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Section 43-33-10. Declaration of policy. - It is the policy of this State to encourage and...
Section 43-33-20. Right of use of public facilities and accommodations of blind, other special need persons, and guide dog trainers. - (a) The blind, the visually handicapped, and the otherwise physically...
Section 43-33-25. Use of motorized chairs or carts by handicapped on beaches. - For reasons set forth in Section 43-33-20, persons who are...
Section 43-33-30. Duty of driver approaching blind pedestrian; failure of blind pedestrian to carry white cane or use guide dog. - The driver of a vehicle approaching a totally or partially...
Section 43-33-40. Unlawful interference with rights of blind or other physically disabled person. - (A) It is unlawful for a person or his agent...
Section 43-33-50. White Cane Safety Day. - Each year, the Governor shall take suitable public notice of...
Section 43-33-60. Policy regarding employment of blind and other physically disabled persons. - It is the policy of this State that the blind,...
Section 43-33-70. Right of blind and other physically disabled persons to equal access to housing accommodations. - (a) Blind persons, visually handicapped persons, and other physically disabled...
Section 43-33-210. Definitions. - For the purposes of this article: "Handicapped" shall mean any...
Section 43-33-220. Nondiscrimination in psychometric testing by State agencies; technical assistance to agencies; special assistance or procedures for handicapped persons. - The provisions of this article shall apply to any State...
Section 43-33-230. Complaints. - Any applicant for employment or promotion may personally, or by...
Section 43-33-310. Legislative findings. - The General Assembly finds that by executive order in 1977...
Section 43-33-320. Repealed. - HISTORY: Former Section, titled Transfer of functions from Advocacy for...
Section 43-33-330. Appointment of board. - Protection and Advocacy for People with Disabilities, Inc. is governed...
Section 43-33-340. Definitions. - As used in this article, unless the context requires otherwise:...
Section 43-33-350. Powers and duties of System. - The system has the following powers and duties: (1) It...
Section 43-33-360. Interview of complainant. - Upon the receipt of a complaint, the System may interview...
Section 43-33-370. Authority of system upon receipt of written request to investigate complaint. - Upon (A) the receipt of a written request to investigate...
Section 43-33-380. Information not to be disclosed unless authorized in writing. - The system shall not disclose the name or identity of...
Section 43-33-390. Immunity from civil and criminal liability for persons providing information in good faith. - Any person providing information to the System or who participates...
Section 43-33-400. Cooperation with departments, officers, agencies, and institutions; requests for system to provide protection and advocacy services; inspection and copying of records. - All departments, officers, agencies and institutions of the State shall...
Section 43-33-510. Short title. - This article may be cited as the South Carolina Bill...
Section 43-33-520. Guaranteed opportunities. - The opportunity to obtain housing, full and equal use of...
Section 43-33-530. Discrimination prohibited without reasonable justification. - No person may discriminate against a handicapped person with respect...
Section 43-33-540. Injunctive relief or civil damages for persons discriminated against. - A handicapped person aggrieved by the discrimination prohibited by this...
Section 43-33-560. Handicap, handicapped, and mental impairment defined. - Notwithstanding Section 2-7-35, "handicap" and "handicapped" as used in this...
Section 43-33-570. Reasonable justification defined. - For purposes of this article, "reasonable justification" in the context...