West Virginia Code
Article 3. Purchasing Division
§5A-3-33d. Grounds for Debarment

(a) Grounds for debarment are:
(1) Conviction of an offense involving fraud or a felony offense related to obtaining or attempting to obtain a public contract or subcontract;
(2) Conviction of any federal or state antitrust statute relating to the submission of offers;
(3) Conviction of an offense involving embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification, or destruction of records, making false statements, or receiving stolen property related to the performance of a contract;
(4) Conviction of a felony offense demonstrating a lack of business integrity or business honesty that affects the present responsibility of the vendor or subcontractor;
(5) Default on obligations owed to the state, including, but not limited to, obligations owed to the workers’ compensation funds, as defined in §23-2C-1 et seq. of this code, and obligations under the West Virginia Unemployment Compensation Act and West Virginia state tax and revenue laws. For purposes of this subdivision, a vendor is in default when, after due notice, the vendor fails to submit a required payment, interest thereon, or penalty, and has not entered into a repayment agreement with the appropriate agency of the state or has entered into a repayment agreement but does not remain in compliance with its obligations under the repayment agreement. In the case of a vendor granted protection by order of a federal bankruptcy court or a vendor granted an exemption under any rule of the Bureau of Employment Programs or the Insurance Commission, the director may waive debarment under §5A-3-33f of this code: Provided, That in no event may debarment be waived with respect to any vendor who has not paid all current state obligations for at least the four most recent calendar quarters, excluding the current calendar quarter, or with respect to any vendor who is in default on a repayment agreement with an agency of the state;
(6) The vendor is not in good standing with a licensing board, in that the vendor is not licensed when licensure is required by the law of this state, or the vendor has been found to be in violation of an applicable licensing law after notice, opportunity to be heard, and other due process required by law;
(7) The vendor is an active and knowing participant in dividing or planning procurements to circumvent the $25,000 threshold requiring a sealed bid or otherwise avoiding the use of a sealed bid;
(8) Violation of the terms of a public contract or subcontract for:
(A) Willful failure to substantially perform in accordance with the terms of one or more public contracts;
(B) Performance in violation of standards established by law or generally accepted standards of the trade or profession amounting to intentionally deficient or grossly negligent performance on one or more public contracts;
(C) Use of substandard materials on one or more public contracts or defects in construction in one or more public construction projects amounting to intentionally deficient or grossly negligent performance, even if discovery of the defect is subsequent to acceptance of a construction project and expiration of any warranty thereunder; or
(D) A repeated pattern or practice of failure to perform so serious and compelling as to justify debarment; or
(9) Any other cause of a serious and compelling nature amounting to knowing and willful misconduct of the vendor that demonstrates a wanton indifference to the interests of the public and that caused, or that had a substantial likelihood of causing, serious harm to the public.
(b) For the purposes of this section, the term “conviction” includes, but may not be limited to, the entering of a deferred prosecution agreement or a plea of guilty or nolo contendere, including pleading to a lesser or related offense in exchange for some form of prosecutorial leniency.

Structure West Virginia Code

West Virginia Code

Chapter 5A. Department of Administration

Article 3. Purchasing Division

§5A-3-1. Division Created; Purpose; Director; Applicability of Article; Continuation

§5A-3-1a. Prescription Drug Products

§5A-3-2. Books and Records of Director

§5A-3-3. Authority of Director of Purchasing

§5A-3-3a. Additional Exemptions From Purchasing Requirements

§5A-3-3b. Exemption of Facilities Providing Direct Patient Care Services That Are Managed, Directed, Controlled and Governed by the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Resources

§5A-3-3c. Exemptions From Purchasing Requirements for Contracts Entered Into as Part of Recovery From a Declared State of Emergency

§5A-3-4. Rules of Director

§5A-3-5. Purchasing Section Standard Specifications -- Promulgation and Adoption by Director; Applicable to All Purchases

§5A-3-6. Purchasing Section Standard Specifications -- Advisers From Spending Units

§5A-3-7. Director to Advise With Heads of State and Other Institutions Producing Commodities, Services and Printing

§5A-3-8. Facilities of Division Available to Local Governmental Bodies

§5A-3-8a. Facilities of Division Available to Volunteer Fire Departments and Emergency Medical Services

§5A-3-9. Examination and Testing of Purchases; Report Required

§5A-3-9a. Creation of a Fund

§5A-3-10. Competitive Bids; Publication of Solicitations for Sealed Bids; Purchase of Products of Nonprofit Workshops; Employee to Assist in Dealings With Nonprofit Workshops; Continuing Procurements Over $1 Million

§5A-3-10a. Prohibition for Awarding Contracts to Vendors Which Owe a Debt to the State or Its Political Subdivisions

§5A-3-10b. Best Value Procurement

§5A-3-10c. Direct Award Procurement

§5A-3-10d. Reverse Auctions

§5A-3-10e. Prequalification Agreement; Agency-Delegated Bidding

§5A-3-11. Purchasing in Open Market on Competitive Bids; Debarment; Bids to Be Based on Written Specifications; Period for Alteration or Withdrawal of Bids; Awards to Lowest Responsible Bidder; Uniform Bids; Record of Bids; Requirements of Vendors to...

§5A-3-11a. Negotiation When All Bids Exceed Budget in Requisition

§5A-3-11b. Discussion and Final Offers

§5A-3-11c. Multiple Awards

§5A-3-12. Prequalification Disclosure and Payment of Annual Fee by Vendors Required; Form and Contents; Register of Vendors; False Certificates; Penalties

§5A-3-13. Contracts to Be Approved as to Form; Filing


§5A-3-15. Emergency Purchases in Open Market

§5A-3-16. Special Fund; Purposes; How Composed

§5A-3-17. Purchases or Contracts Violating Article Void; Personal Liability

§5A-3-18. Substituting for Commodity Bearing Particular Trade Name or Brand

§5A-3-19. Purchases From Federal Government and Other Sources

§5A-3-20. Spending Units to Submit Lists of Expendable Commodities

§5A-3-28. Financial Interest of Secretary, etc.; Receiving Reward From Interested Party; Penalty; Application of Bribery Statute

§5A-3-29. Penalty for Violation of Article

§5A-3-30. Statement of Purpose; Obtaining Money and Property Under False Pretenses or by Fraud From the State; Penalties; Definition

§5A-3-31. Corrupt Actions, Combinations, Collusions or Conspiracies Prohibited; Penalties

§5A-3-32. Power of Director to Suspend Right to Bid; Notice of Suspension

§5A-3-33. Review of Suspension by Secretary

§5A-3-33b. Scope

§5A-3-33c. Duties

§5A-3-33d. Grounds for Debarment

§5A-3-33e. Debarment Procedure

§5A-3-33f. Effects of Debarment

§5A-3-34. Authority Over Inventories and Property

§5A-3-35. Submission of Annual Inventories

§5A-3-36. Inventory of Removable Property

§5A-3-37. Reciprocal Preference; Preference for Resident Vendors for Certain Contracts







§5A-3-43. State Agency for Surplus Property Created

§5A-3-44. Authority and Duties of State Agency for Surplus Property

§5A-3-45. Disposition of Surplus State Property; Semiannual Report; Application of Proceeds From Sale

§5A-3-46. Warehousing, Transfer, etc., Charges

§5A-3-47. Department of Agriculture and Other Agencies Exempted

§5A-3-48. Travel Rules; Exceptions

§5A-3-50. Acquiring and Disposing of Vehicles and Aircraft

§5A-3-51. Maintenance and Service to Vehicles and Aircraft

§5A-3-52. Division; Fund

§5A-3-53. Enforcement of Travel Management Regulations




§5A-3-56. Preference for the Use of Domestic Steel Products in State Contract Projects; Exceptions; Civil Penalties

§5A-3-57. Buy American Task Force; Study; Report

§5A-3-58. Creation of the Purchasing Improvement Fund

§5A-3-59. Small, Women and Minority-Owned Businesses

§5A-3-60. Annual Purchasing Training

§5A-3-61. Standardization

§5A-3-62. Prohibited Contract Clauses