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Article 1 - Production, Inspection and Stamping
Section 11-23-101 - Sale of Carcass Without Inspection Prohibited; Inspection Fees; Disposition Thereof. - 11-23-101. Sale of carcass without inspection prohibited; inspection fees; disposition...
Section 11-23-102 - Only Inspected Livestock to Be Slaughtered; Record of Cattle Slaughtered. - 11-23-102. Only inspected livestock to be slaughtered; record of cattle...
Section 11-23-103 - Purchase of Unstamped Carcass Prohibited. - 11-23-103. Purchase of unstamped carcass prohibited. It is unlawful for...
Section 11-23-104 - Exhibition, Upon Demand, of Hides or Certificate of Inspection Thereof of Cattle Killed for Beef. - 11-23-104. Exhibition, upon demand, of hides or certificate of inspection...
Section 11-23-105 - Penalties. - 11-23-105. Penalties. Any person violating any provision of W.S. 11-23-101...
Section 11-23-106 - "Cold Storage Locker Plant" Defined; Stamp on Tag; Certificate in Lieu of Stamp; Filing and Inspection of Certificate; Penalties. - 11-23-106. "Cold storage locker plant" defined; stamp on tag; certificate...
Section 11-23-107 - Killing of Horses for Meat; Unmutilated Hide or Certificate of Inspection to Be Produced; Penalties. - 11-23-107. Killing of horses for meat; unmutilated hide or certificate...
Section 11-23-108 - Mutilation of Hide From Horse; Penalties; Allegations in Prosecutions. - 11-23-108. Mutilation of hide from horse; penalties; allegations in prosecutions....
Article 2 - Purchases, Sales and Transportation; Brand Inspection
Section 11-23-201 - Hide Buyer; Designation. - 11-23-201. Hide buyer; designation. Any person engaged in the purchase...
Section 11-23-202 - Hide Buyer; Bill of Sale Required; Contents; Copy to Seller. - 11-23-202. Hide buyer; bill of sale required; contents; copy to...
Section 11-23-203 - Hide Buyer; Record of Purchases to Be Kept; Contents; Inspection by Sheriff. - 11-23-203. Hide buyer; record of purchases to be kept; contents;...
Section 11-23-204 - Hide Buyer; Inspection for Interstate Commerce; Certificate; Fee. - 11-23-204. Hide buyer; inspection for interstate commerce; certificate; fee. It...
Section 11-23-206 - Stock Killed by Transportation Company. - 11-23-206. Stock killed by transportation company. When any livestock is...
Section 11-23-207 - Penalties. - 11-23-207. Penalties. Any person violating any provision of W.S. 11-23-202...
Article 3 - Transportation of Carcasses to Rendering Plants
Section 11-23-301 - Generally; Exceptions. - 11-23-301. Generally; exceptions. With the consent of the owner, unless...
Section 11-23-302 - Transportation to Another State Prohibited Without Inspection; Proof of Ownership Required. - 11-23-302. Transportation to another state prohibited without inspection; proof of...
Section 11-23-303 - Hide Inspection Certificate. - 11-23-303. Hide inspection certificate. After receiving satisfactory proof of ownership...
Section 11-23-304 - Inspection Fee; Disposition Thereof. - 11-23-304. Inspection fee; disposition thereof. For making an inspection of...
Section 11-23-305 - Penalty. - 11-23-305. Penalty. Violation of any provision of W.S. 11-23-301 through...