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Section 12-26-1 - Elections to which chapter applies. - 12-26-1. Elections to which chapter applies. The word "election" as...
Section 12-26-3 - False representation to procure registration or acceptance of vote as misdemeanor--Failure to deny false statement as misrepresentation. - 12-26-3. False representation to procure registration or acceptance of vote...
Section 12-26-4 - Voting or offer to vote by unqualified person as misdemeanor. - 12-26-4. Voting or offer to vote by unqualified person as...
Section 12-26-7 - Impersonation of registered voter as felony. - 12-26-7. Impersonation of registered voter as felony. A person who...
Section 12-26-8 - Voting more than once at any election as felony. - 12-26-8. Voting more than once at any election as felony....
Section 12-26-9 - Good faith defense to prosecution for illegal voting. - 12-26-9. Good faith defense to prosecution for illegal voting. Upon...
Section 12-26-10 - Threats or intimidation to prevent public assembly of electors as misdemeanor--Hindering attendance at meeting. - 12-26-10. Threats or intimidation to prevent public assembly of electors...
Section 12-26-11 - Disturbance of public meeting of voters as misdemeanor. - 12-26-11. Disturbance of public meeting of voters as misdemeanor. A...
Section 12-26-12 - Persecution, threats, or intimidation to influence vote as misdemeanor--Obstruction of voter on way to polls. - 12-26-12. Persecution, threats, or intimidation to influence vote as misdemeanor--Obstruction...
Section 12-26-13 - Unlawful influence of employees' political activities or voting as misdemeanor--Forfeiture of corporate charter. - 12-26-13. Unlawful influence of employees' political activities or voting as...
Section 12-26-14 - Use of public relief, loans, or grants to influence political activity or vote as misdemeanor. - 12-26-14. Use of public relief, loans, or grants to influence...
Section 12-26-15 - Bribery of voter as misdemeanor--Acts constituting bribery. - 12-26-15. Bribery of voter as misdemeanor--Acts constituting bribery. It is...
Section 12-26-16 - Acceptance of bribe by voter as misdemeanor--Acts constituting acceptance of bribe. - 12-26-16. Acceptance of bribe by voter as misdemeanor--Acts constituting acceptance...
Section 12-26-17 - Bribery or acceptance of bribe as infamous crime--Forfeiture of office. - 12-26-17. Bribery or acceptance of bribe as infamous crime--Forfeiture of...
Section 12-26-19 - Betting with intent to procure challenge as misdemeanor. - 12-26-19. Betting with intent to procure challenge as misdemeanor. Any...
Section 12-26-21 - Disobedience of precinct superintendent or precinct deputy as misdemeanor. - 12-26-21. Disobedience of precinct superintendent or precinct deputy as misdemeanor....
Section 12-26-22 - Disturbance of election proceedings as misdemeanor. - 12-26-22. Disturbance of election proceedings as misdemeanor. No person may...
Section 12-26-23 - Tampering with ballots, ballot box, or poll list as felony. - 12-26-23. Tampering with ballots, ballot box, or poll list as...
Section 12-26-23.1 - Tampering with automatic ballot counting devices, direct recording electronic voting machines, and electronic ballot marking systems as felony. - 12-26-23.1. Tampering with automatic ballot counting devices, direct recording electronic...
Section 12-26-24 - Exclusion by precinct superintendent or precinct deputy of lawful vote as misdemeanor. - 12-26-24. Exclusion by precinct superintendent or precinct deputy of lawful...
Section 12-26-25 - False count or return by election official as misdemeanor--Defacement or concealment of statement or certificate. - 12-26-25. False count or return by election official as misdemeanor--Defacement...
Section 12-26-27 - Bribery of election official as misdemeanor. - 12-26-27. Bribery of election official as misdemeanor. A person who...
Section 12-26-28 - Offenses relating to election on submitted question. - 12-26-28. Offenses relating to election on submitted question. Every act...
Section 12-26-29 - Prevention of unlawful election not prohibited. - 12-26-29. Prevention of unlawful election not prohibited. Nothing in this...
Section 12-26-30 - Irregularities in proceedings not a defense. - 12-26-30. Irregularities in proceedings not a defense. Irregularities or defects...
Section 12-26-31 - Offender as witness against another--Compelling testimony--Immunity from prosecution. - 12-26-31. Offender as witness against another--Compelling testimony--Immunity from prosecution. A...