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Section 43-31-10. Short title. - This chapter shall be cited as "The Vocational Rehabilitation Act...
Section 43-31-20. Declaration of policy. - It is hereby declared to be the policy of this...
Section 43-31-30. Definitions. - For the purposes of this chapter: (1) The term "Agency"...
Section 43-31-40. State Agency of Vocational Rehabilitation; appointment and terms of members. - The Governor shall appoint a State Agency of Vocational Rehabilitation...
Section 43-31-50. Chairman of Agency; meetings; compensation of members. - The agency shall elect a chairman and shall meet quarterly...
Section 43-31-60. Duties and powers of Agency generally. - The agency shall provide the vocational rehabilitation services authorized by...
Section 43-31-70. Appointment and qualifications of Commissioner of Vocational Rehabilitation. - The agency shall appoint a Commissioner of Vocational Rehabilitation, in...
Section 43-31-80. Duties and powers of commissioner generally. - In carrying out his duties under this chapter, the commissioner:...
Section 43-31-90. Administration of chapter. - This chapter shall be administered under the general supervision and...
Section 43-31-100. Persons eligible for services; plan effective throughout State. - Pursuant to the policy declared in Section 43-31-20, the vocational...
Section 43-31-110. Services shall be available to disabled civil employees of United States. - Rehabilitation services provided under the State plan shall be available...
Section 43-31-120. Vocational rehabilitation fund. - There is created a special fund, to be known as...
Section 43-31-130. Acceptance and use of gifts, Federal grants and other funds. - (1) The commissioner may, with the approval of the agency,...
Section 43-31-140. Appropriations. - The General Assembly shall appropriate for vocational rehabilitation such sums...
Section 43-31-145. Consideration to be given similar benefits available to handicapped in meeting cost of rehabilitation; insurance carriers not to deny benefits. - As required by the Federal Vocational Rehabilitation Acts, and any...
Section 43-31-150. Unlawful disclosure or use of information; records and communications are confidential and privileged. - It shall be unlawful, except for purposes directly connected with...
Section 43-31-160. Department of Vocational Rehabilitation to provide services to certain inmates. - In addition to the duties of the Department of Vocational...
Section 43-31-170. Training and experience requirements for counselors. - A counselor for the state agency of Vocational Rehabilitation shall...