(1) guidelines utilized by the Secretary in determining that the land should be acquired;
(2) the location and size of the land;
(3) the purchase price of the land and the criteria used by the Secretary in determining such price;
(4) the person from whom the land is being acquired; and
(5) any adjustment made by the Secretary of relative value pursuant to section 1716(f)(2)(B)(ii) of title 43.
Structure US Code
§ 471a. Forest reserves in New Mexico and Arizona restricted
§ 471c. Lands in California set aside as reserved forest lands
§ 471d. Additional forest reserves in California
§ 471e. Extension of boundaries of Sequoia National Forest
§ 471g. Administration, protection, and development; use of natural resources
§ 471i. Pinelands National Reserve
§ 471j. Headwaters Forest and Elk River Property acquisition
§ 472. Laws affecting national forest lands
§ 472a. Timber sales on National Forest System lands
§ 474. Surveys; plats and field notes; maps; effect under Act
§ 475. Purposes for which national forests may be established and administered
§ 477. Use of timber and stone by settlers
§ 478. Egress or ingress of actual settlers; prospecting
§ 479. Sites for schools and churches
§ 479a. Conveyance of National Forest System lands for educational purposes
§ 480. Civil and criminal jurisdiction
§ 482. Mineral lands; restoration to public domain; location and entry
§ 482a. Mining rights in Prescott National Forest
§ 482b. Mount Hood National Forest; mining rights
§ 482c. Patents affecting forest lands
§ 482d. Perfection of claims within forest
§ 482e. Lincoln National Forest; mining rights
§ 482f. Patents affecting forest lands
§ 482g. Perfection of claims within forest
§ 482h. Coronado National Forest; mining rights
§ 482h–1. Protection of scenic values of forest
§ 482h–2. Cutting of timber; reservation of patent rights
§ 482h–3. Perfection of mining claims
§ 482i. Plumas National Forest; offer of lands; additions; mining rights
§ 482j. Santa Fe National Forest; mining rights; protection of scenic values
§ 482k. Patents affecting forest lands
§ 482l. Perfection of mining claims within forest
§ 482m. Teton National Forest in Wyoming; additional lands
§ 482n. Coconino National Forest; mining rights; protection of scenic values
§ 482n–1. Cutting of timber within forest; reservation of patent rights
§ 482n–2. Perfection of mining claims within forest
§ 482n–3. Sedona-Oak Creek area
§ 482o. Kaibab National Forest; mining rights; protection of scenic values
§ 482p. Patents affecting lands within forest
§ 482q. Perfection of mining claims within forest
§ 486. Exchange of lands in national forests; reservations of timber, minerals, or easements
§ 487. Cutting timber on land added to Siskiyou National Forest
§ 487a. Cutting timber on lands added to Rogue River National Forest
§ 488. Establishment of exterior boundaries of national forests
§ 490. Deposits from timber purchasers to defray cost of disposing of debris
§ 492. Earth, stone, and timber for Departments of the Army and Navy, and Government works in Alaska
§ 494. Calaveras Bigtree National Forest
§ 495. Leases of lands for sanitariums or hotels
§ 497c. Ski area permit rental charge
§ 497d. Recreation residence fees
§ 497e. Enhancing Forest Service administration of rights-of-way and land uses
§ 504. Purchases of tree seeds, cones, forage plant seed, and nursery stock for national forests
§ 511. Reinstatement of entries canceled or relinquished
§ 517. Title to lands to be acquired
§ 517a. Payment of awards in condemnation proceedings
§ 518. Acquisition of lands not defeated by rights-of-way, easements, and reservations
§ 519. Agricultural lands included in tracts acquired; sale for homesteads
§ 519a. Transfer of forest reservation lands for military purposes
§ 520. Regulations as to mineral resources
§ 521. Lands acquired to be reserved, held, and administered as national forest lands; designation
§ 521a. Administration, management, and consolidation of certain lands
§ 521d. Sale, exchange, or interchange of National Forest System land
§ 521e. Small parcels and road rights-of-way
§ 521f. Costs of conveyance and value of improvements
§ 521g. Road rights-of-way subject to State or local law
§ 525. Rights-of-way for wagon roads or railroads
§ 526. Establishment and protection of water rights
§ 527. Use of Forest Service funds for administration of certain lands
§ 532. Roads and trails system; Congressional findings and declaration of policy
§ 533. Grant of easements for road rights-of-way; authority of Secretary of Agriculture; regulations
§ 534. Termination and cancellation of easements; notice; hearing
§ 538. User fees fund for delayed payments to grantors
§ 538a. Forest Service Legacy Road and Trail Remediation Program
§ 539. Additions to existing national forests; administration
§ 539a. Mining and mineral leasing on certain national forest lands
§ 539b. Fisheries on national forest lands in Alaska
§ 539c. Cooperative fisheries planning; report to Congress
§ 539d. National forest timber utilization program
§ 539f. Nonprofit organization user of national forest lands
§ 539g. Kings River Special Management Area
§ 539h. Greer Spring Special Management Area
§ 539i. Fossil Ridge Recreation Management Area
§ 539j. Bowen Gulch Protection Area
§ 539k. Kelly Butte Special Management Area
§ 539l. Designation of James Peak Protection Area, Colorado
§ 539l–2. James Peak Fall River trailhead
§ 539l–3. Loop trail study; authorization
§ 539l–4. Other administrative provisions
§ 539l–5. Wilderness potential
§ 539m–2. T’uf Shur Bien Preservation Trust Area
§ 539m–3. Pueblo rights and interests in the Area
§ 539m–4. Limitations on Pueblo rights and interests in the Area
§ 539m–5. Management of the Area
§ 539m–6. Jurisdiction over the Area
§ 539m–7. Subdivisions and other property interests
§ 539m–8. Extinguishment of claims
§ 539m–11. Provisions relating to contributions and land exchange
§ 539m–12. Authorization of appropriations
§ 539n. Crystal Springs Watershed Special Resources Management Unit
§ 539o. Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest
§ 539p. Southeast Arizona land exchange and conservation
§ 539q. Hermosa Creek watershed protection
§ 539r. Rocky Mountain Front Conservation Management Area and wilderness additions
§ 539s. Frank and Jeanne Moore Wild Steelhead Special Management Area