West Virginia Code
Article 8. Directors and Officers
§31E-8-843. Resignation and Removal of Officers

(a) An officer may resign at any time by delivering notice to the corporation. A resignation is effective when the notice is delivered unless the board of directors agree to a later effective date. If a resignation is made effective at a later date and the corporation accepts the future effective date, its board of directors may fill the pending vacancy before the effective date if the board of directors provides that the successor does not take office until the effective date.
(b) A board of directors may remove any officer at any time with or without cause.

Structure West Virginia Code

West Virginia Code

Chapter 31E. West Virginia Nonprofit Corporation Act

Article 8. Directors and Officers

§31E-8-801. Requirement for and Duties of Board of Directors

§31E-8-802. Qualifications of Directors

§31E-8-803. Number and Election of Directors

§31E-8-804. Special Provisions Regarding Directors

§31E-8-805. Election of Directors by Certain Classes of Members

§31E-8-806. Terms of Directors Generally

§31E-8-807. Staggered Terms for Directors

§31E-8-808. Resignation of Directors

§31E-8-809. Removal of Directors by Members or Directors

§31E-8-810. Removal of Directors by Judicial Proceeding

§31E-8-811. Vacancy on Board

§31E-8-812. Compensation of Directors

§31E-8-820. Meetings

§31E-8-821. Action Without Meeting

§31E-8-822. Notice of Meeting

§31E-8-823. Waiver of Notice

§31E-8-824. Quorum and Voting

§31E-8-825. Committees

§31E-8-826. Court-Ordered Meeting of Directors

§31E-8-830. Standards of Conduct for Directors

§31E-8-831. Standards of Liability for Directors

§31E-8-833. Directors' Liability for Unlawful Distributions

§31E-8-840. Required Officers

§31E-8-841. Duties of Officers

§31E-8-842. Standards of Conduct for Officers

§31E-8-843. Resignation and Removal of Officers

§31E-8-844. Contract Rights of Officers

§31E-8-850. Part Definitions

§31E-8-851. Permissible Indemnification

§31E-8-852. Mandatory Indemnification

§31E-8-853. Advance for Expenses

§31E-8-854. Circuit Court-Ordered Indemnification and Advance for Expenses

§31E-8-855. Determination and Authorization of Indemnification

§31E-8-856. Indemnification of Officers

§31E-8-857. Insurance

§31E-8-858. Variation by Corporate Action; Application of Part

§31E-8-859. Exclusivity of Part

§31E-8-860. Directors' Conflicting Interest Transactions