7-13-901. Notice that convict lacks requisite mental capacity.
(a) As used in W.S. 7-13-901 through 7-13-903:
(i) "Court" means the district court which has sentenced a convict to punishment of death;
(ii) "Designated examiner" means a licensed psychiatrist or the combination of a licensed physician and a licensed psychologist who act in concert;
(iii) "Facility" means the Wyoming state hospital or other facility designated by the court which can adequately provide for the security, examination or treatment of the convict;
(iv) "Custodian" means the sheriff, warden, or head of any facility in which the convict is being held pending execution of the death sentence;
(v) "Requisite mental capacity" means the ability to understand the nature of the death penalty and the reasons it was imposed.
(b) If it appears to any custodian or other interested person that any convict sentenced to the punishment of death does not have the requisite mental capacity, the custodian or interested person shall immediately give notice in writing to the court.
(c) Notice to the court under subsection (b) of this section shall be detailed and accompanied by all psychiatric or psychological reports or evaluations made of the convict since the imposition of the death sentence.
Structure Wyoming Statutes
Chapter 13 - Sentence and Imprisonment
Article 9 - Execution of Death Sentence
Section 7-13-901 - Notice That Convict Lacks Requisite Mental Capacity.
Section 7-13-902 - Examination of Convict to Determine Mental Capacity; Hearing; Finding of Court.
Section 7-13-904 - Method of Execution.
Section 7-13-905 - Place and Time; Supervision.
Section 7-13-906 - Issuance and Delivery of Warrant.
Section 7-13-907 - Confinement Pending Execution; Visitors.
Section 7-13-909 - Setting of New Execution Date Following Unexecuted Sentence.
Section 7-13-910 - Suspension Until Specified Day or Temporary Reprieve; Return of Warrant.
Section 7-13-911 - Suspension to Permit Review; Confinement; Return to County for Retrial.
Section 7-13-912 - Inquiry Concerning Pregnancy of Female Prisoner.
Section 7-13-913 - Determination of Court as to Pregnancy; Suspension of Sentence.
Section 7-13-914 - Transportation to Penal Institution.
Section 7-13-915 - Disposition of Body.
Section 7-13-916 - Identity of Person Aiding Execution; Confidentiality.