West Virginia Code
Article 3. Purchasing Division

Acts, 2010 Reg. Sess., Ch. 169.

Structure West Virginia Code

West Virginia Code

Chapter 5A. Department of Administration

Article 3. Purchasing Division

§5A-3-1. Division Created; Purpose; Director; Applicability of Article; Continuation

§5A-3-1a. Prescription Drug Products

§5A-3-2. Books and Records of Director

§5A-3-3. Authority of Director of Purchasing

§5A-3-3a. Additional Exemptions From Purchasing Requirements

§5A-3-3b. Exemption of Facilities Providing Direct Patient Care Services That Are Managed, Directed, Controlled and Governed by the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Resources

§5A-3-3c. Exemptions From Purchasing Requirements for Contracts Entered Into as Part of Recovery From a Declared State of Emergency

§5A-3-4. Rules of Director

§5A-3-5. Purchasing Section Standard Specifications -- Promulgation and Adoption by Director; Applicable to All Purchases

§5A-3-6. Purchasing Section Standard Specifications -- Advisers From Spending Units

§5A-3-7. Director to Advise With Heads of State and Other Institutions Producing Commodities, Services and Printing

§5A-3-8. Facilities of Division Available to Local Governmental Bodies

§5A-3-8a. Facilities of Division Available to Volunteer Fire Departments and Emergency Medical Services

§5A-3-9. Examination and Testing of Purchases; Report Required

§5A-3-9a. Creation of a Fund

§5A-3-10. Competitive Bids; Publication of Solicitations for Sealed Bids; Purchase of Products of Nonprofit Workshops; Employee to Assist in Dealings With Nonprofit Workshops; Continuing Procurements Over $1 Million

§5A-3-10a. Prohibition for Awarding Contracts to Vendors Which Owe a Debt to the State or Its Political Subdivisions

§5A-3-10b. Best Value Procurement

§5A-3-10c. Direct Award Procurement

§5A-3-10d. Reverse Auctions

§5A-3-10e. Prequalification Agreement; Agency-Delegated Bidding

§5A-3-11. Purchasing in Open Market on Competitive Bids; Debarment; Bids to Be Based on Written Specifications; Period for Alteration or Withdrawal of Bids; Awards to Lowest Responsible Bidder; Uniform Bids; Record of Bids; Requirements of Vendors to...

§5A-3-11a. Negotiation When All Bids Exceed Budget in Requisition

§5A-3-11b. Discussion and Final Offers

§5A-3-11c. Multiple Awards

§5A-3-12. Prequalification Disclosure and Payment of Annual Fee by Vendors Required; Form and Contents; Register of Vendors; False Certificates; Penalties

§5A-3-13. Contracts to Be Approved as to Form; Filing


§5A-3-15. Emergency Purchases in Open Market

§5A-3-16. Special Fund; Purposes; How Composed

§5A-3-17. Purchases or Contracts Violating Article Void; Personal Liability

§5A-3-18. Substituting for Commodity Bearing Particular Trade Name or Brand

§5A-3-19. Purchases From Federal Government and Other Sources

§5A-3-20. Spending Units to Submit Lists of Expendable Commodities

§5A-3-28. Financial Interest of Secretary, etc.; Receiving Reward From Interested Party; Penalty; Application of Bribery Statute

§5A-3-29. Penalty for Violation of Article

§5A-3-30. Statement of Purpose; Obtaining Money and Property Under False Pretenses or by Fraud From the State; Penalties; Definition

§5A-3-31. Corrupt Actions, Combinations, Collusions or Conspiracies Prohibited; Penalties

§5A-3-32. Power of Director to Suspend Right to Bid; Notice of Suspension

§5A-3-33. Review of Suspension by Secretary

§5A-3-33b. Scope

§5A-3-33c. Duties

§5A-3-33d. Grounds for Debarment

§5A-3-33e. Debarment Procedure

§5A-3-33f. Effects of Debarment

§5A-3-34. Authority Over Inventories and Property

§5A-3-35. Submission of Annual Inventories

§5A-3-36. Inventory of Removable Property

§5A-3-37. Reciprocal Preference; Preference for Resident Vendors for Certain Contracts







§5A-3-43. State Agency for Surplus Property Created

§5A-3-44. Authority and Duties of State Agency for Surplus Property

§5A-3-45. Disposition of Surplus State Property; Semiannual Report; Application of Proceeds From Sale

§5A-3-46. Warehousing, Transfer, etc., Charges

§5A-3-47. Department of Agriculture and Other Agencies Exempted

§5A-3-48. Travel Rules; Exceptions

§5A-3-50. Acquiring and Disposing of Vehicles and Aircraft

§5A-3-51. Maintenance and Service to Vehicles and Aircraft

§5A-3-52. Division; Fund

§5A-3-53. Enforcement of Travel Management Regulations




§5A-3-56. Preference for the Use of Domestic Steel Products in State Contract Projects; Exceptions; Civil Penalties

§5A-3-57. Buy American Task Force; Study; Report

§5A-3-58. Creation of the Purchasing Improvement Fund

§5A-3-59. Small, Women and Minority-Owned Businesses

§5A-3-60. Annual Purchasing Training

§5A-3-61. Standardization

§5A-3-62. Prohibited Contract Clauses