Wyoming Statutes
Article 1 - Production, Inspection and Stamping
Section 11-23-106 - "Cold Storage Locker Plant" Defined; Stamp on Tag; Certificate in Lieu of Stamp; Filing and Inspection of Certificate; Penalties.

11-23-106. "Cold storage locker plant" defined; stamp on tag; certificate in lieu of stamp; filing and inspection of certificate; penalties.
(a) "Cold storage locker plant" means any place, premises or establishment where facilities for the cold storage and preservation of human food in separate and individual compartments are offered to the public upon a rental or other basis for private profit.
(b) No operator or employee of any cold storage locker plant in Wyoming shall accept from any person for processing, quick freeze or cold storage any beef, mutton, lamb or pork unless it is properly stamped or tagged showing it to have been lawfully slaughtered, or in the absence of a proper stamp or tag the person offering the meat may deposit at the time with the operator or his employee a signed certificate stating:
(i) The owner of the meat;
(ii) The kind of meat;
(iii) The weight of the meat; and
(iv) The name and address of the person from whom acquired or if slaughtered by the person offering same, the date and place of slaughter.
(c) The certificate shall be kept on file by the operator for one (1) year from its date and be made available for inspection upon request of any law enforcement officer or authorized representative of the board.
(d) Any person violating this section or making any false statement in the certificate shall be punished as provided in W.S. 11-1-103.