11-23-104. Exhibition, upon demand, of hides or certificate of inspection thereof of cattle killed for beef.
Any person who kills cattle for beef or has in his possession the carcass or any part of such cattle, must on demand of an inspector, sheriff or deputy sheriff show either the hide of the animal killed or the certificate of inspection of the hide. Any person failing to secure a certificate of inspection shall retain the hide, without mutilation of the brand, until the beef is consumed.
Structure Wyoming Statutes
Title 11 - Agriculture, Livestock and Other Animals
Chapter 23 - Hides and Carcasses
Article 1 - Production, Inspection and Stamping
Section 11-23-102 - Only Inspected Livestock to Be Slaughtered; Record of Cattle Slaughtered.
Section 11-23-103 - Purchase of Unstamped Carcass Prohibited.
Section 11-23-105 - Penalties.
Section 11-23-108 - Mutilation of Hide From Horse; Penalties; Allegations in Prosecutions.