11-23-108. Mutilation of hide from horse; penalties; allegations in prosecutions.
(a) Any person who willfully or maliciously mutilates, destroys or conceals any hide from any horse, mule, jack, jennet, bovine animal, goat, hog or sheep with the intent to remove evidence of ownership of the hide or the animal from which the hide was removed, shall be fined not less than seven hundred seventy-five dollars ($775.00) nor more than one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500.00), or imprisoned not more than one (1) year, or both.
(b) In any prosecution for the violation of this section it is not necessary for the state to allege in the complaint or information the ownership of the hide or the animal from which the hide was removed, but it is sufficient to allege that the owner of the hide or the animal from which the hide was removed is unknown and that the hide or animal is not the property of the defendant.
Structure Wyoming Statutes
Title 11 - Agriculture, Livestock and Other Animals
Chapter 23 - Hides and Carcasses
Article 1 - Production, Inspection and Stamping
Section 11-23-102 - Only Inspected Livestock to Be Slaughtered; Record of Cattle Slaughtered.
Section 11-23-103 - Purchase of Unstamped Carcass Prohibited.
Section 11-23-105 - Penalties.
Section 11-23-108 - Mutilation of Hide From Horse; Penalties; Allegations in Prosecutions.