Wyoming Statutes
Article 11 - Intensive Supervision Program
Section 7-13-1102 - Authority to Establish Programs; Rulemaking Authority.

7-13-1102. Authority to establish programs; rulemaking authority.
(a) The department is authorized to adopt reasonable rules and regulations to establish an intensive supervision program for probationers and parolees.
(b) An intensive supervision program established under this article may require:
(i) Electronic monitoring, regimented daily schedules or itineraries, house arrest, telephone contact, drug testing, curfew checks or other supervision methods which facilitate contact with supervisory personnel;
(ii) Community service work, family, educational or vocational counseling, cognitive-behavioral programming to address criminal thinking, treatment for substance abuse, mental health treatment and monitoring of restitution orders and fines previously imposed on the participant. For purposes of this paragraph, cognitive-behavioral programming means as defined in W.S. 7-13-1801(c)(i); and
(iii) Imposition of supervision fees to be paid by participants.
(c) Subject to legislative appropriation, the department may, by negotiation without competitive bid or by competitive bidding, contract with any governmental or nongovernmental entity to provide services required to carry out the provisions of this article.
(d) The department shall have general supervisory authority over all probationers and parolees participating in a program under this article.