South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 33 - Rights Of Physically Disabled Persons
Section 43-33-390. Immunity from civil and criminal liability for persons providing information in good faith.

Any person providing information to the System or who participates in judicial proceedings resulting therefrom, acting in good faith, shall be immune from civil and criminal liability which might otherwise result by reason of such actions. In all such civil or criminal proceedings good faith shall be rebuttably presumed.
HISTORY: 1979 Act No. 48 Section 9; 1980 Act No. 465.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 43 - Social Services

Chapter 33 - Rights Of Physically Disabled Persons

Section 43-33-10. Declaration of policy.

Section 43-33-20. Right of use of public facilities and accommodations of blind, other special need persons, and guide dog trainers.

Section 43-33-25. Use of motorized chairs or carts by handicapped on beaches.

Section 43-33-30. Duty of driver approaching blind pedestrian; failure of blind pedestrian to carry white cane or use guide dog.

Section 43-33-40. Unlawful interference with rights of blind or other physically disabled person.

Section 43-33-50. White Cane Safety Day.

Section 43-33-60. Policy regarding employment of blind and other physically disabled persons.

Section 43-33-70. Right of blind and other physically disabled persons to equal access to housing accommodations.

Section 43-33-210. Definitions.

Section 43-33-220. Nondiscrimination in psychometric testing by State agencies; technical assistance to agencies; special assistance or procedures for handicapped persons.

Section 43-33-230. Complaints.

Section 43-33-310. Legislative findings.

Section 43-33-320. Repealed.

Section 43-33-330. Appointment of board.

Section 43-33-340. Definitions.

Section 43-33-350. Powers and duties of System.

Section 43-33-360. Interview of complainant.

Section 43-33-370. Authority of system upon receipt of written request to investigate complaint.

Section 43-33-380. Information not to be disclosed unless authorized in writing.

Section 43-33-390. Immunity from civil and criminal liability for persons providing information in good faith.

Section 43-33-400. Cooperation with departments, officers, agencies, and institutions; requests for system to provide protection and advocacy services; inspection and copying of records.

Section 43-33-510. Short title.

Section 43-33-520. Guaranteed opportunities.

Section 43-33-530. Discrimination prohibited without reasonable justification.

Section 43-33-540. Injunctive relief or civil damages for persons discriminated against.

Section 43-33-560. Handicap, handicapped, and mental impairment defined.

Section 43-33-570. Reasonable justification defined.