Vermont Statutes
Chapter 101 - Insurance Companies Generally
§ 3441. Formation of a mutual insurance holding company

§ 3441. Formation of a mutual insurance holding company
(a) A domestic mutual insurance company, upon approval of the Commissioner, may reorganize by forming an insurance holding company based upon a mutual plan and continue the corporate existence of the reorganizing insurance company as a stock insurance company subsidiary of the mutual insurance holding company. The mutual insurance company shall file with the Commissioner the plan of reorganization, proposed amended and restated charters for the mutual holding company and the insurance company, and such other relevant information as the Commissioner shall require. The Commissioner shall, in accordance with section 3305 of this title, make a determination as to the general good of the proposed reorganization. The Commissioner may, in his or her discretion, conduct a single public hearing as provided by section 3305 of this title to consider the formation of the mutual holding company and stock insurance company. The Commissioner shall, within 90 days, approve any proposed mutual holding company formation unless the Commissioner finds:
(1) disapproval is necessary to prevent practices that will cause financial impairment to the mutual insurance company or proposed stock company;
(2) the financial or management resources of the mutual insurance company warrant disapproval;
(3) the mutual insurance company fails to furnish the information required by this section;
(4) the mutual insurance company fails to provide certified copies of the approval of its plan of reorganization by two-thirds of its board of directors; or
(5) the proposed reorganization would be unfair to policyholders.
(b) All of the initial shares of the capital stock of the reorganized insurance company shall be issued to the mutual insurance holding company or to a stock insurance holding company which is wholly owned by the mutual insurance holding company. The membership interests of the policyholders of the reorganized insurance company shall become membership interests in the mutual insurance holding company. Policyholders of the reorganized insurance company shall be members of the mutual insurance holding company in accordance with the articles of incorporation and bylaws of the mutual insurance holding company. The mutual insurance holding company shall at all times own, directly or indirectly, a majority of the voting shares of the capital stock of the subsidiary stock insurance company. For purposes of this subchapter, “stock insurance holding company” means a corporation at least a majority of the voting shares of which is owned, directly or through another stock insurance holding company, by a mutual insurance holding company and which holds, directly or indirectly, all the voting shares of the reorganized insurer.
(c) Reorganization of the domestic mutual insurance company shall be subject to approval of its members or policyholders in accordance with section 3427 of this title and dissenting members or policyholders may petition the Commissioner in accordance with section 3429 of this title, except the request for a hearing must be filed within 30 days of the giving of notice to policyholders of their right to dissent after the regular or special meeting of the policyholders at which the reorganization was approved; provided, however, that no notice is required to be sent to policyholders who voted in favor of the reorganization.
(d) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a) of this section, the Commissioner, in his or her discretion, may disapprove any proposed mutual holding company formation if he or she determines that the proposal is contrary to the financial interests of the policyholders. (Added 1995, No. 167 (Adj. Sess.), § 29a; amended 1997, No. 54, § 12, eff. June 26, 1997; 1999, No. 86 (Adj. Sess.), §§ 2, 3, eff. April 27, 2000.)

Structure Vermont Statutes

Vermont Statutes

Title 8 - Banking and Insurance

Chapter 101 - Insurance Companies Generally

§ 3301. Purposes

§ 3301a. Insurance defined

§ 3302. Plan of organization; incorporators

§ 3303. Mutual companies; directors, charter provisions as to

§ 3304. Capital and surplus requirements

§ 3305. Petition; hearing

§ 3306. Duties of Secretary of State, records

§ 3307. Consideration for stock

§ 3308. List of stockholders; certificate to transact business; liability of president and directors

§ 3308a. Reorganization formations

§ 3309. Mutual insurers to commence business; when

§ 3310. Amendment of charter

§ 3311. Quorum

§ 3312. Construction with other laws

§ 3313. Proxies

§ 3314. Annual financial statements; reports; filing fee

§ 3315. Coordinated regulation

§ 3316. Corporate governance; disclosure

§ 3361. Requirements for license

§ 3362. Authority to transact various kinds of insurance business

§ 3363. Revocation of license

§ 3364. Authorization for investment purposes only

§ 3365. Plan of organization

§ 3366. Assets of companies

§ 3367. Retaliatory provisions

§ 3368. Transacting business without certificate of authority prohibited

§ 3368a. Unauthorized and misleading transactions

§ 3369. Commissioner may enjoin unauthorized insurer

§ 3370. Service of process upon unauthorized insurer by director

§ 3371. Limits of risk

§ 3381. Legislative purpose and policy

§ 3382. Acts which constitute Secretary of State agent for service of process

§ 3383. Service upon the Secretary of State notice to defendant

§ 3384. Service upon other agents; notice to defendant

§ 3386. Effect on other modes of service

§ 3387. Prerequisites to defense of action

§ 3388. Postponements

§ 3389. Motion to quash for improper service

§ 3390. Attorney’s fees

§ 3421. Mutualization of stock insurer

§ 3422. Mutual insurers—Prohibitions

§ 3423. Converting mutual insurer or mutual insurance holding company

§ 3424. Procedure for merger

§ 3425. Procedure for consolidation

§ 3426. Effective date of merger or consolidation

§ 3427. Voting

§ 3428. Rights of dissenting shareholders

§ 3429. Rights of dissenting members or policyholders

§ 3430. Effect of merger or consolidation

§ 3431. Merger or consolidation between domestic and foreign insurers—Requirements

§ 3432. Transfer of deposits

§ 3433. Certificates of fees and commissions paid

§ 3434. Fees—Penalty for receiving

§ 3437. Redomestication; approval as a domestic insurer

§ 3438. Redomestication; conversion to foreign insurer

§ 3439. Effects of redomestication

§ 3440. Redomestication; fees

§ 3441. Formation of a mutual insurance holding company

§ 3442. Merger of mutual insurance company into an existing mutual insurance holding company; merger and acquisition by mutual insurance holding company or subsidiary of mutual insurance holding company

§ 3443. Regulated as an insurance company

§ 3444. Demutualization of a mutual insurance holding company

§ 3445. Membership interest not a security

§ 3446. Filing of amended charters

§ 3461. Definitions

§ 3461a. General limitations and diversification requirements for property and casualty, financial guaranty and mortgage guaranty insurers

§ 3461b. General limitations and diversification requirements for life and health insurers

§ 3461c. Rated credit investments

§ 3461d. Registration or filing exemption

§ 3462. Investments—Foreign insurers

§ 3463. Domestic insurers

§ 3463a. Valuation of investments

§ 3465. Exemption from investment limitations

§ 3467. Qualification of investments

§ 3468. Investments qualified under prior law

§ 3469. Loans to directors and officers—Restrictions

§ 3470. Mortgage loans to minors

§ 3471. Mortgages on real and personal property as liens; priorities

§ 3472. Earnings statements and income ratios—Special situations

§ 3501. Life insurance and annuities

§ 3502. Insurance—Other life insurance and annuities

§ 3503. Deposits of domestic insurer doing foreign business

§ 3504. Pension system

§ 3541. Filing and approval of forms

§ 3542. Grounds for disapproval

§ 3543. Existing forms and filings

§ 3552. Fees assessed by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners

§ 3561. Annual statement

§ 3562. Time reports due

§ 3563. Examination of companies; fees

§ 3564. Examination of foreign insurers; expenses

§ 3565. Examination of officers and books

§ 3566. Penalty for refusal

§ 3567. Liquor liability insurance records

§ 3568. Preservation of records

§ 3569. National Association of Insurance Commissioners filing requirements

§ 3570. Immunity

§ 3571. Confidentiality

§ 3572. Revocation of certificate of authority

§ 3573. Conduct of examinations

§ 3574. Examination reports

§ 3575. Conflict of interest

§ 3576. Immunity from liability

§ 3577. Requirements for actuarial opinions

§ 3578a. Annual financial reporting

§ 3579. Qualified accountants

§ 3581. Purpose; scope; intent

§ 3582. Definitions

§ 3583. Risk management framework

§ 3584. ORSA requirement

§ 3585. Summary report

§ 3586. Exemption

§ 3587. Contents of ORSA summary report

§ 3588. Confidentiality

§ 3589. Sanctions

§ 3604. Offset

§ 3611. Scope of subchapter; short title

§ 3612. Definitions

§ 3613. Creation of Association

§ 3614. Board of Directors

§ 3615. Powers and duties of Association

§ 3616. Plan of operation

§ 3617. Powers and duties of Commissioner

§ 3618. Effect of paid claims

§ 3619. Nonduplication of recovery

§ 3620. Prevention of insolvencies

§ 3621. Examination of Association

§ 3622. Tax exemption

§ 3623. Recognition of assessments in rates

§ 3624. Immunity

§ 3625. Stay of proceedings; reopening of default judgment

§ 3626. Prohibition against advertising of membership in Association

§ 3634a. Credit for reinsurance

§ 3635. Insolvency of ceding company

§ 3636. Reinsurance contract

§ 3641. Claims, rights, title, and interests of nonresidents

§ 3642. Liability for payments to nonresidents

§ 3661. Cease and desist powers; prosecutions and penalties

§ 3662. Nonpayment of judgment; penalty

§ 3663. Minimum limitation on actions; void policy provisions

§ 3664. Forms; filing proof of loss and other documents, waiver of filing

§ 3665a. Timely payment of property and casualty insurance claims; interest

§ 3665b. Timely payment of life insurance claims and annuity death benefits; interest

§ 3665c. Damages

§ 3666. Rules; methods of notice

§ 3671. Disclosure of information

§ 3672. Immunity

§ 3673. Penalty for noncompliance

§ 3681. Definitions

§ 3682. Subsidiaries of insurers

§ 3683. Acquisition of control of or merger with domestic insurer

§ 3683a. Acquisitions involving insurers not otherwise covered

§ 3684. Registration of insurers

§ 3685. Standards and management of an insurer within an insurance holding company system

§ 3686. Examination

§ 3687. Confidential treatment

§ 3688. Rules and regulations

§ 3689. Injunctions; prohibitions against voting securities; sequestration of voting securities

§ 3690. Sanctions

§ 3691. Receivership

§ 3692. Revocation, suspension, or nonrenewal of insurer’s license

§ 3693. Judicial review

§ 3694. Recovery

§ 3695. Supervisory colleges

§ 3696. Groupwide supervisor; internationally active insurance group