Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations
Chapter 74 - Property tax collection.
74.57 - Issuance of tax certificate.

74.57 Issuance of tax certificate.
(1) Issuance. Annually, on September 1, the county treasurer shall issue to the county a tax certificate which includes all parcels of real property included in the tax roll for which real property taxes, special charges, special taxes or special assessments remain unpaid at the close of business on August 31.
(2) Effect.
(a) Issuance of a tax certificate commences the redemption period on all real property included in the tax certificate unless s. 74.59 (2) applies.
(b) Two years after the issuance of the tax certificate, unless s. 74.59 (2) or 75.03 applies, the county is entitled, as to any property included in the tax certificate which has not been redeemed, to do any of the following:
1. Take a tax deed under s. 75.14.
2. Commence an action to foreclose the certificate under s. 75.19.
3. Commence an action to foreclose the tax lien represented by the certificate under s. 75.521.
(3) Certificate not transferable. Except as provided under s. 74.635, the county may not sell, assign, or otherwise transfer a tax certificate. However, if a city authorized to act under s. 74.87 pays delinquent taxes under an agreement entered into under s. 74.83, the county treasurer shall issue or reissue tax certificates to the city on all property for which the delinquent taxes have been paid.
(4) Form.
(a) The tax certificate shall group by taxation district all parcels for which real property taxes, special assessments, special charges or special taxes remain unpaid.
(b) Unless it is issued by a city authorized to act under s. 74.87, the tax certificate shall:
1. Contain a legal description of each parcel of property.
2. For each parcel, state the amount of the unpaid real estate taxes, special assessments, special charges or special taxes and the date from which the interest and any penalty accrue.
3. State the earliest date upon which the county may be entitled to a tax deed or equivalent evidence of title.
(c) The format of the tax certificate shall be prescribed by the department of revenue under s. 70.09 (3).
(d) If a parcel of property is redeemed after the tax certificate is issued, the date on which the property was redeemed shall be noted on the certificate, together with the amount for which the property was redeemed.
(5) Certain lands exempt. This section does not apply to public lands held on contract, lands mortgaged to the state or lands subject to s. 74.65.
History: 1987 a. 378; 1989 a. 104; 1991 a. 39; 2003 a. 33.

Structure Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Chapter 74 - Property tax collection.

74.01 - Definitions.

74.03 - Delivery of tax rolls.

74.05 - Correction of tax roll information.

74.07 - Treasurers responsible for collection.

74.09 - Property tax bill and related information.

74.10 - Agreements on payments.

74.11 - Dates for payment of taxes, special assessments and special charges.

74.12 - Multiple installments payment option.

74.125 - Public depositories.

74.13 - Taxes paid in advance of levy.

74.15 - Payment of real property taxes by grantor and grantee.

74.19 - Tax receipts.

74.21 - Notification of payment of taxes from escrowed funds.

74.23 - January settlement.

74.25 - February settlement.

74.27 - March settlement between counties and the state.

74.29 - August settlement.

74.30 - Settlement in certain taxation districts.

74.31 - Failure to settle timely.

74.315 - Omitted property.

74.33 - Sharing and charging back of taxes due to palpable errors.

74.35 - Recovery of unlawful taxes.

74.37 - Claim on excessive assessment.

74.39 - Court-ordered reassessment.

74.41 - Charging back refunded or rescinded taxes; sharing certain collected taxes.

74.42 - Charge back of personal property taxes; subsequent distributions.

74.43 - Return of unpaid taxes, special assessments and special charges.

74.45 - Certificate of delinquent taxes; endorsement of treasurer's bond.

74.47 - Interest and penalty on delinquent amounts.

74.485 - Charge for converting agricultural land.

74.49 - Payment of delinquent taxes in installments.

74.51 - Discharge of delinquent taxes.

74.53 - Personal liability for delinquent taxes and other costs.

74.55 - Action to collect delinquent personal property taxes.

74.57 - Issuance of tax certificate.

74.59 - Notice of issuance of tax certificate.

74.61 - Correction of description on tax certificate.

74.63 - Retention of tax certificate and other information.

74.635 - Sale of tax certificate revenues.

74.65 - Lands acquired by state.

74.67 - Effect on taxes of revision of taxing jurisdiction boundary.

74.69 - Timely payment.

74.71 - Treasurer's receipts.

74.73 - Rights of occupant or tenant who pays taxes.

74.75 - Vacancies in office; how taxes collected.

74.77 - Effect on lien of payment of taxes by lienholder.

74.79 - Lienholder may contest tax.

74.81 - Procedure in authorized city.

74.83 - Agreements.

74.87 - Payments in authorized cities.