Wyoming Statutes
Article 3 - Transportation of Carcasses to Rendering Plants
Section 11-23-303 - Hide Inspection Certificate.

11-23-303. Hide inspection certificate.
After receiving satisfactory proof of ownership of carcasses of animals to be transported from the state, the inspector shall sign and issue a hide inspection certificate on a form approved by the board, listing the class and number of carcasses inspected, the brands or marks on each, the name of the shipper, name and address of the consignee, place and date of inspection, and make and license number of the truck. If transportation is by other means than truck, that shall be shown. Across the face of the certificate he shall write the words "Dead Animals". The hide inspection certificate shall be filled out in triplicate, the original delivered to the shipper or his agent and shall clear the carcasses for transportation to the destination shown. One (1) copy shall be mailed by the inspector to the board, and one (1) copy filed in the office of the brand inspection agency.