Texas Statutes
Subchapter G. Provisions Applicable to Municipality With Population of 1.5 Million or More and Certain Other Municipalities
Section 143.123. Investigation of Fire Fighters and Police Officers

(1) "Complainant" means a person claiming to be the victim of misconduct by a fire fighter or police officer.
(2) "Investigation" means an administrative investigation, conducted by the municipality, of alleged misconduct by a fire fighter or police officer that could result in punitive action against that person.
(3) "Investigator" means an agent or employee of the municipality who is assigned to conduct an investigation.
(4) "Punitive action" means a disciplinary suspension, indefinite suspension, demotion in rank, reprimand, or any combination of those actions.
(5) "Normally assigned working hours" includes those hours during which a fire fighter or police officer is actually at work or at the person's assigned place of work, but does not include any time when the person is off duty on authorized leave, including sick leave.
(b) An investigator may interrogate a fire fighter or police officer who is the subject of an investigation only during the fire fighter's or police officer's normally assigned working hours unless:
(1) the seriousness of the investigation, as determined by the fire fighter's or police officer's department head or the department head's designee, requires interrogation at another time; and
(2) the fire fighter or police officer is compensated for the interrogation time on an overtime basis.
(c) The department head may not consider work time missed from regular duties by a fire fighter or police officer due to participation in the conduct of an investigation in determining whether to impose a punitive action or in determining the severity of a punitive action.
(d) An investigator may not interrogate a fire fighter or police officer who is the subject of an investigation or conduct any part of the investigation at that person's home without that person's permission.
(e) A person may not be assigned to conduct an investigation if the person is the complainant, the ultimate decisionmaker regarding disciplinary action, or a person who has any personal involvement regarding the alleged misconduct. A fire fighter or police officer who is the subject of an investigation has the right to inquire and, on inquiry, to be informed of the identities of each investigator participating in an interrogation of the fire fighter or police officer. Not later than the 30th day after the date that a complaint is received by an investigator, the investigator must inform the fire fighter in writing of the nature of the investigation and the name of each person who complained about the fire fighter, if known, concerning the matters under investigation unless:
(1) a criminal investigation has been initiated as a result of the complaint; or
(2) the disclosure of information concerning the name of the complainant or the matters under investigation would hinder a criminal investigation.
(f) Before an investigator may interrogate a fire fighter or police officer who is the subject of an investigation, the investigator must inform the fire fighter or police officer in writing of the nature of the investigation and the name of each person who complained about the fire fighter or police officer concerning the matters under investigation. An investigator may not conduct an interrogation of a fire fighter or police officer based on a complaint by a complainant who is not a peace officer unless the complainant verifies the complaint in writing before a public officer who is authorized by law to take statements under oath. In an investigation authorized under this subsection, an investigator may interrogate a fire fighter or police officer about events or conduct reported by a witness who is not a complainant without disclosing the name of the witness. Not later than the 48th hour before the hour on which an investigator begins to interrogate a fire fighter or police officer regarding an allegation based on a complaint, affidavit, or statement, the investigator shall give the fire fighter or police officer a copy of the affidavit, complaint, or statement. An interrogation may be based on a complaint from an anonymous complainant if the departmental employee receiving the anonymous complaint certifies in writing, under oath, that the complaint was anonymous. This subsection does not apply to an on-the-scene investigation that occurs immediately after an incident being investigated if the limitations of this subsection would unreasonably hinder the essential purpose of the investigation or interrogation. If the limitation would hinder the investigation or interrogation, the fire fighter or police officer under investigation must be furnished, as soon as practicable, a written statement of the nature of the investigation, the name of each complaining party, and the complaint, affidavit, or statement.
(g) An interrogation session of a fire fighter or police officer who is the subject of an investigation may not be unreasonably long. In determining reasonableness, the gravity and complexity of the investigation must be considered. The investigators shall allow reasonable interruptions to permit the fire fighter or police officer to attend to personal physical necessities.
(h) An investigator may not threaten a fire fighter or police officer who is the subject of an investigation with punitive action during an interrogation. However, an investigator may inform a fire fighter or police officer that failure to truthfully answer reasonable questions directly related to the investigation or to fully cooperate in the conduct of the investigation may result in punitive action.
(i) If prior notification of intent to record an interrogation is given to the other party, either the investigator or the fire fighter or police officer who is the subject of an interrogation may record the interrogation.
(j) If an investigation does not result in punitive action against a fire fighter or police officer but does result in a reprimand recorded in writing or an adverse finding or determination regarding that person, the reprimand, finding, or determination may not be placed in that person's personnel file unless the fire fighter or police officer is first given an opportunity to read and sign the document. If the fire fighter or police officer refuses to sign the reprimand, finding, or determination, it may be placed in the personnel file with a notation that the person refused to sign it. A fire fighter or police officer may respond in writing to a reprimand, finding, or determination that is placed in the person's personnel file under this subsection by submitting a written response to the department head within 10 days after the date the fire fighter or police officer is asked to sign the document. The response shall be placed in the personnel file. A fire fighter or police officer who receives a punitive action and who elects not to appeal the action may file a written response as prescribed by this subsection within 10 days after the date the person is given written notice of the punitive action from the department head.
(k) If the department head or any investigator violates any of the provisions of this section while conducting an investigation, the municipality shall reverse any punitive action taken pursuant to the investigation including a reprimand, and any information obtained during the investigation shall be specifically excluded from introduction into evidence in any proceeding against the fire fighter or police officer.
(l) Deleted by Acts 1989, 71st Leg., ch. 1, Sec. 25(h), eff. Aug. 28, 1989.
Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 149, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1987. Amended by Acts 1989, 71st Leg., ch. 1, Sec. 25(g), (h), 30(a), eff. Aug. 28, 1989; Acts 1989, 71st Leg., ch. 140, Sec. 2 to 4, eff. May 25, 1989; Acts 1989, 71st Leg., ch. 854, Sec. 8, eff. June 14, 1989.
Amended by:
Acts 2007, 80th Leg., R.S., Ch. 678 (H.B. 1561), Sec. 1, eff. June 15, 2007.

Structure Texas Statutes

Texas Statutes

Local Government Code

Title 5 - Matters Affecting Public Officers and Employees

Subtitle A - Municipal Officers and Employees

Chapter 143 - Municipal Civil Service for Firefighters and Police Officers

Subchapter G. Provisions Applicable to Municipality With Population of 1.5 Million or More and Certain Other Municipalities

Section 143.101. Subchapter Applicable Primarily to Municipality With Population of 1

Section 143.1014. Notice Requirement for Certain Meetings or Hearings

Section 143.1015. Commission Appeal Procedure; Subpoena Request

Section 143.1016. Hearing Examiners

Section 143.1017. Procedures After Felony Indictment or Other Crime of Moral Turpitude

Section 143.1018. Ex Parte Communications

Section 143.102. Appointment of Assistant Chief

Section 143.103. Specialized Police Divisions

Section 143.104. Examination Procedure

Section 143.1041. Entrance Examination for Beginning Peace Officer Position in Police Department

Section 143.105. Eligibility for Beginning Position in Police Department

Section 143.1051. Eligibility for Beginning Position in Fire Department

Section 143.1055. Applicant for Beginning Position in Police Department With Previous Experience

Section 143.106. Eligibility for Fire Department Promotional Examination

Section 143.107. Promotional Examination Notice

Section 143.108. Promotional Examination Grades; Promotional Appointments

Section 143.109. Crossover Promotions in Police Department

Section 143.1095. Transfers in Position in Same Classification in Fire Department

Section 143.110. Salary

Section 143.111. Temporary Duties in Higher Classification

Section 143.1115. Determination of Physical and Mental Fitness

Section 143.112. Educational Incentive Pay

Section 143.113. Assignment Pay

Section 143.114. Assignment Pay in Municipality With Population of 1

Section 143.115. Payment of Accumulated Vacation Leave in Populous Municipality

Section 143.1155. Accumulated Vacation and Holiday Leave

Section 143.116. Payment of Sick Leave on Termination of Service

Section 143.117. Disciplinary Suspensions

Section 143.118. Appeal of Disciplinary Suspension

Section 143.119. Indefinite Suspensions

Section 143.120. Appeal of Indefinite Suspension

Section 143.121. Appeal to District Court

Section 143.1214. Records Related to Disciplinary Actions or Charges of Misconduct

Section 143.1215. Reinstatement

Section 143.1216. Certain Nondisciplinary Actions

Section 143.122. Uncompensated Duty

Section 143.123. Investigation of Fire Fighters and Police Officers

Section 143.124. Polygraph Examinations

Section 143.125. Police Department Probationary Period After Reappointment in Populous Municipality

Section 143.1251. Reappointment After Resignation

Section 143.126. Legislative Leave

Section 143.1261. Legislative Leave Account

Section 143.127. Grievance Procedure

Section 143.128. Step I Grievance Procedure

Section 143.129. Step Ii Grievance Procedure

Section 143.130. Step Iii Grievance Procedure

Section 143.131. Step Iv Grievance Procedure

Section 143.132. Grievance Examiner

Section 143.133. Special Provisions for Steps I and Ii

Section 143.134. Miscellaneous Grievance Provisions

Section 143.135. Mediation