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Section 12-22-5 - Time of commencement of contest--Commencement after recount. - 12-22-5. Time of commencement of contest--Commencement after recount. Any such...
Section 12-22-6 - Time of commencement of contest of presidential election. - 12-22-6. Time of commencement of contest of presidential election. Any...
Section 12-22-7 - Original jurisdiction of contests. - 12-22-7. Original jurisdiction of contests. Original jurisdiction over such contests...
Section 12-22-8 - Summons and complaint to commence contest. - 12-22-8. Summons and complaint to commence contest. Such contest shall...
Section 12-22-9 - Service of summons and complaint--Time of serving. - 12-22-9. Service of summons and complaint--Time of serving. Forthwith upon...
Section 12-22-10 - Court orders to expedite proceedings. - 12-22-10. Court orders to expedite proceedings. Whenever it shall appear...
Section 12-22-11 - Joinder of parties in commencement of contest--Denomination of plaintiffs and defendants. - 12-22-11. Joinder of parties in commencement of contest--Denomination of plaintiffs...
Section 12-22-12 - Intervention by other candidates--Assertion of right to nomination or office. - 12-22-12. Intervention by other candidates--Assertion of right to nomination or...
Section 12-22-13 - Designation of defendants in contest of presidential election. - 12-22-13. Designation of defendants in contest of presidential election. In...
Section 12-22-14 - Title of proceeding on submitted question. - 12-22-14. Title of proceeding on submitted question. In the case...
Section 12-22-15 - Service of summons and complaint in contest on submitted question--Intervention. - 12-22-15. Service of summons and complaint in contest on submitted...
Section 12-22-16 - Answer to present all defenses--Admission of matters not denied--Affirmative defense. - 12-22-16. Answer to present all defenses--Admission of matters not denied--Affirmative...
Section 12-22-17 - Hearing on contest--Default judgment prohibited. - 12-22-17. Hearing on contest--Default judgment prohibited. After answer has been...
Section 12-22-18 - Court to proceed expeditiously--Designation of judge and relief from other duties. - 12-22-18. Court to proceed expeditiously--Designation of judge and relief from...
Section 12-22-19 - Official returns or recount conclusive as to accuracy of count--Other issues determined in contest. - 12-22-19. Official returns or recount conclusive as to accuracy of...
Section 12-22-20 - Certiorari to review recount as alternative remedy--Consolidation of proceedings. - 12-22-20. Certiorari to review recount as alternative remedy--Consolidation of proceedings....
Section 12-22-21 - Judgment withheld while recount or certiorari pending--Judgment declaring election result. - 12-22-21. Judgment withheld while recount or certiorari pending--Judgment declaring election...
Section 12-22-22 - Supreme Court order directing consolidation of contests involving same office or question--Duty of judges and attorneys to notify Supreme Court. - 12-22-22. Supreme Court order directing consolidation of contests involving same...
Section 12-22-23 - Conflicting circuit court decisions on same submitted question--Appeal determinative--Direction to attorney general to prosecute appeal. - 12-22-23. Conflicting circuit court decisions on same submitted question--Appeal determinative--Direction...
Section 12-22-24 - Procedure as in other civil proceedings. - 12-22-24. Procedure as in other civil proceedings. Except as otherwise...
Section 12-22-25 - Right of appeal to Supreme Court--Expediting proceedings in Supreme Court--Combining with appeal from certiorari to review recount. - 12-22-25. Right of appeal to Supreme Court--Expediting proceedings in Supreme...
Section 12-22-26 - Notice of intention to institute legislative contest--Time for service--Answer. - 12-22-26. Notice of intention to institute legislative contest--Time for service--Answer....
Section 12-22-27 - Depositions in legislative contest--Filing with secretary of state. - 12-22-27. Depositions in legislative contest--Filing with secretary of state. At...
Section 12-22-28 - Public funds not used for legislative contest. - 12-22-28. Public funds not used for legislative contest. No payment...
Section 12-22-29 - Candidate's right to contest primary election--Filing of complaint--Circuit court jurisdiction. - 12-22-29. Candidate's right to contest primary election--Filing of complaint--Circuit court...
Section 12-22-30 - Notation of filing of complaint in primary contest--Date of hearing--Apparently successful candidate as defendant. - 12-22-30. Notation of filing of complaint in primary contest--Date of...
Section 12-22-31 - Service of order fixing hearing date on primary contest--Answer. - 12-22-31. Service of order fixing hearing date on primary contest--Answer....
Section 12-22-32 - Hearing of primary contest in or out of term--Preference in order of hearing. - 12-22-32. Hearing of primary contest in or out of term--Preference...
Section 12-22-33 - Dismissal of insufficient complaint--Hearing of evidence--Entry of orders and decisions. - 12-22-33. Dismissal of insufficient complaint--Hearing of evidence--Entry of orders and...
Section 12-22-34 - Elections to which primary contest law applies. - 12-22-34. Elections to which primary contest law applies. The judgment...
Section 12-22-35 - Supreme Court jurisdiction of primary contests for state office. - 12-22-35. Supreme Court jurisdiction of primary contests for state office....
Chapter 24 - Presidential Electors
Section 12-24-1 - Elector's notice to Governor of readiness to perform duties--Certificate of names presented to electors. - 12-24-1. Elector's notice to Governor of readiness to perform duties--Certificate...
Section 12-24-2 - Replacement of elector failing to appear. - 12-24-2. Replacement of elector failing to appear. If any elector...
Section 12-24-3 - Notice to and powers of elector chosen to fill vacancy. - 12-24-3. Notice to and powers of elector chosen to fill...
Section 12-24-4 - Time and place of performance of constitutional duties by electors. - 12-24-4. Time and place of performance of constitutional duties by...
Section 12-24-5 - Compensation and mileage of electors. - 12-24-5. Compensation and mileage of electors. The electors shall receive...
Chapter 25 - Candidates' Financial Interest Statements
Section 12-25-27 - Definitions. - 12-25-27. Definitions. Terms as used in this chapter mean: (1)"Any...
Section 12-25-28 - Statements by candidates for state or federal office subject to primary--Violation as petty offense or misdemeanor. - 12-25-28. Statements by candidates for state or federal office subject...
Section 12-25-29 - Statements by convention nominees for state office--Violation as petty offense or misdemeanor. - 12-25-29. Statements by convention nominees for state office--Violation as petty...
Section 12-25-29.1 - Statements by convention nominees of party with alternative political status--Violation as petty offense or misdemeanor. - 12-25-29.1. Statements by convention nominees of party with alternative political...
Section 12-25-30 - Statements by candidates for local office--Violation as petty offense or misdemeanor. - 12-25-30. Statements by candidates for local office--Violation as petty offense...
Section 12-25-31 - Forms for financial statements--Value not required--Verification--Open to public. - 12-25-31. Forms for financial statements--Value not required--Verification--Open to public. The...
Section 12-25-31.1 - Certain personally identifiable information of judicial officers excluded from public record. - 12-25-31.1. Certain personally identifiable information of judicial officers excluded from...
Section 12-25-33 - No filing fee for required statements. - 12-25-33. No filing fee for required statements. No filing fee...
Section 12-25-34 - Information from reports or statements--Sale or use for solicitation or commercial purpose prohibited--Misdemeanor. - 12-25-34. Information from reports or statements--Sale or use for solicitation...
Chapter 26 - Offenses Against The Elective Franchise
Section 12-26-1 - Elections to which chapter applies. - 12-26-1. Elections to which chapter applies. The word "election" as...
Section 12-26-3 - False representation to procure registration or acceptance of vote as misdemeanor--Failure to deny false statement as misrepresentation. - 12-26-3. False representation to procure registration or acceptance of vote...
Section 12-26-4 - Voting or offer to vote by unqualified person as misdemeanor. - 12-26-4. Voting or offer to vote by unqualified person as...
Section 12-26-7 - Impersonation of registered voter as felony. - 12-26-7. Impersonation of registered voter as felony. A person who...
Section 12-26-8 - Voting more than once at any election as felony. - 12-26-8. Voting more than once at any election as felony....
Section 12-26-9 - Good faith defense to prosecution for illegal voting. - 12-26-9. Good faith defense to prosecution for illegal voting. Upon...
Section 12-26-10 - Threats or intimidation to prevent public assembly of electors as misdemeanor--Hindering attendance at meeting. - 12-26-10. Threats or intimidation to prevent public assembly of electors...
Section 12-26-11 - Disturbance of public meeting of voters as misdemeanor. - 12-26-11. Disturbance of public meeting of voters as misdemeanor. A...
Section 12-26-12 - Persecution, threats, or intimidation to influence vote as misdemeanor--Obstruction of voter on way to polls. - 12-26-12. Persecution, threats, or intimidation to influence vote as misdemeanor--Obstruction...
Section 12-26-13 - Unlawful influence of employees' political activities or voting as misdemeanor--Forfeiture of corporate charter. - 12-26-13. Unlawful influence of employees' political activities or voting as...
Section 12-26-14 - Use of public relief, loans, or grants to influence political activity or vote as misdemeanor. - 12-26-14. Use of public relief, loans, or grants to influence...
Section 12-26-15 - Bribery of voter as misdemeanor--Acts constituting bribery. - 12-26-15. Bribery of voter as misdemeanor--Acts constituting bribery. It is...
Section 12-26-16 - Acceptance of bribe by voter as misdemeanor--Acts constituting acceptance of bribe. - 12-26-16. Acceptance of bribe by voter as misdemeanor--Acts constituting acceptance...
Section 12-26-17 - Bribery or acceptance of bribe as infamous crime--Forfeiture of office. - 12-26-17. Bribery or acceptance of bribe as infamous crime--Forfeiture of...
Section 12-26-19 - Betting with intent to procure challenge as misdemeanor. - 12-26-19. Betting with intent to procure challenge as misdemeanor. Any...
Section 12-26-21 - Disobedience of precinct superintendent or precinct deputy as misdemeanor. - 12-26-21. Disobedience of precinct superintendent or precinct deputy as misdemeanor....
Section 12-26-22 - Disturbance of election proceedings as misdemeanor. - 12-26-22. Disturbance of election proceedings as misdemeanor. No person may...
Section 12-26-23 - Tampering with ballots, ballot box, or poll list as felony. - 12-26-23. Tampering with ballots, ballot box, or poll list as...
Section 12-26-23.1 - Tampering with automatic ballot counting devices, direct recording electronic voting machines, and electronic ballot marking systems as felony. - 12-26-23.1. Tampering with automatic ballot counting devices, direct recording electronic...
Section 12-26-24 - Exclusion by precinct superintendent or precinct deputy of lawful vote as misdemeanor. - 12-26-24. Exclusion by precinct superintendent or precinct deputy of lawful...
Section 12-26-25 - False count or return by election official as misdemeanor--Defacement or concealment of statement or certificate. - 12-26-25. False count or return by election official as misdemeanor--Defacement...
Section 12-26-27 - Bribery of election official as misdemeanor. - 12-26-27. Bribery of election official as misdemeanor. A person who...
Section 12-26-28 - Offenses relating to election on submitted question. - 12-26-28. Offenses relating to election on submitted question. Every act...
Section 12-26-29 - Prevention of unlawful election not prohibited. - 12-26-29. Prevention of unlawful election not prohibited. Nothing in this...
Section 12-26-30 - Irregularities in proceedings not a defense. - 12-26-30. Irregularities in proceedings not a defense. Irregularities or defects...
Section 12-26-31 - Offender as witness against another--Compelling testimony--Immunity from prosecution. - 12-26-31. Offender as witness against another--Compelling testimony--Immunity from prosecution. A...
Chapter 27 - Campaign Finance Requirements
Section 12-27-1 - Definitions. - 12-27-1. Definitions. Terms used in this chapter mean: (1)"Ballot question,"...
Section 12-27-2 - Political committee chair and treasurer required--Violation as misdemeanor. - 12-27-2. Political committee chair and treasurer required--Violation as misdemeanor. A...
Section 12-27-3 - Statements of organization to be filed for political action committee, candidate campaign committee, and ballot question committee--Violation as misdemeanor. - 12-27-3. Statements of organization to be filed for political action...
Section 12-27-6 - Contents of statement of organization. - 12-27-6. Contents of statement of organization. The statement of organization...
Section 12-27-7 - Limits on contributions to statewide candidate or candidate's campaign committee--Violation as misdemeanor. - 12-27-7. Limits on contributions to statewide candidate or candidate's campaign...
Section 12-27-8 - Limits on contributions to legislative or county candidate or candidate's campaign committee--Violation as misdemeanor. - 12-27-8. Limits on contributions to legislative or county candidate or...
Section 12-27-9 - Limits on contributions to political action committee--Violation as misdemeanor. - 12-27-9. Limits on contributions to political action committee--Violation as misdemeanor...
Section 12-27-10 - Limits on contributions to political party--Violation as misdemeanor. - 12-27-10. Limits on contributions to political party--Violation as misdemeanor ....
Section 12-27-10.4 - Affiliated entities sharing single contribution limit. - 12-27-10.4. Affiliated entities sharing single contribution limit. All political action...
Section 12-27-11 - Required information about contributors--Contributions from unknown source to be donated to charitable entity--Violation as misdemeanor. - 12-27-11. Required information about contributors--Contributions from unknown source to be...
Section 12-27-12 - Disguised contributions prohibited--Misdemeanor. - 12-27-12. Disguised contributions prohibited--Misdemeanor. No person or entity may make...
Section 12-27-13 - Property purchased with contributions to be property of political committee. - 12-27-13. Property purchased with contributions to be property of political...
Section 12-27-14 - Report of property sale by political committee--Violation as misdemeanor. - 12-27-14. Report of property sale by political committee--Violation as misdemeanor....
Section 12-27-15 - Political communications to contain certain language--Exceptions--Violation as misdemeanor. - 12-27-15. Political communications to contain certain language--Exceptions--Violation as misdemeanor. Any...
Section 12-27-16 - Statements and disclaimers regarding independent communication expenditures--No control by candidate or political committee--Violation as misdemeanor. - 12-27-16. Statements and disclaimers regarding independent communication expenditures--No control by...
Section 12-27-16.1 - Statements and disclaimers regarding independent communication expenditures--Control by candidate or political committee--Violation as misdemeanor. - 12-27-16.1. Statements and disclaimers regarding independent communication expenditures--Control by candidate...
Section 12-27-18 - Independent communication expenditures--Violation as misdemeanor. - 12-27-18. Independent communication expenditures--Violation as misdemeanor. An entity may make...
Section 12-27-18.1 - Acceptance of contributions by ballot question committee. - 12-27-18.1. Acceptance of contributions by ballot question committee. A ballot...
Section 12-27-18.2 - Contributions to ballot question committee from nonresidents and certain entities prohibited--Civil penalty. - 12-27-18.2. Contributions to ballot question committee from nonresidents and certain...
Section 12-27-19 - Statements required for entity to make contribution to ballot question committee--Disclosure of information by committee--Violation as misdemeanor. - 12-27-19. Statements required for entity to make contribution to ballot...
Section 12-27-20 - Expenditure of public funds to influence election outcome prohibited. - 12-27-20. Expenditure of public funds to influence election outcome prohibited....
Section 12-27-21 - Contributions from public entities--Prohibition--Violation as misdemeanor. - 12-27-21. Contributions from public entities--Prohibition--Violation as misdemeanor. No candidate or...
Section 12-27-21.1 - Time for submission of statements--Violation as misdemeanor. - 12-27-21.1. Time for submission of statements--Violation as misdemeanor. Each statement...
Section 12-27-22 - Persons and entities required to submit campaign finance disclosure statements--Violation as misdemeanor. - 12-27-22. Persons and entities required to submit campaign finance disclosure...
Section 12-27-22.1 - Circumstances under which campaign finance disclosure report not required. - 12-27-22.1. Circumstances under which campaign finance disclosure report not required....
Section 12-27-22.2 - Reports only include contributions and expenditures related to this state. - 12-27-22.2. Reports only include contributions and expenditures related to this...
Section 12-27-24 - Contents of campaign finance disclosure report. - 12-27-24. Contents of campaign finance disclosure report. A campaign finance...
Section 12-27-25 - Termination report. - 12-27-25. Termination report. The last campaign finance report filed shall...
Section 12-27-26 - Requirements for dissolution of political committee. - 12-27-26. Requirements for dissolution of political committee. A political committee...
Section 12-27-27 - Conditions requiring filing of amended statement or report--Time for filing--Violation as misdemeanor--Civil penalty. - 12-27-27. Conditions requiring filing of amended statement or report--Time for...
Section 12-27-28 - Conditions requiring filing of supplemental report--Time for filing--Violation as misdemeanor. - 12-27-28. Conditions requiring filing of supplemental report--Time for filing--Violation as...
Section 12-27-29 - Records required to be kept by treasurer of political committee--Violation as misdemeanor. - 12-27-29. Records required to be kept by treasurer of political...
Section 12-27-29.1 - Civil penalty for failure to timely file statement, amendment, or correction. - 12-27-29.1. Civil penalty for failure to timely file statement, amendment,...
Section 12-27-29.2 - Order assessing penalty--Contents--Appeal--Termination of committee. - 12-27-29.2. Order assessing penalty--Contents--Appeal--Termination of committee. Any civil penalty imposed...
Section 12-27-29.3 - Prohibition of certification as candidate for failure to pay penalties or file required documents. - 12-27-29.3. Prohibition of certification as candidate for failure to pay...
Section 12-27-29.4 - Repeated failure to perform duty--Additional penalty--Referral for prosecution. - 12-27-29.4. Repeated failure to perform duty--Additional penalty--Referral for prosecution. In...
Section 12-27-29.5 - Candidate jointly and severally responsible with treasurer for penalty--Decertification. - 12-27-29.5. Candidate jointly and severally responsible with treasurer for penalty--Decertification....
Section 12-27-30 - Civil penalty for failure to timely file statement, amendment, or correction with county, township, municipality, school district, or special purpose district. - 12-27-30. Civil penalty for failure to timely file statement, amendment,...
Section 12-27-31 - Forms to be adopted by secretary of state--Oath or affirmation. - 12-27-31. Forms to be adopted by secretary of state--Oath or...
Section 12-27-32 - Preservation and destruction of statements in public records. - 12-27-32. Preservation and destruction of statements in public records. The...
Section 12-27-33 - Sale and certain uses of information in statements or reports prohibited--Misdemeanor. - 12-27-33. Sale and certain uses of information in statements or...
Section 12-27-34 - Intentionally false or misleading statements prohibited--Felony. - 12-27-34. Intentionally false or misleading statements prohibited--Felony. Any person who...
Section 12-27-35 - Investigation and prosecution of violations by attorney general--Civil actions. - 12-27-35. Investigation and prosecution of violations by attorney general--Civil actions....
Section 12-27-36 - Access to records by attorney general--Violation as misdemeanor. - 12-27-36. Access to records by attorney general--Violation as misdemeanor. The...
Section 12-27-37 - Confidentiality of records. - 12-27-37. Confidentiality of records. The attorney general shall keep each...
Section 12-27-38 - Candidate may not be certified or to forfeit office for felony violation. - 12-27-38. Candidate may not be certified or to forfeit office...
Section 12-27-39 - Application of campaign finance requirements. - 12-27-39. Application of campaign finance requirements. The provisions of this...
Section 12-27-40 - Investigation and prosecution of violations by state's attorney--Civil actions. - 12-27-40. Investigation and prosecution of violations by state's attorney--Civil actions....
Section 12-27-41 - Filing by electronic transmission. - 12-27-41. Filing by electronic transmission. Any statement required to be...
Section 12-27-42 - Place of filing. - 12-27-42. Place of filing. Any statement, form, or filing required...
Section 12-27-43 - Action for civil penalty for certain violations. - 12-27-43. Action for civil penalty for certain violations. The attorney...
Section 12-27-45 - Additional standards adopted by political subdivision. - 12-27-45. Additional standards adopted by political subdivision. Nothing is this...
Section 12-27-47 - Affidavit alleging violation of campaign finance requirements--Contested case--Referral for investigation. - 12-27-47. Affidavit alleging violation of campaign finance requirements--Contested case--Referral for...
Section 12-27-47.1 - Report of certain campaign finance violations to secretary of state--Investigation--Civil penalty. - 12-27-47.1. Report of certain campaign finance violations to secretary of...
Section 12-27-48 - False allegation of misconduct as misdemeanor. - 12-27-48. False allegation of misconduct as misdemeanor. Any person who...
Section 12-27-49 - Effect of secretary of state's filing or refusing to file document. - 12-27-49. Effect of secretary of state's filing or refusing to...
Section 12-27-50 - Limitation on uses for contributions received by candidate campaign committee. - 12-27-50. Limitation on uses for contributions received by candidate campaign...
Section 12-27-51 - Period to cure campaign finance violation. - 12-27-51. Period to cure campaign finance violation. Prior to bringing...