(a) Subdivisions(1) In generalThe subdivisions are excluded from the Area.
(2) Jurisdiction(A) In generalThe Pueblo shall have no civil or criminal jurisdiction for any purpose, including adjudicatory, taxing, zoning, regulatory or any other form of jurisdiction, over the subdivisions and property interests therein, and the laws of the Pueblo shall not apply to the subdivisions.
(B) State jurisdictionThe jurisdiction of the State of New Mexico and local public bodies over the subdivisions and property interests therein shall continue in effect, except that on application of the Pueblo a tract comprised of approximately 35 contiguous, nonsubdivided acres in the northern section of Evergreen Hills owned in fee by the Pueblo on February 20, 2003, shall be transferred to the United States and held in trust for the Pueblo by the United States and administered by the Secretary of the Interior.
(3) Limitations on trust landTrust land described in paragraph (2)(B) shall be subject to all limitations on use pertaining to the Area contained in sections 539m to 539m–12 of this title.
(b) Piedra Lisa(1) In generalThe Piedra Lisa tract is excluded from the Area.
(2) Declaration of trust titleThe Piedra Lisa tract—(A) shall be transferred to the United States;
(B) is declared to be held in trust for the Pueblo by the United States; and
(C) shall be administered by the Secretary of the Interior subject to all limitations on use pertaining to the Area contained in sections 539m to 539m–12 of this title.
(3) Applicability of certain restrictionThe restriction contained in section 539m–4(a)(4) of this title shall not apply outside of Forest Service System trails.
(c) Crest facilities(1) In generalThe land on which the crest facilities are located is excluded from the Area.
(2) JurisdictionThe Pueblo shall have no civil or criminal jurisdiction for any purpose, including adjudicatory, taxing, zoning, regulatory or any other form of jurisdiction, over the land on which the crest facilities are located and property interests therein, and the laws of the Pueblo, shall not apply to that land. The preexisting jurisdictional status of that land shall continue in effect.
(d) Special use permit area(1) In generalThe land described in the special use permit is excluded from the Area.
(2) Jurisdiction(A) In generalThe Pueblo shall have no civil or criminal jurisdiction for any purpose, including adjudicatory, taxing, zoning, regulatory, or any other form of jurisdiction, over the land described in the special use permit, and the laws of the Pueblo shall not apply to that land.
(B) Preexisting statusThe preexisting jurisdictional status of that land shall continue in effect.
(3) Amendment to planIn the event the special use permit, during its existing term or any future terms or extensions, requires amendment to include other land in the Area necessary to realign the existing or any future replacement tram line, associated structures, or facilities, the land subject to that amendment shall thereafter be excluded from the Area and shall have the same status under sections 539m to 539m–12 of this title as the land currently described in the special use permit.
(4) Land dedicated to aerial tramway and related usesAny land dedicated to aerial tramway and related uses and associated facilities that are excluded from the special use permit through expiration, termination or the amendment process shall thereafter be included in the Area, but only after final agency action no longer subject to any appeals.
(e) La Luz tract(1) In generalThe La Luz tract now owned in fee by the Pueblo is excluded from the Area and, on application by the Pueblo, shall be transferred to the United States and held in trust for the Pueblo by the United States and administered by the Secretary of the Interior subject to all limitations on use pertaining to the Area contained in sections 539m to 539m–12 of this title.
(2) Nonapplicability of certain restrictionThe restriction contained in section 539m–4(a)(4) of this title shall not apply outside of Forest Service System trails.
(f) Evergreen Hills accessThe Secretary shall ensure that Forest Service Road 333D, as depicted on the map, is maintained in an adequate condition in accordance with section 3210(a) of this title.
(g) Pueblo fee landThose properties not specifically addressed in subsections 11 So in original. Probably should be “subsection”. (a) or (e) that are owned in fee by the Pueblo within the subdivisions are excluded from the Area and shall be subject to the jurisdictional provisions of subsection (a).
(h) Rights-of-way(1) Road rights-of-way(A) In generalIn accordance with the Pueblo having given its consent in the Settlement Agreement, the Secretary of the Interior shall grant to the County of Bernalillo, New Mexico, in perpetuity, the following irrevocable rights-of-way for roads identified on the map in order to provide for public access to the subdivisions, the special use permit land and facilities, the other leasehold and easement rights and interests of the Sandia Peak Tram Company and its affiliates, the Sandia Heights South Subdivision, and the Area—(i) a right-of-way for Tramway Road;
(ii) a right-of-way for Juniper Hill Road North;
(iii) a right-of-way for Juniper Hill Road South;
(iv) a right-of-way for Sandia Heights Road; and
(v) a right-of-way for Juan Tabo Canyon Road (Forest Road No. 333).
(B) ConditionsThe road rights-of-way shall be subject to the following conditions:(i) Such rights-of-way may not be expanded or otherwise modified without the Pueblo’s written consent, but road maintenance to the rights-of-way shall not be subject to Pueblo consent.
(ii) The rights-of-way shall not authorize uses for any purpose other than roads without the Pueblo’s written consent.
(iii) Except as provided in the Settlement Agreement, existing rights-of-way or leasehold interests and obligations held by the Sandia Peak Tram Company and its affiliates, shall be preserved, protected, and unaffected by sections 539m to 539m–12 of this title.
(2) Utility rights-of-wayIn accordance with the Pueblo having given its consent in the Settlement Agreement, the Secretary of the Interior shall grant irrevocable utility rights-of-way in perpetuity across Pueblo land to appropriate utility or other service providers serving Sandia Heights Addition, Sandia Heights North Units I, II, and 3, the special use permit land, Tierra Monte, and Valley View Acres, including rights-of-way for natural gas, power, water, telecommunications, and cable television services. Such rights-of-way shall be within existing utility corridors as depicted on the map or, for certain water lines, as described in the existing grant of easement to the Sandia Peak Utility Company: Provided, That use of water line easements outside the utility corridors depicted on the map shall not be used for utility purposes other than water lines and associated facilities. Except where above-ground facilities already exist, all new utility facilities shall be installed underground unless the Pueblo agrees otherwise. To the extent that enlargement of existing utility corridors is required for any technologically-advanced telecommunication, television, or utility services, the Pueblo shall not unreasonably withhold agreement to a reasonable enlargement of the easements described above.
(3) Forest Service rights-of-wayIn accordance with the Pueblo having given its consent in the Settlement Agreement, the Secretary of the Interior shall grant to the Forest Service the following irrevocable rights-of-way in perpetuity for Forest Service trails crossing land of the Pueblo in order to provide for public access to the Area and through Pueblo land—(A) a right-of-way for a portion of the Crest Spur Trail (Trail No. 84), crossing a portion of the La Luz tract, as identified on the map;
(B) a right-of-way for the extension of the Foothills Trail (Trail No. 365A), as identified on the map; and
(C) a right-of-way for that portion of the Piedra Lisa North-South Trail (Trail No. 135) crossing the Piedra Lisa tract.
Structure US Code
§ 471a. Forest reserves in New Mexico and Arizona restricted
§ 471c. Lands in California set aside as reserved forest lands
§ 471d. Additional forest reserves in California
§ 471e. Extension of boundaries of Sequoia National Forest
§ 471g. Administration, protection, and development; use of natural resources
§ 471i. Pinelands National Reserve
§ 471j. Headwaters Forest and Elk River Property acquisition
§ 472. Laws affecting national forest lands
§ 472a. Timber sales on National Forest System lands
§ 474. Surveys; plats and field notes; maps; effect under Act
§ 475. Purposes for which national forests may be established and administered
§ 477. Use of timber and stone by settlers
§ 478. Egress or ingress of actual settlers; prospecting
§ 479. Sites for schools and churches
§ 479a. Conveyance of National Forest System lands for educational purposes
§ 480. Civil and criminal jurisdiction
§ 482. Mineral lands; restoration to public domain; location and entry
§ 482a. Mining rights in Prescott National Forest
§ 482b. Mount Hood National Forest; mining rights
§ 482c. Patents affecting forest lands
§ 482d. Perfection of claims within forest
§ 482e. Lincoln National Forest; mining rights
§ 482f. Patents affecting forest lands
§ 482g. Perfection of claims within forest
§ 482h. Coronado National Forest; mining rights
§ 482h–1. Protection of scenic values of forest
§ 482h–2. Cutting of timber; reservation of patent rights
§ 482h–3. Perfection of mining claims
§ 482i. Plumas National Forest; offer of lands; additions; mining rights
§ 482j. Santa Fe National Forest; mining rights; protection of scenic values
§ 482k. Patents affecting forest lands
§ 482l. Perfection of mining claims within forest
§ 482m. Teton National Forest in Wyoming; additional lands
§ 482n. Coconino National Forest; mining rights; protection of scenic values
§ 482n–1. Cutting of timber within forest; reservation of patent rights
§ 482n–2. Perfection of mining claims within forest
§ 482n–3. Sedona-Oak Creek area
§ 482o. Kaibab National Forest; mining rights; protection of scenic values
§ 482p. Patents affecting lands within forest
§ 482q. Perfection of mining claims within forest
§ 486. Exchange of lands in national forests; reservations of timber, minerals, or easements
§ 487. Cutting timber on land added to Siskiyou National Forest
§ 487a. Cutting timber on lands added to Rogue River National Forest
§ 488. Establishment of exterior boundaries of national forests
§ 490. Deposits from timber purchasers to defray cost of disposing of debris
§ 492. Earth, stone, and timber for Departments of the Army and Navy, and Government works in Alaska
§ 494. Calaveras Bigtree National Forest
§ 495. Leases of lands for sanitariums or hotels
§ 497c. Ski area permit rental charge
§ 497d. Recreation residence fees
§ 497e. Enhancing Forest Service administration of rights-of-way and land uses
§ 504. Purchases of tree seeds, cones, forage plant seed, and nursery stock for national forests
§ 511. Reinstatement of entries canceled or relinquished
§ 517. Title to lands to be acquired
§ 517a. Payment of awards in condemnation proceedings
§ 518. Acquisition of lands not defeated by rights-of-way, easements, and reservations
§ 519. Agricultural lands included in tracts acquired; sale for homesteads
§ 519a. Transfer of forest reservation lands for military purposes
§ 520. Regulations as to mineral resources
§ 521. Lands acquired to be reserved, held, and administered as national forest lands; designation
§ 521a. Administration, management, and consolidation of certain lands
§ 521d. Sale, exchange, or interchange of National Forest System land
§ 521e. Small parcels and road rights-of-way
§ 521f. Costs of conveyance and value of improvements
§ 521g. Road rights-of-way subject to State or local law
§ 525. Rights-of-way for wagon roads or railroads
§ 526. Establishment and protection of water rights
§ 527. Use of Forest Service funds for administration of certain lands
§ 532. Roads and trails system; Congressional findings and declaration of policy
§ 533. Grant of easements for road rights-of-way; authority of Secretary of Agriculture; regulations
§ 534. Termination and cancellation of easements; notice; hearing
§ 538. User fees fund for delayed payments to grantors
§ 538a. Forest Service Legacy Road and Trail Remediation Program
§ 539. Additions to existing national forests; administration
§ 539a. Mining and mineral leasing on certain national forest lands
§ 539b. Fisheries on national forest lands in Alaska
§ 539c. Cooperative fisheries planning; report to Congress
§ 539d. National forest timber utilization program
§ 539f. Nonprofit organization user of national forest lands
§ 539g. Kings River Special Management Area
§ 539h. Greer Spring Special Management Area
§ 539i. Fossil Ridge Recreation Management Area
§ 539j. Bowen Gulch Protection Area
§ 539k. Kelly Butte Special Management Area
§ 539l. Designation of James Peak Protection Area, Colorado
§ 539l–2. James Peak Fall River trailhead
§ 539l–3. Loop trail study; authorization
§ 539l–4. Other administrative provisions
§ 539l–5. Wilderness potential
§ 539m–2. T’uf Shur Bien Preservation Trust Area
§ 539m–3. Pueblo rights and interests in the Area
§ 539m–4. Limitations on Pueblo rights and interests in the Area
§ 539m–5. Management of the Area
§ 539m–6. Jurisdiction over the Area
§ 539m–7. Subdivisions and other property interests
§ 539m–8. Extinguishment of claims
§ 539m–11. Provisions relating to contributions and land exchange
§ 539m–12. Authorization of appropriations
§ 539n. Crystal Springs Watershed Special Resources Management Unit
§ 539o. Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest
§ 539p. Southeast Arizona land exchange and conservation
§ 539q. Hermosa Creek watershed protection
§ 539r. Rocky Mountain Front Conservation Management Area and wilderness additions
§ 539s. Frank and Jeanne Moore Wild Steelhead Special Management Area