 - Program Participation as a Condition of Parole.
Section 7-13-1616 - Surcharge to Be Assessed in Certain Criminal Cases; Paid to Account.