(a) AuthorizationSubject to the terms and conditions of this section, up to $250,000,000 from the Land and Water Conservation Fund is authorized to be appropriated to acquire lands referenced in the Agreement of September 28, 1996, which consist of approximately 4,500 acres commonly referred to as the “Headwaters Forest”, approximately 1,125 acres referred to as the “Elk Head Forest”, and approximately 9,600 acres referred to as the “Elk River Property”, which are located in Humboldt County, California. This section is the sole authorization for the acquisition of such property, which is the subject of the Agreement dated September 28, 1996 between the United States of America (hereinafter “United States”), the State of California, MAXXAM, Inc., and the Pacific Lumber Company. Of the entire Elk River Property, the United States and the State of California are to retain approximately 1,845 acres and transfer the remaining approximately 7,755 acres of Elk River Property to the Pacific Lumber Company. The property to be acquired and retained by the United States and the State of California is that property that is the subject of the Agreement of September 28, 1996 as generally depicted on maps labeled as sheets 1 through 7 of Township 3 and 4 North, Ranges 1 East and 1 West, of the Humboldt Meridian, California, titled “Dependent Resurvey and Tract Survey”, as approved by Lance J. Bishop, Chief Cadastral Surveyor—California, on August 29, 1997. Such maps shall be on file in the Office of the Chief Cadastral Surveyor, Bureau of Land Management, Sacramento, California. The Secretary of the Interior is authorized to make such typographical and other corrections to this description as are mutually agreed upon by the parties to the Agreement of September 28, 1996. The land retained by the United States and the State of California (approximately 7,470 acres) shall hereafter be the “Headwaters Forest”. Any funds appropriated by the Federal Government to acquire lands or interests in lands that enlarge the Headwaters Forest by more than five acres per each acquisition shall be subject to specific authorization enacted subsequent to this Act, except that such funds may be used pursuant to existing authorities to acquire such lands up to five acres per each acquisition or interests in lands that may be necessary for roadways to provide access to the Headwaters Forest.
(b) Effective period of authorizationThe authorization in subsection (a) expires March 1, 1999 and shall become effective only—(1) when the State of California provides a $130,000,000 contribution for the transaction;
(2) when the State of California approves a Sustained Yield Plan covering Pacific Lumber Company timber property;
(3) when the Pacific Lumber Company dismisses the following legal actions as evidenced by instruments in form and substance satisfactory to each of the parties to such legal actions: Pacific Lumber Co. v. United States, No. 96–257L (Fed. Cls.) and Salmon Creek Corp. v. California Board of Forestry, No. 96–CS–1057 (Cal. Super. Ct.);
(4) when the incidental take permit under section 10(a) of the Endangered Species Act [16 U.S.C. 1539(a)] (based upon a multispecies Habitat Conservation Plan covering Pacific Lumber Company timber property, including applicable portions of the Elk River Property) is issued by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Marine Fisheries Service;
(5) after an appraisal of all lands and interests therein to be acquired by the United States has been undertaken, such appraisal has been reviewed for a period not to exceed 30 days by the Comptroller General of the United States, and such appraisal has been provided to the Committee on Resources of the House of Representatives, the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources of the Senate, and the Committees on Appropriations of the House and Senate;
(6) after the Secretary of the Interior issues an opinion of value to the Committee on Resources of the House of Representatives, the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources of the Senate, and the Committees on Appropriations of the House and Senate for the land and property to be acquired by the Federal Government. Such opinion of value shall also include the total value of all compensation (including tax benefits) proposed to be provided for the acquisition;
(7) after an Environmental Impact Statement for the proposed Habitat Conservation Plan has been prepared and completed in accordance with the applicable provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 [42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.]; and
(8) when adequate provision has been made for public access to the property.
(c) AcquisitionNotwithstanding any other provision of law, the amount paid by the United States to acquire identified lands and interests in lands referred to in subsection (a) may differ from the value contained in the appraisal required by subsection (b)(5) if the Secretary of the Interior certifies, in writing, to Congress that such action is in the best interest of the United States.
(d) Habitat conservation plan(1) Applicable standardsWithin 60 days after November 14, 1997, the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Commerce shall report to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources of the Senate and the Committee on Resources of the House of Representatives on the scientific and legal standards and criteria for threatened, endangered, and candidate species under the Endangered Species Act [16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.] and any other species used to develop the habitat conservation plan (hereinafter “HCP”) and the section 10(a) [16 U.S.C. 1539(a)] incidental take permit for the Pacific Lumber Company land.
(2) ReportIf the Pacific Lumber Company submits an application for an incidental take permit under section 10(a) of the Endangered Species Act [16 U.S.C. 1539(a)] for the transaction authorized by subsection (a), and the permit is not issued, then the United States Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Marine Fisheries Service shall set forth the substantive rationale or rationales for why the measures proposed by the applicant for such permit did not meet the issuance criteria for the species at issue. Such report shall be submitted to the Congress within 60 days of the decision not to issue such permit or by May 1, 1999, whichever is earlier.
(3) HCP standardsIf a section 10(a) permit for the Pacific Lumber Company HCP is issued, it shall be deemed to be unique to the circumstances associated with the acquisition authorized by this section and shall not establish a higher or lesser standard for any other multispecies HCPs than would otherwise be established under existing law.
(e) Payment to Humboldt CountyWithin 30 days of the acquisition of the Headwaters Forest, the Secretary of the Interior shall provide a $10,000,000 direct payment to Humboldt County, California.
(f) Payment in lieu of taxesThe Federal portion of the Headwaters Forest acquired pursuant to this section shall be entitlement land under section 6905 of title 31.
(g) Out-year budget limitationsThe following funding limitations and parameters shall apply to the Headwaters Forest acquired under subsection (a)—(1) At least 50 percent of the total funds for management of such lands above the annual level of $100,000 shall (with the exception of law enforcement activities and emergency activities) be from non-Federal sources.
(2) Subject to appropriations, the authorized annual Federal funding for management of such land is $300,000 (with the exception of law enforcement activities and emergency activities).
(3) The Secretary of the Interior or the Headwaters Forest Management Trust referenced in subsection (h) is authorized to accept and use donations of funds and personal property from the State of California, private individuals, and other nongovernmental entities for the purpose of management of the Headwaters Forest.
(h) Headwaters Forest Management TrustThe Secretary of the Interior is authorized, with the written concurrence of the Governor of the State of California, to establish a Headwaters Forest Management Trust (“Trust”) for the management of the Headwaters Forest as follows:(1) Management authorityThe Secretary of the Interior is authorized to vest management authority and responsibility in the Trust composed of a board of five trustees each appointed for terms of three years. Two trustees shall be appointed by the Governor of the State of California. Three trustees shall be appointed by the President of the United States. The first group of trustees shall be appointed within 60 days of exercising the authority under this subsection and the terms of the trustees shall begin on such day. The Secretary of the Interior, the Secretary of Resources of the State of California, and the Chairman of the Humboldt County Board of Supervisors shall be nonvoting, ex officio members of the board of trustees. The Secretary is authorized to make grants to the Trust for the management of the Headwaters Forest from amounts authorized and appropriated.
(2) OperationsThe Trust shall have the power to develop and implement the management plan for the Headwaters Forest.
(i) Management plan(1) In generalA concise management plan for the Headwaters Forest shall be developed and periodically amended as necessary by the Secretary of the Interior in consultation with the State of California (and in the case that the authority provided in subsection (h) is exercised, the trustees shall develop and periodically amend the management plan), and shall meet the following requirements:(A) Management goals for the plan shall be to conserve and study the land, fish, wildlife, and forests occurring on such land while providing public recreation opportunities and other management needs.
(B) Before a management structure and management plan are adopted for such land, the Secretary of the Interior or the board of trustees, as the case may be, shall submit a proposal for the structure and plan to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources of the Senate and the Committee on Resources of the House of Representatives. The proposed management plan shall not become effective until the passage of 90 days after its submission to the Committees.
(C) The Secretary of the Interior or the board of trustees, as the case may be, shall report annually to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources of the Senate, the Committee on Resources of the House of Representatives, and the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations concerning the management of lands acquired under the authority of this section and activities undertaken on such lands.
(2) PlanThe management plan shall guide general management of the Headwaters Forest. Such plan shall address the following management issues—(A) scientific research on forests, fish, wildlife, and other such activities that will be fostered and permitted on the Headwaters Forest;
(B) providing recreation opportunities on the Headwaters Forest;
(C) access to the Headwaters Forest;
(D) construction of minimal necessary facilities within the Headwaters Forest so as to maintain the ecological integrity of the Headwaters Forest;
(E) other management needs; and
(F) an annual budget for the management of the Headwaters Forest, which shall include a projected revenue schedule (such as fees for research and recreation) and projected expenses.
(3) ComplianceThe National Environmental Policy Act [42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.] shall apply to the development and implementation of the management plan.
(j) Cooperative management(1) The Secretary of the Interior may enter into agreements with the State of California for the cooperative management of any of the following: Headwaters Forest, Redwood National Park, and proximate State lands. The purpose of such agreements is to acquire from and provide to the State of California goods and services to be used by the Secretary and the State of California in cooperative management of lands if the Secretary determines that appropriations for that purpose are available and an agreement is in the best interests of the United States; and
(2) an assignment arranged by the Secretary under section 3372 of title 5 of a Federal or State employee for work in any Federal or State of California lands, or an extension of such assignment, may be for any period of time determined by the Secretary or the State of California, as appropriate, to be mutually beneficial.
Structure US Code
§ 471a. Forest reserves in New Mexico and Arizona restricted
§ 471c. Lands in California set aside as reserved forest lands
§ 471d. Additional forest reserves in California
§ 471e. Extension of boundaries of Sequoia National Forest
§ 471g. Administration, protection, and development; use of natural resources
§ 471i. Pinelands National Reserve
§ 471j. Headwaters Forest and Elk River Property acquisition
§ 472. Laws affecting national forest lands
§ 472a. Timber sales on National Forest System lands
§ 474. Surveys; plats and field notes; maps; effect under Act
§ 475. Purposes for which national forests may be established and administered
§ 477. Use of timber and stone by settlers
§ 478. Egress or ingress of actual settlers; prospecting
§ 479. Sites for schools and churches
§ 479a. Conveyance of National Forest System lands for educational purposes
§ 480. Civil and criminal jurisdiction
§ 482. Mineral lands; restoration to public domain; location and entry
§ 482a. Mining rights in Prescott National Forest
§ 482b. Mount Hood National Forest; mining rights
§ 482c. Patents affecting forest lands
§ 482d. Perfection of claims within forest
§ 482e. Lincoln National Forest; mining rights
§ 482f. Patents affecting forest lands
§ 482g. Perfection of claims within forest
§ 482h. Coronado National Forest; mining rights
§ 482h–1. Protection of scenic values of forest
§ 482h–2. Cutting of timber; reservation of patent rights
§ 482h–3. Perfection of mining claims
§ 482i. Plumas National Forest; offer of lands; additions; mining rights
§ 482j. Santa Fe National Forest; mining rights; protection of scenic values
§ 482k. Patents affecting forest lands
§ 482l. Perfection of mining claims within forest
§ 482m. Teton National Forest in Wyoming; additional lands
§ 482n. Coconino National Forest; mining rights; protection of scenic values
§ 482n–1. Cutting of timber within forest; reservation of patent rights
§ 482n–2. Perfection of mining claims within forest
§ 482n–3. Sedona-Oak Creek area
§ 482o. Kaibab National Forest; mining rights; protection of scenic values
§ 482p. Patents affecting lands within forest
§ 482q. Perfection of mining claims within forest
§ 486. Exchange of lands in national forests; reservations of timber, minerals, or easements
§ 487. Cutting timber on land added to Siskiyou National Forest
§ 487a. Cutting timber on lands added to Rogue River National Forest
§ 488. Establishment of exterior boundaries of national forests
§ 490. Deposits from timber purchasers to defray cost of disposing of debris
§ 492. Earth, stone, and timber for Departments of the Army and Navy, and Government works in Alaska
§ 494. Calaveras Bigtree National Forest
§ 495. Leases of lands for sanitariums or hotels
§ 497c. Ski area permit rental charge
§ 497d. Recreation residence fees
§ 497e. Enhancing Forest Service administration of rights-of-way and land uses
§ 504. Purchases of tree seeds, cones, forage plant seed, and nursery stock for national forests
§ 511. Reinstatement of entries canceled or relinquished
§ 517. Title to lands to be acquired
§ 517a. Payment of awards in condemnation proceedings
§ 518. Acquisition of lands not defeated by rights-of-way, easements, and reservations
§ 519. Agricultural lands included in tracts acquired; sale for homesteads
§ 519a. Transfer of forest reservation lands for military purposes
§ 520. Regulations as to mineral resources
§ 521. Lands acquired to be reserved, held, and administered as national forest lands; designation
§ 521a. Administration, management, and consolidation of certain lands
§ 521d. Sale, exchange, or interchange of National Forest System land
§ 521e. Small parcels and road rights-of-way
§ 521f. Costs of conveyance and value of improvements
§ 521g. Road rights-of-way subject to State or local law
§ 525. Rights-of-way for wagon roads or railroads
§ 526. Establishment and protection of water rights
§ 527. Use of Forest Service funds for administration of certain lands
§ 532. Roads and trails system; Congressional findings and declaration of policy
§ 533. Grant of easements for road rights-of-way; authority of Secretary of Agriculture; regulations
§ 534. Termination and cancellation of easements; notice; hearing
§ 538. User fees fund for delayed payments to grantors
§ 538a. Forest Service Legacy Road and Trail Remediation Program
§ 539. Additions to existing national forests; administration
§ 539a. Mining and mineral leasing on certain national forest lands
§ 539b. Fisheries on national forest lands in Alaska
§ 539c. Cooperative fisheries planning; report to Congress
§ 539d. National forest timber utilization program
§ 539f. Nonprofit organization user of national forest lands
§ 539g. Kings River Special Management Area
§ 539h. Greer Spring Special Management Area
§ 539i. Fossil Ridge Recreation Management Area
§ 539j. Bowen Gulch Protection Area
§ 539k. Kelly Butte Special Management Area
§ 539l. Designation of James Peak Protection Area, Colorado
§ 539l–2. James Peak Fall River trailhead
§ 539l–3. Loop trail study; authorization
§ 539l–4. Other administrative provisions
§ 539l–5. Wilderness potential
§ 539m–2. T’uf Shur Bien Preservation Trust Area
§ 539m–3. Pueblo rights and interests in the Area
§ 539m–4. Limitations on Pueblo rights and interests in the Area
§ 539m–5. Management of the Area
§ 539m–6. Jurisdiction over the Area
§ 539m–7. Subdivisions and other property interests
§ 539m–8. Extinguishment of claims
§ 539m–11. Provisions relating to contributions and land exchange
§ 539m–12. Authorization of appropriations
§ 539n. Crystal Springs Watershed Special Resources Management Unit
§ 539o. Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest
§ 539p. Southeast Arizona land exchange and conservation
§ 539q. Hermosa Creek watershed protection
§ 539r. Rocky Mountain Front Conservation Management Area and wilderness additions
§ 539s. Frank and Jeanne Moore Wild Steelhead Special Management Area